Ringo isn't nearly as popular as she used to be

>Ringo is so overwhelmingly popular that she could be considered the Queen of Sup Forums
>Ringo is so rarely discussed that I sometimes wonder if she was just a figment of my imagination

wtf happened

Let's all discuss our love for Ringo!

It's almost like anime loses its popularity when it's not airing.

Penguindrum is old and busted, it happens with most series.

>queen of Sup Forums

Not even while it aired faggot.

>implying 2011 was a long time ago

>Ringo is so overwhelmingly popular that she could be considered the Queen of Sup Forums

I was there. That was never the case.

>Queen of Sup Forums in 2011

Who are Mami and Kurisu? While this is also a Penguindrum thread can someone remind me what Sanetoshi's motives were?

Ringo-chan is still best girl after all these years

Mami was more or less forgotten by the time Penguindrum started in the summer. Kurisu was indeed her peer and rival, though.

7 years is more than enough time for the spastics on this board to move on to the next girl.

What are you doing on the internet Grampa? You should be in the nursery home right now.

2011 was such a weird year

It was a good year.

>tfw we never saw shouma fuck a burning ringo

Steins; Gate and Madoka airing at the same time was a wild time on Sup Forums. I didn't watch Penguindrum when it was airing since I waited for BDs but I remember being really pissed the earthquake and tsunami delayed the last episode of Madoka.

The speculah was off the charts for this series, but it turned out still 2deep4us in the end apparently

In your personal life or for anime?
It was a weird, landmark year for me.

Sanetoshi is a play on Aum Shinrikyo, the cult responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attacks, which drew its base of support from young people alienated by Japan’s secular/industrialized modern culture, people who felt cut off from the ties as a family and community that formed the basis of Japanese life even moreso than they did in the west until after the war. Sanetoshi specifically believes that interpersonal communication and bonding is essentially impossible and only leads to more suffering for the individual, so the only solution is to kill people to release them from the misery of modern life.

penguindrum was always shit

Penguindrum is the only anime I have ever given a 1 rating of.

No it wasn’t. Someone show him the chart, the chart I say!

It was extremely eventful in the real world, but in regards to anime, I'd call it the first "current era" year because the shows from it and from 2012 kickstarted a lot of modern trends.

>look ma I'm pretending to be an oldbie on Sup Forums again


I wish.

Ever consider that maybe you just have shit taste?

You can't tell me the chart wasn't still confusing as fuck

Very interesting, please elaborate user-kun. Far as artwork goes, I've noticed that even 2010 has a much older feeling to it than 2011 does, having a strong mid-2000s feeling to it that I don't recall 2011 having.

Is 2011 considered old?

The chart made at least 90% sense.

In brief:
S;G popularized technothrillers with sprinkles of internet culture
Madoka dramas with fully-female casts widespread
Fate and its clones became big in normie circles following Fate/Zero
SAO isekai

None of these were invented those two years, but after that, they became a trend

You could also say 2011 was another surge in popularity for anime and manga in the west mirroring the early 00s. It definitely started to became a more acceptable interest or hobby around that time in the public eye in some circles.

2011 isn't old and he's right, Ringo wasn't that popular back then, or at all.


Steins Gate 0 anime is going to be Blah

2011 is middle-aged in Sup Forums terms. It's almost as close to 2003 as it to 2018. 2011fags have seen several generations of posters come and go.

This one?
I should rewatch this series

Why were all of Momoka's friends in love with her?
Is that realistic? Is she really the kind of person who would attract people easily?



Saw this anime a few months ago.
I nearly cried boys.

Shit anime

I don't think the chart is right

the penguindrum isnt mechanistic. it represents karma. particularly the karma of unnatural families such as the cults bringing poison into the lives of everything they touch

it is also inherited sin

the aum shinrikyo people sought relief in a fake family and it drove them to kill others, FUCKING LIKE kanba

has no relation to division

I still cry

you cry more the more you understand it

fuck you ikuhara

Any news of the upcoming Ikuhara/MAPPA anime? Will it be out in 2019?

>trusting Ikuhara after YKA

YKA was enjoyable enough, though not as much of a wild ride as MPD.

everyone fucks up sometimes

it might be related to creative control. kind of like george lucas going full retard if he doesnthave an editor


>vintage memes

Must have been some special pheromones or something.

>Deep and soulful
>Serene in her day-to-day life, but powerful, passionate, and intense when things get serious
>Forms deep bonds with everyone, understands them in a way that nobody else ever will

You would have fallen in love too if you two knew her.

I think the apple in that sequence symbolizes love. Kanba got the apple and he shared it with Shoma so both could live. This symbolizes how Kanba took the rains of the family when their parents disappeared. Kanba came up with the idea of painting the house to cheer Himari up and was always looking out for them. That was love, the apple, the penguindrum, which Kanba shared with his "fake" family. At this end, Shoma gives it back, and Kanba uses it to save Himari.

Shit voice. I love Aoi but she was trying too hard.

>this thread
>no Masako
Gosh, I must crush it soon.

OP here.
I had completely forgotten about Masako these past seven years until you mentioned her just now. I'm not sure she crossed my mind a single time. Gomen ne, user-kun.

You forgot because she was the worst girl.


the penguindrum is unselfish love

kanba loved shouma unselfishly as a kid, and shouma loved himari unselfishly, but it became poisoned because himari could not tell shouma she loved him romantically, and neither could kanba

kanba, making all of the sacrifices, came to resent shouma. himari, afraid to give to another, came to lead kanba along such that he coudn't abandon either of them, hoping to still snag shouma in the end

himari didn't die because of the love being diluted. the sin is binding people to unnatural obligations by manipulating their human need for love (like the cult) and driving them to kill others

their unnatural family, created out of desperation, turned to poison. hence the karma

That was a time when people still hadn't gotten tired of Aoi's over the top voice.

if you didn't catch the point, shouma nearly died because his parents gave their love to kanba

himari nearly died because she created more cultists (kanba)

notice at that point that shouma isn't dying anymore?

So basically, their family was ruined because Himari is a deceitful, heartbreaking piece of shit?

Because she's a woman, yes.

Don't listen to that dude, he's the same person who ruins Utena thread and thinks Ikuhara hates women.

no. I think ikuhara is making social commentary that the structure of society poisons even people that have good intentions

he is arguing for traditional nuclear families

kanba gave everything he had. himari loved shouma though. you can't reconcile that. its impossible. love does NOT save the day in that case

if kanba and shouma had different parents himari could choose and NEITHER her nor shouma end up dead

it is critical of ad-hoc families replacing parents and preying upon the love of lonely people to l ends

you should compare the terrorists in penguindrum to social justice idiots and lefitst japanese protestors

in the end the ONLY strength anyone has is the person they love because no one can possibly help them more than they can. so you need to do it correctly. no one from the outside is going to do it, they'll "use you up" like himari says

penguindrum is by far ikuhara's best. he is critical of the leftism that drove his early adulthood, never calling them EVIL like they are prone to call others. it is also the most empoering


>he is arguing for traditional nuclear families
>Traditional nuclear families

Literally the only exception.

Utena is still popular. Penguidrum was never that popular, sold poorly in Japan and was quickly forgotten. Same with his other recent work.

I think YKA had a far better setup than MPD, it's just that it needed way more episodes.

>tfw you still haven't found your Ringo

I love her but she never was queen of Sup Forums
The real question is, why hasn’t Koizumi been in anything since Penguindrum? His work as Sanetoshi was godly.

Apples and Red Scorpion story were reference to this. That was about selflessness and true sacrifices.

How were they talking about Ringo when there was Tokikago?

Sure, but these references have its own symbolism in the show. They don't necessarily mean the same thing as in that book.

Mawaru Penguin drum was pretentious garbage and it's better forgotten forever

ummm no, sweetie.


wtf I unironically love Ikuhara now!?

>Your father abuses you to the point of being functionally insane
>You fall in love with Momoka, but she only sees you as a friend

Being Tokikago is suffering.

At least I still have that Shindol doujin

This 1000x. It's like Ikuhara couldn't decide whether he wanted to make drama or comedy, all those sudden out-of-place shifts in mood made an already mediocre in every other aspect show unwatchable.

Ringo was a girl all along?

The thing is that it really does mean love without selflessness (thus sacrifice). The show dumps exposition on it through the reincarnated Shouma and Kanba at the end (and at the beginning).

>Ikuhara couldn't decide whether he wanted to make drama or comedy
In his work, both are always interlinked in a completely deliberate way.

>In his work, both are always interlinked in a completely deliberate way
I have never seen or heard a more blatant lie in my life.

I think he simply needs 39 episodes and a movie to fully shine.

>It's like Ikuhara couldn't decide whether he wanted to make drama or comedy
That's every Ikuhara show ever.
I bet you're one of those tasteless faggot who doesn't like the Nanami episodes in Utena.

Or maybe just stop being as hack

What is the general structure of Utena, both in the episodes and in the show itself?
What is the shift from comedy to outright tragedy in MPD?
What is Yuri Kuma Arashi's usage of repeated catchphrases?

You may not like it, but it is absolutely deliberate.

>The thing is that it really does mean love without selflessness
That's not what I mean. The reference is just a reference. Selflessness or sacrifices are secondary themes. The core theme is that you can dispel bad karma by sharing love. Yuri literally spells it out at the end. And in the context of the show apples symbolize love, plain and simple.

>it's meant to be shit

penguindrum is easily one of the most pretentious anime ever created

this doesn't mean you can't like it though

Just because you think the purposes of a work have to be unidirectional to their means doesn't mean everyone else is retarded, user.

But the concept of sacrifice and selflessness is completely inseparable from the concept of love in Ikuhara. This correlation is put out in a concise manner whenever families were shown: Ringo's family only wanted her as a replacemente and not as her own being, the silver haired dude was only wanted to fill the search of talent of her mother, and Marie Antoinette actress was only wanted to fill the father's perfect model. These are clarified to be forms of love, but forms that will end up damaging the loved one. That's why selflessness is important, that's why Shouma and Kanba end up dying so that Himari could live happily, or the reason the silver haired and Marie Antoinette couple end up being together, since they have nothing left to expect.

YKA is social commentary framed as a fairy tale. To that end Ikuhara completely succeeded. I don't see why you wouldn't trust him with a new show

>Just because you don't like to eat shit doesn't mean everyone else don't too, user
Thanks for pointing it out, but it's pretty obvious.

>the traditionalist reader of Ikuhara that spaces everything has come back

Missed you senpai as always good premises opposite and deranged conclusions due to leaving out important parts of the text

Because the plot and characters are shit in that.

LN adaptations started to explode in popularity around that time as well. Oreimo finished airing right at the end of 2010.

>oreimo anime is almost 10 years old

what the actual fuck

That's, like, Ikuhara's every single work.

Not really, Utena has fantastic characters and so does Sailor Moon.

The opposite is true most of the time.

pretentious is easily one of the most pretentious words ever created

this doesn't mean you can't use it though
Just means youre a posturing philistine

It was also arguably the turning point in the LN boom that lead to the current saturation of promotion-focused LN adaptations.
One of the trends I've noticed over the past 8 or so years is that it's become more and more uncommon for action series to not be LN adaptations. Since, I guess, most of the popular LN series being adapted are action-oriented (eg. battle harems, isekai) it monopolizes that genre, and relatively speaking we've been seeing more originals and adaptations of other works (manga) that come from SoL works, dramas, etc. Because unless you're Fate or some big aniplex project there's just no point trying to hedge your way past the dozen samey LN adaptations each season.