I'm about 35 minutes into this and I don't get it. Why just diary entries. Why don't they try calling each other?
Your name
Keep watching.
Hm I thought I saved a picture of the poster not the logo.
Will do.
Well now I am just plain confused. I guess that's the point though
Remember that a good portion of the movie depends on the fuzziness and dream-like quality of everything happening. Some things won't make perfect sense, characters won't remember everything you think they should. There's a reason they continuously refer to dreams.
I just got to the part where he says they never switched again so I am very invested in seeing how they squeeze another hour out of this.
Nigga, that was all just the buildup. You haven't even hit the actual conflict yet.
Because it would completely destroy the film's logic. Also looking at calendars or the news, or anything in particular.
The writing is very convenient, so don't think about it too much.
Because Makoto Shinkai is an idiot.
Ok that was a good twist. Not sure how they are gonna fill out the rest of the runtime though.
Yeah, they could have called each other. I can excuse not knowing the year since I barely pay attention to the year and it's easy to miss if you are not paying attention.
>pausing in the middle of the movie just so you can ask Sup Forums something about the movie
Why? Do you have a short attention span or something? Watch the whole damn movie and then ask.
FYI I haven't seen it yet.
keep watching for the best 7/10 experience you'll ever have
Aside from you being a retard for asking stuff before watching the whole thing, they do say in the novel that they tried to call each other a couple times at the start, but stopped when they found out the calls could never get through. They only show it once in the movie when it's about to actually become relevant.
Yes, the first thing normal people would do after realizing what's going on would be to try calling each other and discussing it. That doesn't happen because then you can't have the contrived plot twist that hits plebs right in them feelz.
>hits plebs right in them feelz
>Implying it didn't hit you in the feels
Well I was laughing at how contrived everything was for half of the movie but since those aren't he emotions the movie wanted me to have I don't consider being hit in dem feelz.
They can't do it. They also aren't allowed to check the calendar.
That was a solid film. It's a shame I didn't watch it until I was going to a convention with an exhibit on it.
Speaking of which I better get to bed If I want to be alert enough to drive to said convention tomorrow
I remember going into this thinking it would be like the pasta.
That's honestly a pretty good description of the film.
Careful. You might crash somebodies iPhone.
Are you retarded or something
>I'm about 35 minutes into this and I don't get it.
fuck off and finish it then? You yanks are fucking idiots.
>I'm about 35 minutes into this and I don't get it.
It was 5:49 AM in America when OP posted.
>Americans all sleep at the same time
Yes, most of us do.