Describe the plot of kyoukai senjou no horizon

Describe the plot of kyoukai senjou no horizon


Is it bad that I watched 2 seasons of this, and still have no idea what was going on?

They were having a revolution or something.

Man conquers world for waifu (and stop the end of the world I guess)

Absolutely same. I kept falling asleep during episodes, though. The only thing I remember is being annoyed they had Grace O'Malley with the Brits.


That's the backstory, OP.

THIS is the plot. Expansive, and deep enough to get lost in.

But she also has great backstory!

I want that ass on my face. Post a gif or webm, I know it exists.

It seems a nice show with a lot of quality waifus


Why did Japan go through that entire giant glowing pimple era again?

GOAT soundtrack

Lot of girls to make doujins of.
I'm sure this was the intention anyways.

there's some kyoukais and they senjou on the horizon

Artificially recreating history to recreate the steps necessary for them to return home, or something like that.

Something something futurepast something just believe

Sex jokes and prostrations


It was about hot girls in skin tight bodysuits.

>Oh no. I dropped my quarter. Let me drop another quarter to figure out where it went.

That's the plot.
Prove me wrong.

In a world of warring theocratic states, trying to save the world by recreating events of the past, flying city-ship Musashi has to rely on the powers of it's students granted by divine contracts. Of which the one with the most power is an exhibitionist pervert, trying to collect all parts of doomsday weapon to bring back the persona of his childhood friend.

That's why they're recreating history, which is the background for the series.

The plot is about stopping the impending apocalypse.

I understood most of it when i was told that early episodes of 1st season happens at same time. I didn't get it by myself and it really didn't make any sense to me before.

This is a Japanese "light" novel.