2011 is better than 1999

>2011 is better than 1999

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I like 99, but shut up already.

I'm still on episode 85

One dubbed episode per week



>Kurapika goes through human instrumentality to get his chains
How to break suspension of disbelief

Why did the ruin such perfect eyes?


The nen glow was one of the best artistic merits 99 had. I loved it.

>Last 99 pic
Nice doll

I really like the left side here but I just enjoyed the newer version more

1999 definitely had its moments but its way to inconsistent. Awful sound design too apart from the nen.

He's detached of feeling, that's the point.

except that not consistent with the first 99 pic and gon's character during that arc.

>stealing from berserk and eva makes it better

Jesus. I don't know how you can endure waiting after the cliffhangers.

2011 was better in this fight.

99 was better directed. That is all.

Anyone can c h e r r y p i c k .

99 was definitely a better anime, but 11 is alright.

this is the same scene you tard

99 literally improves over the flawed OH FLAWED manga

am with you toonami bro

So? That just means that a single scene looks better in 99 than in 11. Which doesn't say anything about the overall quality of both series. It's retarded to use these collages as if they're proof of something.

The best things on 99 steamroll the best things on 2011 and the worst things on 99 are never as bad as the worst things on 2011

>a single scene

>literal sharingan

This fucking millennial defending the 2011 moeshit HxH. Even Pakunoda's death was better on the 99 version.

>defending the 2011 moeshit HxH
You mean the HxH that far far more closely resembles the manga? If 2011 is "moeshit", then so is Togashi's art.

HxH is flawless

90s always wins.

Honestly, I way prefer the art design of 2011. Plus it has the Chimera Ant arc which is my favorite arc by quite a bit, and the show was my introduction to HxH. Yeah I'm biased, but hey I find 2011 to be the superior show.


Still love the ops for 99 tho.

Where the fuck do you pests come from?

2011's better here pal

Don't forget 1999's Greed Island fucking sucked, while 2011's was a lotta fun:



Bisky's 2011 Design>>>Bisky's OVA Design

>CA Arc is the greatest arc in this whole series

>One of these anime has it & is very well done, the other doesn't & has a shitty version of GI

There's only one choice here lads


thats just objectively wrong


A huh...

Same. Although I'm tempted to skip ahead but I'm trying to keep occupied with other shows.

Now do this for Gon talking with Pitou

Now you are making the manga look like shit too compared to 99 (and it does)

Not when Gon looks like a gay q-tip, among other things.

>That avoidance of show Kura's chest
A reminder he was a girl in 1999

Please tell me you were born in the 60's or 70's.

And then there's this moron.

Looks like someone watched too much Evangelion

>Don't forget 1999's Greed Island fucking sucked, while 2011's was a lotta fun:
greed island sucked in every form

Why does Leorio get gon to buy the bug phone when he himself doesn't even have one?

99 better
2011 better



don't expect me to know how it looks animated, from these screenshots they looked equal, but yeah 99 is better


99 looks better but ultimately it comes off way too serious. H x H is the furthest thing from a serious battle shounen, with only justifiable moments for it being Kurapika's revenge quest.


90's shit all over the new stuff
I miss the style and skill from that era

i dunno, seems pretty serious to me most of the time

Honestly if I watched the 1999 version first, I would've actually took Kurapika's chain ability much more seriously than I did in the 2011 version.

Otherwise, I would've found it silly this kid was able to defeat several people who mastered Nen for a good decade with a conjuring-type Nen that heard only learned a few months.

The 99 was so bad compared to the 11 version of this. Illumi is 10 times more unsettling in 11.

>tfw fell for the 99 meme
>looks like the average 90s tv anime
>its filled with fucking filler

and then I am told I am being a faggot for caring about a more faithful adaptation

I couldn't wait anymore and started to watch a couple episodes after 85 subbed. The wait just became too much.

reminder that hxh 1999 aired on mexico and thats why its so strongly defended here

It's a boring scene from a visual standpoint anyway.

I think even the biggest 2011 fans admit some scenes were done way better in the 1999 version.

The cinematography was just way better in general.

If anyone is interested, HxH movie 1 just got dubbed.

I know everyone here loved dubbed anime

HxH is the perfect example of making up fun style bullshit on the fly while make itself look like it's visually taking itself seriously. It even does this better than Jojo and OPM.

kill yourself

>cherrypicking one of the few things 99 did better

HxH's dub is fucking awful and most modern dubs suck anyways due to nu-voice actors having a shit voice range.

>i added 'nu', that means it's bad

Nice digits

>Implying buzzwords makes my point suddenly redundant

Give me an example of a good of good VAing in the HxH dub then.
Aside from maybe Kurapika and Hisoka, no one fits their character.

Genos voice acts pic related and it's horrible

I also can't take Gon serious when there is a mutilated body of Ponzu right on the floor

99 is a fanfic

Who else here loves both of them?

Master piece


He owns Bug Phone shares.

You're a faggot for automatically equating filler=bad ep. 99 had maybe 3 filler eps and and I guarantee you someone with no previous knowledge of the story wouldn't be able to tell them apart from the main plot.

A 100% faithful adaptation of a manga is not intrinsically wrong, but it can be a waste of opportunities granted from using animation. The liberties 99 took combined with the stellar direction ultimately make it a great product. I thought we learned this lesson from the first FMA anime and Brotherhood.

>2011 has CA arc.

I agree OP 2011 makes 1999 look like dogshit.

>I thought we learned this lesson from the first FMA anime and Brotherhood.
The faithful adaptation is infinitely better?

Love Pitou she's so cute

Never cared about HxH, so I'm unbiased as one can be.

The old anime just shits all over the new one in these pictures, it's not even close.


I like both but the direction 2011 took with the black and white with red when Kurapika killed Uvo is just a favorite of mine.

Im...im sorry. I love Pitou (as a trap. fight me), but after reading that rage filled arc, I wanted to see a prime villain get killed. It felt even so better to watch this chapter in the anime. Fuck that arc.

Took me so long to remember where I heard Franky/Mr. 2 voice before until i watched 99 again and remembered Kurapika's guide.
Thanks for reading my blog post

Word of advice, Marathon the CA Saga around episode 98, Maybe 111.
Or just start now

my nigga

You sure about that, mate?

In this none resembles the manga your point?

DESU, I fucking loved CA from the get-go, was marathoning it faster than I had other anime since the start, tho from the palace part onwards I marathoned it "extra hard"

People are STILL digging through 1999 to cherrypick scenes that are better directed than 2011?


This scene was much better than the 2011 version.

>e palace part onwards I marathoned it "extra hard"
This is gonna be a twice as slow and hard to watch if you're just watching the Dub on Toonami.
Waiting a weekly basis plus what seems like a marathon every other week or two around the last half of the year.

>uhhh they aint fighting la! where the blood and punchs la!
fucking off yourself

anyone have any more comparisons?

Ya know, the 2011 GI OST was pretty good

Really sell the RPG atmosphere imo

Not the guy you're replying to, but how the fuck did you extrapolate that straw-man of a "point" from what he said? He just found the scene boring visually, nothing about that leads to him complaining about a lack of immediate violence/action. You're the one clearly reading way too much into someone else's thoughts & making an absolute retard of themselves.