Darling in the franXX

New episode just aired.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one with taste cares


>Go from 300 posters on average per live view thread to not even 200

What happened?

I love it



They really are setting up Mitsuru and Kokoro
I miss the original ED, even if this is better than the beach one.
02 stole the episode.

How far have we fallen


This episode yielded about 5 new smug 02 faces.

Shitposters moved on.

Ikuno best girl

newdude here, where are you fuckers watching this

02? More like 02cute this episode holy shit

Zero Two!


We Shimoneta now

Fuck. Off.

>watch episode
>forget I cant speak runes

02 was great this episode

in ur mum's vagina

The absolute madwoman.


powerful dino thighs

there were a lot of legs in this episode
I enjoyed it

>002 continues to get comedy scenes

>Ichigo still has the monopoly on romantic scenes

Sasuga nippon

Why was she not wearing any pants?

02 >>> Ichigo

That's actually pretty nice


If you don't know, it's already too late to catch the live airing. Wait until next Saturday morning.


Powerful dino braps

subs when?

Something that happens with literally every show? The longer something runs for the less people continue to follow it.

Don't try to it something bigger than it is

Patrician taste, brother!
Miku is nice,too

So the girls consciousness merges with the Franxx and they don't really know what's going on in the cockpit



>hurr durr I don't like your favorite girl so fuck off retard
You must be a funny person in real life.

subs are canceled. I'm sorry user.

Every fucking week

She made the first half of the episode fun when the other girls tried being no fun allowed police.

what does ikuno taste like

>Not even an important scene this ep
>Zero Two got the monopoly of both comedic, ichaicha and romantic scene.
The absolute state of Ichicucks



wow real mature friendo

>sees the bitch line
>immediately crosses over it to get those motherfucking hugs

>Ichigo still has the monopoly on NTR scenes

You must be a dyke-chaser in real life.

Losing 33% of your viewers after one episode is normal?

Is her anus visible

>people prefer Ichigo over this

Shit taste, Reddit

This shit is nowhere as good as KIZNAIVER. And NORIKO is a better version of 002 even their hairstyles are identical.

I didn't say where, I said when

I've been smashing F5 for 10 minutes now

Cut out Hiro, who the fuck wants to see Hiro?

>Hey, Zero Tsu, watcha doin ?

They can't keep getting away with this!

Dirty carpet

Its says on that site when

>le underwear scene
wow how romantic lmao. you seething onifags will eat up anything

Anyone who prefers Ichigo over 02 should consider suicide

Someone please post the link for the episode.

No reason to be this buttblasted if user is wrong.
He isn't, though.

Hiro too. The two of them are like the older, slightly more "mature" pair watching over the rest of them

Fucking brainlets.

so Ikuno confirm gay now?

Why are these threads always so shit?


>Ms. Not appearing in this episode

The romantic scene of this episode was Mitsuru and Kokoro though?


Are you fucking illiterate

Why do you keep self-inserting into these waifushits?

Where have you been?

Best girl is the girl that I like the most so I don't understand your point. Even dykes don't want to talk to you? That's sad, kill yourself.

Like she's hiding something.
If any other EOP has other questions about the episode, feel free to ask.

>I-I want to be with you f-forev-
>Hey look the stars! Let's change the subject!
Strawfags in denial.


i fucked ur mum

02 has a BIG ASS

>lol shooting stars
>I want to be with you, we can go anywhere together, I want to know more about you
Get BTFO out more Ichicuck

excessive and pointless fanservice

>02 gets a whole episode of being best girl
>Ichigo gets absolutely nothing
Ichigofags are SEETHING

>they thought this show would be anything besides a SoL mecha

Metafags like you

>Not watching til the end til the cockpit scene
>Not seeing Hiro effort to find out more about her partner
>Not understand runes.
Strawfags confirmed brainlets

what's the deal with that photo


This is allowed now.


user you're basing your argument on threads on Sup Forums...not exactly the most credible source to go "oh lol the popularity is going down".

And even if you're actually retarded enough to base this solely on Sup Forums's participation. Majority of it is fucking shitposting, you're a prime example.

The less of your kind the better.

Hiro interrupts Ichigo at the end of the last episode and says he wants to know more about 02 and holds her hand at the end of this episode. I hope this is basically the end of that shitty love triangle.

From best show airing to worst show airing in two weeks


Last episode was the opposite though


>002 gets an episode almost all about her
>all 002fags can talk about is Ichigo

How does she do it bros? How does she live in their heads rent free?

Kinda miss the red suit now.