Pop Team Epic(Poputepi) only doujin event

Pop Team Epic(Poputepi) only doujin event...

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The event hasn't started yet.

Are you just pretending or are you actually mentally challenged?

Is this bad?

That's so sad


Erotic doujin already?


Don't worry.
They changed it to Yuru Camp-only .

>bullying the author like this


Fuck this is sad

What a retarded memefag.

> Virgin NEET Otakus
> Leaving the house
Congrats! Do market research next time.

Blame bkub: twitter.com/bkub_comic/status/969811743848329216

>intentionally not promote the event at all
>so the event was intentionally shit
>then make fun of the AOTS rival as well


I don't get it. Somebody explain the joke to me.

nobody showed up so they're damage controlling

Ain't PTEfags just clog Akibahara for a PTE event few weeks ago?

>We were just pretending to be retarded xDDD

they thought a kuso event would be more popular but they went too far

Shouldn't there be more PTE and bkub-shits-in-general doujins out there?

Did they at least get a ball pit?

>what is comiket

What do you think Comiket is?

Yeah, they're either didn't know the event is happening or couldn't make it.
One of the guys that was there says he had fun so it was all right in the end.

Let's cheer for the brave one who showed up!

Very brave, deserves praise!

Comiket is a thousand of these tiny events stuffed into one giant package. So you get 1000x the customers straight up, plus all the people who'd rather hit one big event than a thousand tiny ones.

One of the circles that was there was selling Hellshake Yano doujin so the event gets my respect.

Doesn't change the original point of otaku never leaving the house.


It sounds even more like everything that happened was really intentional.

Simply epic.

>Hellshake Yano doujinshi
Oh my.

Thanks PTE, now i don't know if i'm being takezled.

Some poor soul will miss buying a limited Yurucamp doujinshi because of this, and after that he'll complain online that he was baited by the Pop Team Epic section, and he will be laughed at by loads of nips.

Nobody will be able to tell the difference!

This is too perfect.

It's Takeshobo's fault.

>kuso manga
>kuso anime
>kuso event


It's like pottery.

scans when?

thought I saw it already on sadpanda


are they from the one released back in october?

Bravo, bkub.

The fans didn't show up, as a joke.

Ha ha haaaaaa.....aaaaaand reported.

>400 yen

>~150 copies

world is kuso


Nice to see this thing bombing.

If it had been a success, I'd be worried for anime as a whole.

Meanwhile in a PTE event that people actually knew existed.


BD sales are huge as are the merch sales.

Just look at this when an event was canceled:

Well, time to worry then, I guess.

What the fuck happened at this event then?
This doesn't add up. Is it ironic BD purchases?

They didn't advertise it. At all. They purposefully made a flop event as a joke

>ironic BD purchases
That's just stupid.

Now launch a nuke there. And with that we can end with japan shit taste for once.

thats not an event its a photo shoot
>hire a place out
>take prop posters
>place them
>take photos
it's a photoshoot

It's a photo session.

King Records actually paid for this?

the original art style only makes it better

No, it's an actual event, mimiket is being held in a separate hall and this is popte space, but nobody fucking knew, read this guy's tweets:

So the only way to access the room is with an elevator or the emergency exit?
Who projected this?

>So you get 1000x the customers straight up
I mean, thousand times zero is still zero