Left or right?
Left or right?
There is zero reason to not choose both.
What if you only have one penis?
Both, but if this is not allowed then left, Fubuki is gorgeous and has a great pair of tits but I'm a ass man and Tatsumaki does have a better ass.
>He only has 1 penis
the cake
So left?
anime-only fags lets unite for our girl
Left. Sex with Fubuki would be great because she's super hot but Tatsumaki would hatefuck the shit out of you until you couldn't move.
Well good thing you have TWO BALLS.
>anime-only fags
you're missing out
Power > beauty
Fubuki may be more conventionally attractive but she's nothing next to Tatsu's psychic might.
Fubuki best girl. Oh yeah.
Fubuki probably has men for days lusting after her, even if she decided to suck your dick for a bit she'd get bored and move on the the next dick eventually
Tastu would love you forever and never let you go
But men look for beauty more than power in women. This is why there's so many successful women in their late 30s who can't find a man to marry them bec they always go for younger women.
those women can't find anyone to marry because women have to marry up in the social ladder, problem is the men above them once they're rich are also fucking rich so they can fuck any woman they want. All those women have plenty of suitors but only want what they can't get
I'm saying women look for power in men, but men look for beauty more. Even men who aren't fucking rich won't marry a woman above him if she's fugly. But beautiful women marry wrinkled old men all the time.
Why would any successful man marry a successful woman when there are much younger, much prettier unsuccessful women available? A successful woman doesn't provide anything that he doesn't already have. On the other hand a pretty poor girl provides a lot more both in terms of companionship and sexual gratification. It's the great dichotomy: women are in demand when they're young but lose out when they're old because they can't provide anything to a man of equal stature that he doesn't already have. This forces them to marry down. On the other hand older men are in demand because wealthy and successful older men will marry down willingly to acquire pretty younger partners, creating a vacuum which only gets bigger as their age increases. A lot of women want to marry for status; as says, women prioritize marrying up the social ladder and refuse to "settle for less" than their own level. These women often refuse to marry poorer young men even though that's their best option because those men don't live up to their status; they want someone who's as wealthy and successful as they are. But all the wealthy and successful men in their age bracket marry down to younger, prettier girls who are less successful because they want someone who provides something that they don't already have.
In short; if you're a guy and want a relationship, wait. The relationship value of men increase with age while the inverse is true for women. If you're a woman then marry a good man young and STAY married. Your value starts to drop off around college age and it only gets worse as time goes by.
Doing so results in having neither.
Left >>>> Right
left or right
right is actually cute
I'd rather drink a cup of sick that go with right.
You're basically agreeing with what I've said...
I'd stick my dick in Child Emperor's pooper
unless he's something trashy like an adult with the body of a kid.
Ami is a bro so yeah
Obviously Tatsumaki.
lower status man are more drawn to larger tits than higher status men. according to some studies
Will these threads one day turn into "left, middle or right" once Psykos will be better known?
Most say Tatsumaki but IRL you'd go for a girl like Fubuki.
Fukuki is superior in every way.
Both of them having sex with each-other while I watch
this one
Tatsumaki doesn't have big tits. That kind of goes agains the appeal of her design even (except if it's intended to give her Fubuki's body, but that's not the case here and kinda goes against choosing Tatsumaki over her sister).