Your Fav Berserk Panel?

Your Fav Berserk Panel?


This one or that one of shierke inside Gut's mind.

There's way too many to settle on just one.


Gotta be this one.


Seen it posted multiple times, what's so good about it?


Calls him a MAD DOG



It shows that Guts isn't focused solely on revenge anymore like he was during the Black Swordsman years. Now, he has another objective that he consciously decides is more valuable than chasing Griffith. The panel is the first point where those two desires clash, and, in the end, he chooses Casca over Griffith.






It isn't even worst kill. Poor Donovan.

wow its almost identical to the devilman one

Somebody explain this mem pls

Taken on it's own, this is the best panel in Berserk. Within the context of the story sad face Guts is the best.
This ones alright, but Guts' personal struggles to control is own emotions get really fucking overplayed with the Berserker armour.



Checked. Best choice in the thread as far as characterization is concerned.

People will actually argue that Berserk is still great.

Why so sad Guts

Guts has a nice bag

There are a lot of really good panels. Sick fight scenes galore.






That image makes it look like Donovan has angel wings.

God this fight was dumb.









This is the best action panel that's been posted. Really says a lot.



Well, all I've got left are bag memes and that other user seems to have plenty of those so that's that.





Any Tapasa page. Shame Miura forgot there was four of them.

It's impressive that berserk has the most memorable scenes

Can anything else compete

Ironic that you posted a pretty bland panel.


I think shigurui has a lot in common with beserk if you're looking at the complete lack of empathy for another human (and the reader)

Beserk's symbolism is on another level. I don't think any other manga I've read even comes close.

Didn't two of them die?


No they were just kind of written out. May turn back up one day.

I thought they were disposed of by griffith when he threw them back


God this fight was great.

I can't fucking take the wait anymore. Miura please give Guts a moment of happiness, don't make Casca hate him.




Where was this from ?
I've seen it from somewhere hmmm...

Guts eats it?




Trips of truth, Skull knight is GOAT


I wonder how the meeting ended up.

>this translation

This is the point it finally felt like he had a new place in this world. His life isn't just survival and revenge anymore.

based wyald


Fucking hell, I'd take 1997 version and all its stills over the trash we received. If they just colored the manga panel and made it a slideshow, it still would have been better than the 2016/2017 abomination

>I'm slowly becoming retarded.jpg

It's so sad that Berserk started as a masterpiece with incredible art and now we have the shitshow there is now.

Imagine if the quality had maintained.

I really dislike guts old man look desu

No. Guts becoming some cool guy with one liners was a mistake.


One of the most hype moments of the series. Just incredible.

Isidro's introduction was the exact moment is started to get worse.

That's a good panel showing Guts' softer side.

That dragonslayer reminds me of something.

Genuinely made me uncomfortable. I think he's the most evil apostle we've seen.

im a newfag who just caught up 2 days ago

Bad guy Guts

Miura going digital was a fucking mistake.


I finished the manga a couple months ago. Didn't have to wait 20 years for Casca's return. Feels good.


It is not bad at all now, The story needed to progress. It did so. At least it is not your generic, over done crap that came out 20 years after it started.

Is he working with 3d modelling?
Cos Guts has the same facial structures and his mouth looks weird when opened and closed

>we're never getting this back
Don't get me wrong, I like the development, but I miss the brutality
