ITT anime/manga characters that are literally you. I'll start

ITT anime/manga characters that are literally you. I'll start.


Except seeting at people on Sup Forums and autistically pointing at things and going bam doesn't actually kill anybody, user. You need to stop embarassing yourself.


So are you school shooter?




An autistic beta fumbling in the dark?



People should give an explanation for their choice.

Mine is pic related. You have no idea how misfortunate I can be. Also, I tend to step in amd try to help others, usually getting into weird shit

You expected a shitty waifu pic


I usually just shitpost in this kind of thread, but this is probably the most accurate


I have yet to find an anime character I could relate to.



20y I'm one skinny shy lonely pussy that's insecure and has no confidence.

Try working out and a new hobby, maybe try reading a book you've never read before.
The world is waiting for you to like yourself user, we all want to see you succeed, we know you can do it!

...but it was you, a shitty overrated anime.


You subhuman newfags need to leave this board forever


Has there ever been a kazuma that wasn't a dick?

stay assblasted