Aside from the shitty rap song in the beginning, what does Sup Forums think of this episode?
Darling in the Franxx
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Same as for the beach episode - premise that sounded stupid but actually turned out to be really fun.
I enjoyed it, but with it came the realization that Darling is a show targeted at a much younger audience in comparison to Evangelion.
In spite of the sexual innuendo and theme, the show how have the violence, the sincerity, the blood, the crudeness and the overall adult approach of Evangelion.
Is that image supposed to be lazy animation?
You don't need to compare to Evangelion to know that it is puerile shit only worth for the waifubait
*the show doesn't have the violence, etc
>oh no rap urgghurrr me get reminded of muh childhood school bullies
Every fucking time, shut the fuck up already.
Just wait 16 more episodes. We'll get there
It isn't bad, it's interesting, episode 6 and 7 were shit in my opinion, this one was cool, I love 02 and the way she is, how she is portrayed, but it was immature sadly.
Sounds like you're projecting. It's a shit track, and was completely unnecessary in that scene.
You retards bitch and moan every time an anime has rap. Cure your shit taste and autism already retard.
rap music is for niggers
It won't, you know that. Evangelion violence was amazing, it made me want to pluck the eyes out of my face, Asuka kissing Shinji in their bedroom was amazing, the exaggerated way they commented about Asuka tits, all of this was very violent and crazy.
Darling has a similar theme, but instead of going this path, things are a bit childish.
For a moment I thought that 02 was really going to have sex Hiro or something like that when she took his towel, that she was going to comment about his dick, but no.
This isn't bad, but it's a bit disappointing, with the theme and premiss of Darling a lot of strange bizarre shit could be happening between pilots.
I don't bitch and moan about every time anime has rap you fucking ape. That was horrible rap music. Not liking something doesn't make you retarded, you retard.
that's because rap is a shit genre
What you said doesn't even make sense
It's pretty much the dancing episode
It would have been stupid if it really was just boys vs girls, but in reality everyone was doing their own thing, like Zero Two and Hiro just fucking around with each other, Mitsuru not giving a shit and Kokoro wanting to be a young mother.
Why does seeing a picture of those other kids freak her out though? Shouldn't she just be confused and not shocked? And why didn't she just assume they moved to a different plantation or something?
Was probably subconsciously aware of the fact that squads die but always managed to somehow block it out. Seeing the picture pulled it to the front immediately and made her fully realize that her life is at risk every time they move out.
I think it wasn't just the picture on its own but also what 02 said to them earlier.
If they just moved there was no reason to literally lock that area out.
This show is actually fun to watch now.
>still picture
This ep was one of my favourite.
that's not how teens act at all
anime is made of lies
Yeah, that's true. Teens don't realize they were being stupid and get over it.
It pretty much confirmed a Yuri ending for the show.
As someone who listens to stereotypical rap a lot, this song truly did not belong in any part of this show or this anime. I’m sure the staff was a little divided on it, but now they know hopefully to never do this again for any other show. trigger still thinks they’re doing guren Lagan aesthetics.
Each user to his own opinion of music. Some autitst do hate rap but that’s fine.
Man I love trap and rap and y'all had me excited that anime was finally gonna include some culture in it but then I watch this shit and it's just some breakbeat with someone yelling (everybody put your hands up). FOH with that.
>shitty rap song
Sup Forums sings when?
This is just a pump to the action. True rap consolides rough life and take your problems over. This is no "hoes n money" mainstream rap.
Don't bitch about the genre, do it about how it's used in the show.
>Your government approved partner blue balls you
>Genki Oni doesn't give a fuck
I don't see the problem officer
Pretty enjoyable episode
Darling in the Franxx - Karling in the Franks?
/his/friend here.
I've got this particularly bizarre theory. Darling in the Franxx is based off of the story of Charlemagne and Desiderata, where Hiro is Charlemagne and Zero-Two is Desiderata:
> "Desiderata, or Ermengarda[1], was one of four daughters of Desiderius, king of the Lombards, and his queen, Ansa. She was married to Charlemagne, king of the Franks, in 770, probably to form a bond between the otherwise enemy states of Francia and Lombardy. The marriage was annulled in 771 and this hurt relations with Lombardy, presaging the war of 774. She had no known children and her ultimate fate is unknown."
The Lombards are the Klaxosaurus. Hiro is Charles before he becomes Charlemagne. He "marries" Zero-Two, a Lombard/Klaxosaur princess and eventually throws her away to invade Lombardy/conquer the Klaxosaurs, eventually becoming Holy Roman Emperor/God-Emperor of Mankind.
Furthermore, what we see here are the other three girls in the back of this image who look suspiciously like Zero-Two. They are the other "three daughters of Desiderius".
What we see is that Charlemagne had at least one illegitimate child, Pepin the Hunchback. This may be interpretated as insinuating that Hiro will engage in sexually unbecoming behaviour in the future, siring a bastard child, who, like Pepin will attempt to rebel against him.
Notice additionally, that the Capetians who succeed the Karlings, had a floral coat of arms - we see very clearly the floral symbolism in Strelitzia and Delphinium. Thus Hiro/Charlemagne's successors will also be floral and might have something to do with the fleurs-de-lis.
Thank you for reading my crackpot theory.
Pretty disappointing. No wonder it's sinking, it was totally false advertising.
It was shitty even by regular rap standards. Shut your mouth, fanboy
Forgot pic related
Sounds legit to me I'll believe it. Can you figure out why they are called parasites though I feel like that's going to have something to do with the story.
It's pretty terrible.
spalding in the franxx
What said, but without the retarded, unnecessary Eva comparison. It made me realise that just with LWA, this is a show clearly intended for a younger audience by design and that I'd been looking at it wrong.
Why does Sup Forums love this show so much? It couldn't be any more generic seasonal garbage.
Attractive character designs, character art, and character animation. Literally all you need to make an animated show popular. You only really need one actually, but Franxx has all 3. This is the answer literally every time someone asks "Why is this bad show so popular?"
Man, the first two stills of the ED had me really confused, I thought they were exploring each other.
Not as shit as the previous one but still pretty fucking bad
Just a fanservice ed like the others
I liked how in the episode where boys and girls were initially cast as being "against" one another, Hiro treats himself and 02 as a single unit, a team.
It kind of echoes episode 5, in that while most everybody is hiding shit from one another Hiro and 02 speak frankly and honestly to each other.
Pandering everywhere
I want to lick Ikuno
I disagree with all 3 of those claims.
That has to be it, and the lack of better shitposting material. This is the sacrificial lamb of the season that Sup Forums props up to be interesting, so the shitposters can get away with watching only 2-3 shows a season and still stay together in the threads.
The hivemind is kinda cute in a way though. Too bad it's so fucking arbitrary.
>1 action scene with shitty ass rap
>Rest of the episode was dude puberty lmao
I know this is two cour but they are beating around the bush too much
All this ep did was further solidify that Ikuno is a lesbo
Threadly reminder to ignore the shitposters.
Aren't the pilots a little old for the Doctor to think all this was because of puberty?
Dr. FranXX is the mastermind behind these last two episodes.
>Finding the abandoned city
>Finding the baby book
>Hormones flowing from beach
>Not intervening in house affairs until necessary
>Leaving last unit 13 rooms just sealed with tape
I'm wondering what he's up too.
>5 girls
Loved it but when the fuck are the lads getting an ED song?
Rap doesn't fit the thematic of this show at all you retard.
See you next week!
Why didn't adults clean up after the dead squad?
I like how her response to that is basically, "Nah, let's blow it up even more".
The mental parts of puberty can be delayed by your upbringing, physically it's obvious that they've been going through puberty for awhile.
We really have no idea, since it seems the pilots were genetically engineered. They could of repressed puberty until the age they are at now.
She's definitely going to try to make a baby and Mitsuru is pretty much being guaranteed to be the father. My guess is she likes Mitsuru because he doesn't give her special treatment for being quiet like everybody else does and she admires his independent attitude.
In the previous episode everybody else thought of her as a background character besides Mitsuru who noticed she went missing immediately.
>Tamura: The girls’ team gets to sing the ending theme, and we on the guys’ team want to sing a song as well – can’t we do one for the drama CD? We’d talk about stuff like that.
>And then we’d go. So, does Mitsuru sing? Ichikawa-kun would be like, ‘I think Mitsuru is secretly practicing but when it’s showtime he doesn’t get a chance to sing. So he’ll be like ‘I practised so hard!’ and run out to the courtyard, alone, singing. He’ll make up stories like that.
I dropped it two weeks ago, posted here to remind hesitating faggots that it's not going to get any better and that they're wasting their time
I'm out
>feminazi in my chinese cartoon
I just couldn't follow propely after floweranon became canon.
>Oh no can't let Darling catch me
There are no stakes and nothing happens.
Pretty fun episode. The scenes with Mitsuru and Kokoro were pretty good too.
Just a friendly reminder that 002 will die
What did they mean by this?
this was cute as hell
I liked how Kokoro was mostly queting lines from the book about babies, like there are things we cant do alone and we need the boys or how it"s born" offcourse it was how babies are born but still s
It was also nice to see how the previous team looked like, but I wonder were they using the standard models or they were another test team... current team was produced with different settings to test.
Still I was wondering why didnt Miku notice the numbers on the cases.. like 344 which mostly was one of the girls. There are diaries on the desk so they could read them and learn about them, their lifes and experiences, maybe even before their death.
So now the clone/mass produced tube babies are closer and closer to reality. They are treated like meat and after death they are simply replaced with another models with different numbers
Dr.Franxx mostly is analysing Hiros blood and maybe case, becouse on the background walls we can see Hiros blood sample image we saw few episodes back.
Anyway this episode was simply a set up character development in order to boost the boys performence in combat, becouse if they do poorly then the girls are suffering so in order to spare them the pain they will try to work better. The same if they do better then the possibility of sudden death is less possible.
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
At least LWA characters were fun to watch and laugh at. Franxx is boring.
Ikuno keeps defiling Ichigo with her lesbo germs
This pistil wants to become a mother. Would you help her and take responsibility?
>lesbian confirmed as super-lesbian
>oni confirmed as bisexual
>potential death flags
Great episode.
When are the boys realizing that the girls have no dicks or are we waiting 12 more episodes before anyone gets a boner?
They'll abandon Hiro and become gay later on.
>I'm wondering what he's up too.
I'll help her kidnap Mitsuru and handcuff him to a bed.
This episode made it clear that APE would shut his entire project down if they knew what he was doing. I'm wondering how exactly this meshes with Plantation 13 being a high priority surveillance target by APE though. Does he literally just doctor the reports sent back to them?
As for motive, it seems that he's looking over Hiro's bloodwork in the background when he was brought into the episode. So I think it's safe to say Hiro is near the center of what he's interested in.
Hiro already saw 02 naked.
02 will die
Goro will die
Strawberry and Hiro will have to pilot together and end up fucking in the cockpit creating a third form Franxx that blows the final boss away
I love Akko!
Poor ichigo she lost...
Bad writing all over the place
I like how Hiro supported her once he understood. They're definitely best couple.
LWA was better since it was very focused on each episode, but also because they hinted at the final conflict earlier on. Darling is constantly delaying the reveal of what's actually going on.
It keeps hinting at all sorts of cool stuff hiding just behind the curtain, and then promptly ignoring for the remaining 98% of the episode. I'm all for character development and all that, but at a certain point you've got to give us some world-building and plot exposition, and it's starting to get late. A third of the way through we ought to have some idea of what's going on and what the main conflict's likely to be.
Im getting IBO flashbacks for these two
wouldn't be my child