Jesus christ, how can can they do this?

Jesus christ, how can can they do this?

Other urls found in this thread:

They are just talking.

What would you do if your partner was a fat ugly fuck who only thinks about eating?
And his partner is a cold fish so not much better.

Megane will either get together with this fat guy and finally feel like she's being treated nicely, megane will enter a love triangle with kokoro and that faggot from the OP while fat man over here dies a horrible death.

The fat piece of shit must go. He can't spend 5mn without embarrassing the girl.

She hates him so much she tried turning into a tomato to escape his never ending hunger, too bad she didn't know that he devours all, even the healthy food.

I'm in love with Ichigo and her cute design and personality, but then I'm reminded the shitty show she's in and I feel dumb.

Forced NTR

actually not so much, he is aloof and some girls get attracted to assholes, Futoshi is the nice guy who is always there but doesn't amount to anything

She's definitely going to try to make a baby
and Mitsuru is pretty much being guaranteed to be the father. My guess is she likes Mitsuru because he doesn't give her special treatment for being the silent one like everybody else does and she admires his independent attitude.
Everybody else thought of her as a background character besides Mitsuru who noticed she went missing immediately.

I also feel like women would have an easier time with guys who aren't blatant perverts. Futoshi would be way too annoying to have sex with.

>how can can they do this?
very simply, really

So nice guy lose and trash win
Only sluts are attracted to bad guys

>Only sluts are attracted to bad guys
Oh my sweet summer child..

>nice guy
>whiteknights her
>doesn't do shit to protect her
>loses track of where she is
>pervs on her without consent
>embarrasses her in front of her friends
>isn't observant enough to notice when she's not feeling it
Yeah, Futoshi sounds like a real nice guy.

he isn't exacly trash, and he is certainly more assertive than Futoshi, girls like that, user, don't blame Kokoro for being a normal girl

>without consent
the rest yes but this is irrelevant, who cares if she consents

Look at what's in their hands. There's a reason these two are meeting here beyond ponos in vagoo.

People who actually perceive their partners as human beings. I don't really understand you /r9k/ types. If you're so pissed at the other gender you 2qnt to straight up lord over them, you're clearly not interested in romantic, intimate relationships at all. Why not just buy a dog instead?
Oh, right, because despite all your posturing you're too beta to even assert yourself as a master to a simple house animal bred for the sole purpose of being obedient.

It's not about what you think, it's about the mindset of a girl. Guys who by default turn away and respect a girl's modesty is obviously more attractive to them than some neanderthal who drools over her like his dick is way more important than her feelings.


yep, also by the conversations in this episode she already knows where the babies come from, teenage pregnancy here we goooo

if milkman perved on her without consent she'd love it, it's irrelevant

The whole point is that Mitsuru wouldn't do that in the first place. You think she'd still like him if he acted exactly like Fatoshi?

not exactly like him no, everything else that user listed was true

Futoshi just treats her as a background character though. He made her uncomfortable and didn't care enough about her to think about how she would feel. In the previous episode everybody thought of her as a background character besides Mitsuru who noticed she was missing immediately. In this episode the rest of the group were shocked that Kokoro actually had an opinion of her own. Mitsuru is the only one treating her as an equal person.

>fatfuck who gets on all fours to apologize getting cucked by Chadsuru

Feels great. Hated this disgusting fatfuck from the beginning.

PLZ not bully the fat kid

There's 2 ways fat guy is going to end up. One is that kokoro is in danger, he saves her and dies by doing so or mitsuru and kokoro make out infront of him, he can no longer pilot the franxx because of it and before he gets send off to the concentration camp he tries to confess to kokoro but the adults stop him by killing his ass on the spot showing that the adults don't care about their lives.

How's the Onidick taste?

So edgelords' weakness really are nice cute girls, huh
In the previous episode Fatoshi white knighted Kokoro but forgot about her right afterwards. Meanwhile Milkman must have noticed immediately and had to have been keeping an eye on her to have saved her.
In this episode Fatoshi started embarrassing her and making her feel uncomfortable without paying attention to how she reacts. Quite clear that Fatoshi doesn't really give a shit about Kokoro. Mitsuru would have had to have cared somewhat to notice she was missing and been watching her in time to save her. Fatoshi is just jealous of Hiro getting closer to 002 and is trying to imitate him embarrassing Kokoro in the process.

How are people missing the point of the series so hard, women are beasts who need a strong hand and smart mind to control them in order for them to be useful. Mitsuru is a stronger hand and smarter mind than Futoshi so of course Kokoro is going to mindlessly wander over to him.

>women are beasts who need a strong hand and smart mind to control them
Yes and as we all know your average otaku, which the blank slate MC is nothing more than a vehicle of self insertion to, is the embodiment of strength and intelligence.

why user why. if you are have so much cheato skill at lovefare, why are you a lonli virgin


>why are you a lonli virgin
In my country the average number of sexual partners is around 15 per woman. I just find it dehumanising to lose my virginity so carelessly.


That's a funny way of saying you can't talk to women, more likely buff men in your case

distasteful bait

fuck off normalfag

Being a dildo with legs isn't exactly an accomplishment to be proud of.

I literally only ever hear virgins talk like that. I mean yes, there are plenty of men who might look for more meaningful relationships instead of chasing pussy, but nobody who has actually ever been with a woman expresses himself with such resentment. Which is why you are perceives as being absolutely pathetic, because your sentiment is very transparent. It stems not from a longing for actual meaningful relationships based on understanding built from previous experiences, something that comes with age to actual normally functioning people, but out of frustration due to the opposite gender being unreachable. The reasoning you deluded you give people and delude yourself into believing is entirely disingenuous. The one kind of people I find more disgusting than any other is liars, especially ones that lie to themselves.

are you dense she came to the garden when we was already there not the other way round

See, this is NTR I can approve of.

I dont understand how some what smart people like you can like the vapid garbage that anime/manga is.
And yes Im just here in passing dont mind me becaus Im already gone

decently written anime exits believe it or not

You do of course realize you're probably talking to a girl.

Get a load of this faggot.

It doesnt unless you are illiterate or a teenager.

fucking kek

Hiro isn't a blank slate MC though.
He works hard, clearly has a natural aptitude for piloting, and merely had trouble connecting with pistils until 02 came along.
He was also clearly the de facto leader of the group, far more than 02. The others expected greatness out of him because of his code.

How old are they supposed to be again? Surely if theyre ~15-16 puberty should have started already? Will periods end up being relevant?

Any fanarts?

Would you still rage if this was the case?

It definitely should have, most girls get theirs at 12 or sometimes even younger.

That's just generic MC crap, user, not an actual distinctive personality.

oh shit im dying

What is a distinctive personality to you then?



that user is moving the goalposts for whatever argument they were trying to make anyways, generic mc crap is exactly the kind of strong hand and smart mind that the show is saying the beasts aka women need in order to control them properly and make them useful

>He works hard
Only after being stimulated by the waifu figure that the viewer fantasizes about impressing. He has no actual motivation for it besides plot contrivances
>clearly has a natural aptitude for piloting
in order to fuel the masturbatory "I am such a smart guy I could have been so great but I'm just lazy" delusions of your average otaku
>He was also clearly the de facto leader of the group
Without actually showing any leadership traits

The kid goes around doing stuff without having any personal motivation for it, has absolutely no personality and his interactions with all the other character have absolutely no chemistry with them, especially the main love interest. He's THE staple masturbatory self-insert vehicle written for no other purpose than fulfillment of carnal pleasures through escapist fantasy.

isnt that pretty much red and MC?

>that Futoshi
Absolutely none of you would blame Kokoro if she was male and ditched a partner like that for a stunner like Mitsuru.

>cold fish
And a dyke.

If she actually fancies Mitsuru I'll lose my fucking shit, He has nothing about him.

This. Hiro also has interests and is not by any means boring. He seems like a regular MC, but the execution is great.
People bitch that he is generic because ironically they can't self insert well, as most of the ppl would react to Oni playful flirt completely different (not as reserved and shy). Hiro is pissing them off because it's hist personality, not 002 that slows down their dynamics as a couple. Which is common trope in many bad harem shows, and may have left unpleasant aftertaste in some minds. (linking beta Mc with poorly written stories from past)

>Only after being stimulated by the waifu figure that the viewer fantasizes about impressing. He has no actual motivation for it besides plot contrivances
He trained to improve before 02 came along. The others commented he was always training. Nothing to do with 02.
>in order to fuel the masturbatory "I am such a smart guy I could have been so great but I'm just lazy" delusions of your average otaku
Except that goes directly against the hard worker part of his personality
>Without actually showing any leadership traits
He's taken initiative and showed leadership after he got his grove back. He also gave them all their names and clearly had an impact on them growing up
>The kid goes around doing stuff without having any personal motivation for it, has absolutely no personality and his interactions with all the other character have absolutely no chemistry with them, especially the main love interest.
His motivations were clearly outlined and outright told to you. He was raised to believe piloting was all that gave him worth, and if he couldn't pilot, his life was worthless. That transitioned into a desire to be there for 02. His development has been clearly outlined.
>He's THE staple masturbatory self-insert vehicle written for no other purpose than fulfillment of carnal pleasures through escapist fantasy.
Considering the entire show is an analogy for relationships, it's not so much about escapism but about getting people to stop searching escapism and reproduce, because Japan needs babies. Praise Abe-sama

He has a healthy body for one.

>healthy body
>pozzed by oni

She could pump literal aids and cancer into him, he would still be healthier than fatty.

If he overcomes the aids he will turn into Hiro 2.0

Kokoro-sempai kinda resembles Hiro a bit, but
002 is way more open and cheerful. Mitsuru would be high and mighty proud type of girl, obsessed with her rivalry with other girl
Basically Diana

I can't wait for this meme to get BTFO like every other one for this series.

>anons don't like the character who has seen hell and came back alive to tell the story
Aside from mc he's the most interesting from the boys group.

Want to bet fatty?

>anons don't like an unlikable character
What a surprise

I love how this got spun into shipper bait while ignoring that the fucker is still sick and what that means.

>The kid goes around doing stuff without having any personal motivation for it, has absolutely no personality and his interactions with all the other character have absolutely no chemistry with them
Have you ever watched the show? I usually dislike MCs in general, Hiro is OK, tho not the best darling, but it's like you ignore basic facts

None of them actually like him, they're obsessed with Kokoro but hate having to self insert with Futoshi.

I can't be the only one that got serious Lysistrata vibes off this episode.

Animation was pretty good this ep
Also why are there a thousand pails in the bathroom?

>Smart mind
>Rides with Oni
>Becomes a cripple

The line between Mitsuru lovers and Mitsuru haters is basically people who like characters based on how interesting or well-written they are, and people who like characters based on how much they'd like them as irl people.

Neither side is wrong, but they're irreconcilable.

>Considering the entire show is an analogy for relationships, it's not so much about escapism but about getting people to stop searching escapism and reproduce, because Japan needs babies. Praise Abe-sama
lol people actually believe this.

The only thing this show will do is make people product 02 doujin and raise otaku's standards for women even higher.

I like Mitsuru as a character. He's great.
I don't think he should end up with Kokoro though. He's a fucking cunt, it doesn't fit. The only option I see is a mind break scenario where he's the only one that stays loyal to APE and they give him a mind broken Kokoro/Genista to pilot against Hiro and 02.

>high standards

She's a stand in for used goods though with issues though. She's great only because she's 2D.

I honestly wonder if the nature of Mitsuru and Kokoro's relationship is actually romantic or not.

I mean sure, they get a lot of scenes together, but Kokoro always acts nervous, and Mitsuru indifferent. With someone like Kokoro, I'd at least expect a little blush if she was actually into him. Makes me wonder if this whole thing as actually a red herring.

And this is coming from someone who thinks they're cute together.

Maybe there's a wash pan dispenser in the bath room.
Either that or the guys specifically went to get more washpans from storage to throw back at the girls, resulting in the all out wash pan war that we see.

She literally drops on Hiro and instantly wants to fuck him. It's pretty much blatant wish-fulfiment as they come, everyone could get a girlfriend if it worked like that.

>healthy body
try again

inb4 they really are testtube babies with no genitals

He knew that kokoro visits the garden often, this is just some viagra so he can ride her into submission to become his new partner.

Milkguy is going to impregnate Kokoro, but Fatoshi is to take responsibility.

>She literally drops on Hiro and instantly wants to fuck him.
Women are suppose to bring out the best in their men. In that sense, I do guess 02 is wish fulfillment a little bit since she acts how a woman should. But it's not as if Hiro doesn't need to work to keep up and earn what he might have been handed.

>is going to take responsibility

I've also started to fear this. But I don't think they would spend so much time on red herring. And man-woman friendships are usually (not always) just a bluff, so I wouldn't expect it to go this way.
Although Mitsuru is still major as shat, and Futoshi is getting some characterisation
I'm cheering on milkman redemption tho

I'm not seeing it as romantic either, especially since both times they've met in the place has been because of Mitsuru's pill popping away from the others.

If anything it forshadows that Mitsuru may be undergoing something similar to Hiro, but not as pronounced as the tumor. He should be better by now.

>Mitsuru may be undergoing something similar to Hiro
They literally told us Hiro's reaction to 02 is the opposite of the other stamens who've ridden her.

Yes. But we also haven't seen any reports on Mitsuru either. Either way it's suspicious that he's taking the pills despite just one ride.