Are Christmas cakes just destined to die alone?
Are Christmas cakes just destined to die alone?
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Iie, senpai.
The character's name is Yuko Sagiri.
Yes but that specific picture returns nothing. Is it from a set or a doujinshi or what?
how does one end up as a cake anyway
So beautiful beta Nips won't ever approach you.
way to ruin inazuma's art
In real life, single-motherhood. In japan fantasy? Men never approach them because they faint.
Its actually a really common problem in Japan. Japan's virginity rates are really high and Japanese Men are becoming otakus far more often than they are having families. Japan seems awful if you look at it from a non-weeb perspective. High suicide rates, Awkward Society, Alienation, Repression everywhere. It doesn't seem fun.
The Japanese birthrate isn't actually much lower than most European countries. Japan's main issue is that they don't bolster their population with immigrants like every other country in the world does
>Japan's main issue is that they don't bolster their population with immigrants like every other country in the world does
I imagine they'd mostly be getting Koreans or Chinese, which they seem to have prejudices against.
>Japan's main issue is that they don't bolster their population with immigrants
That isn't an issue, and will result in Japan surviving the impending demographic implosions across each european and european diaspora country.
>like every other country in the world does
Only wealthy, developed european and european diaspora countries do this. That's a far cry from "every other country in the world."
Normally I love big titties but these proportions are gross
Burn in hell, Shlomo.
How do you feel about Christmas Cakes that have become so desperate that they start preying on other cakes? If two of them get together, are they still cakes?
Those measurements are extremely off
Michiru isn't a cake.
Looks accurate to me
Yes absolutely, but I would suck on a cakes fat titties with succulent nipples before that happens.
>nearly any woman standing next to her is a chestlet by comparison
>both female
Doesn't count.
Not quite
I wonder if they live in the Tawawa Ward of Tokyo.
Any chance I could get the artist name?
So if I, a baka gaijin, move to Japan, and I have the balls to at least talk to them and buy them a drink, have exponentially higher chances than Jap males? I was also watching some fag's live stream of going out in Japan; surprised to find the clubs he went to played really mainstream shit that would be played over in the States, like fucking Ariana Grande and Despacito.
They all fight crime together
American pop music is unavoidable.
Even in Eastern Europe it's what all the radio stations play.
She will be if drunk cakes keep hitting on her.
>every thread gets infected by at least one 3DPDfag
I want to hug Hime and gift her chocolates
Nope because the awkwardness extends to women as well and that is ten times worse.
My condolences.
>dude i gave up on life and real women lmao
Pathetic, but you already know that.
inb4 muh board culture
There's a language barrier, so how was I supposed to know she DIDN'T want me to grope her?
best girl
i wanna kiss a cake's hand
God, I just want to be the plaything of an aggressive cake.
*communal plaything of a cakeswarm
I want to invite Sensei to my wedding!
>You will never be tied up by a drunken cake and ridden until you're shooting blanks and then ridden some more
So what do you call christmas cakes but for guys? I'm soon gonna be above 25 and haven't married yet.
Dating a Japanese one now
prolly because I'm too pathetic to get anyone my own age and race though
Sharing is caring!
Lonely librarians are where it is at.
>>dude i gave up on life and real women lmao
>equates life to women subconsciously
wew boy you are cucked by women all the women. when they have you by the balls and want you to join in with tyrone and suck his cock youre going to say yes aren't you?
Does that image imply that Rumi and Miyu slightly more patrician choices?
bedroom eyes
If you're white especially, yeah
>kuroharuto drew sagiri
what a fucking time to be alive, also the succubus doujin got fucking scanned
i fucking love anime & manga
I really wish he drew more
Let me put it like this: Japanese constantly vote against foreigners in their country. They're not exactly going to like you, except maybe slut gaijin hunters who are after your wallet.
>Using American stats
La creatura eterna
Eyebrows y/n?
the white worshipping phenomenon is universal
Not if I can help it.
Not really.
Read up on someone's experience with actually living in Japan (it's mostly work, but racism does get treated further down the line). If you're white, educated and employed you may get less shit than a barely literate chink coming to steal their jerbs, but you're still a foreigner. You're still a second class citizen in their eyes, if they even acknowledge you as a Japanese citizen at all.
Not to say there won't be some white worship fetishization, but those are the gaijin hunting sluts I mentioned earlier. And given they can get with buff US marines at will, I wouldn't say your chances with them are too high either.
Basically there's a very good reason why Japanese men aren't getting laid: Japanese women aren't interested.
A birth rate being too high or too low depends entirely on what the birth rate of that country was before, not what rates are normal across similar countries. The problem with Japan is that the country went through rapid population growth and now it slowed down substantially, this is a huge problem because an economy tends to expand in order accompany population growth so it's now in danger of being "too big" to be filled out by the next generation, not to mention the next few generations are going to have a higher tax burden due to having to support an elderly population that greatly outnumbers them, this is even worse in a country with such long expected lifespan like Japan. Some would say that Japan's population is merely returning to a sustainable level, but the next generation of Japanese people are going to have a really hard time adjusting to it, not to be a shill but immigration could indeed be a solution for Japan.
I'd love to be able to make a lonely Cake happy.
>immigration could indeed be a solution for Japan.
Of course it is and they know that. Just look at how they are trying to hire westerners for the anime industry
Cake's being preyed on by other cakes is OK, but Cakes being preyed on by younger women is superior.
Mate, I used Tinder in Japan and I consistently had 99+ likes compared to in Sweden where I don't get shit
Get out of here, normie.
Asians love white dick, it's a fact
You've cleared the patrician test. Well done.
Keep your degenerate fantasies to yourself, soyboy
I'm going to watch Infinite Stratos one day just for her. How much screen time does she receive?
Only a few scenes, like with the vast majority of anime it's teen girls.
She's a secondary character but she gets quite some screentime. Especially during the beach episode.
No, informing you that a harem anime has a beach episode isn't a spoiler. In fact, a harem anime NOT having either a beach or an onsen episode (or both) is far more exceptional.
Shinmai Maou no Testament surprisingly didn't have a beach episode.
Aren't you coming to bed user?
What would a date with Shizuka be like?
Despite her IQ clearly being in the double digits, Shizuka somehow managed to become a nurse. How many dicks do you think she sucked to achieve that?
This kind of shit pisses me off because the Japanese put on airs of being super hard workers but in reality their organizations are highly inneficient and they have to work long hours because it takes them so much longer to get shit done than virtually anywhere else.
For example this shit
>The company will mold you to their exacting specifications to do whatever form of service they require. You will happily comply, in this as in all things. For example, if your company needs a Java-speaking systems engineer and you have a degree in Art History, this is not a problem because you can be fixed.
This shit actually happens all the time and I just don't understand it, how the fuck do you expect someone to perform when you put them in roles that having nothing to do with their expertise? What a bunch of idiots, no wonder their economy is in the state it's in.
What did he mean by this?
200 for less
She falls asleep on your shoulder halfway through
Can't dance for shit but she wears hot clothes so who cares
Can out drink you but pretends to be drunk so you have to carry her home
Considering Inazuma's fetishes probably a dozen or so in one sitting
I don't think I can cover her areola with my mouth, gaddamn
Why are her breasts so huge? That's way too big.