Tsuredure Children vol 11 cover

Behold, Waka's masterpiece

He's got to be trolling at this point.

Looks like he's going full Snackbar with that bag on his chest.

it isn't fair, man.
please give him a happy ending. of all people, he deserves one the most

What's his fucking problem?

What a way to rub salt on the wound.

which volume did he say was the last one?

12, IIRC

I hope she finds her crush with a new girl

Who has the fault here ? I think the girl. You are not supposeto act so noce with a guy if you are aiming for other dude.

why is waka so mean?

his tweet with it was pretty much "you'll see this picture much differently after reading it"

No one's at fault here user. That's why it hurts even more. There's no one to blame.

>You are not supposeto act so noce with a guy if you are aiming for other dude.
This logic is fucking stupid. Acting like a decent human being is something everyone should do. You shouldn't only act nice to someone you like/have a crush on, ESL-kun.

she was, she lead him on enough that it overcame his pretty high defenses

don't keep thinking this way anons. this is how you turn into an incel
no one is at fault here, and just being nice to someone isn't "leading them on", it's just being nice to them.
it sucks this happened, but no one's to blame here.

Why is everyone so upset over these two? She can still grow to like him.

i'm just scared his story won't get a continuation cause there aren't many chapters left. leaving it at that point would suck

Obvious bait, but here we go anyway
I don't think anyone was at fault.
She thought of him as a friend, and obviously a close one since she asked him about her crush.
He misinterpreted that closeness and was disappointed when he found out how she truly felt.
If he's the man we know him to be, he'll ride it out and will have gained a good friend.

Here's to hoping that Waka performs some miracle with the last volume.

wabisabi's crush is already with another girl, I see the same thing happening for him. all we can hope for is that he'll pull an 8man eventually and snag some even hotter girls that aren't cunts that lead people on

>acts like a decent human being towards him
>dumbass user thinks she was leading him on

She's not at fault, she was just being a nice girl. If anything, he should blame himself for having hope.

>You are not supposeto act so noce with a guy if you are aiming for other dude.

Please don't tell me you actually think like this.


he does blame himself, like he said he already knew. he maintained his no hope for as long as he could but all her leading him on wore down his defenses, even the largest boulders get eroded away eventually

Waka just reminding us to let go of our hopes and dreams

It's his fault. He got cocky. She didn't lead him on at all, she just wanted a friend.

So was the last chapter with them the end of their story?
Are we going to get some more closure on this or what?

Let me just look into my crystal fucking ball and get back to you on that.

what we are going to get is suffering. Waka got the axed so now he will take it on the readers.

It's the fault of the fucking author for being such a cunt. Way to ruin a cute romance manga and shit on your fanbase by shitting on the character most related to them.

Why the fuck did Waka have to bring his personal marriage problems into the story? How unprofessional. All because your love life is shit doesn't mean you have to go and ruin your cute little series. Not just with these two, but a few other couples as well.

I firmly believe that she's just trying to make him jealous so that he makes a move and that she's not going to give up on him.

I mean I get what you say but she was pretty sweet to him. Telling him he's funny and she likes being with him. Even going to some nerdy Comiket with him.

i mean, yeah, that's why he got his hopes up.
she didn't do anything wrong, per se, and it's easy to see why he'd get mixed signals, but i still don't think there's anything unusual with it all.
shit sucks, and unfortunately happens all the time irl

>Even going to some nerdy Comiket with him.
This solidifies this in my opinion.

And her "boyfriend" isn't there at Comiket, otherwise she would have gone without hesitation.

>and unfortunately happens all the time irl
to you

Takano/Sugawara when

>You are suppose to send mixed messages to a guy if you are aiming for other dude.

Please don't tell me you actually think like this.

Motherfucker son of a bitch

>You shouldn't only act nice to someone you like/have a crush
You don't need to play nice like some deceiving snake, good manners and certain distance is better then acting like you are everyone's best friend.

Well I have really close friend. Sometimes we joke about being wife and husband and all. But I would never go after her because I knew we are joking.
That's intresting point of view.

Being double faced person does not equal a decent human being.

Ok incel.

How exactly was she two-faced?

that leaves her as either dumb or callous, dumb if she didn't know going to that extent with her plan was going to destroy him or callous if she knew and didn't care. I'd think I'd prefer her to be a nice girl that lead him on because like another user said it's realistic that that would happen since cunts do that to guys all the time

ITT: A girl is only allowed to be nice to you if she's going to fuck you.

genuinely nice and unaware/dumb girls are things irl as well, user.
though she is very callous cause she keeps dogging on the otaku lifestyle

you have to go back

Waiter, there's some /r9k/ in my Sup Forums.

That's how the world runs, if you don't like it you can go back to tumblr


>that's how the world runs
in your little world maybe


Your world is around 20m2 I presume?


there's no way that user's imagination is that big

If you think the world outside of tumblr is little then there's nothing I can do to help you

You should work on your reading comprehension

but she had to be really really dumb to take it that far if that really was her plan, like she just kept grinding him and grinding him when just mentioning the other guy would have been enough for her purposes

Google tatemae.

Sup Forums was /r9k/ before normalfags take over it.

She was kind of too nice.

No one really, she probably should have set things straight way earlier before he got his hopes up, she didn't actively lead him on as far as I recall. Although she is kind of an insensitive bitch for giving him the the whole "It's easy to talk to you since you're not like other guys"

Don't do this to me again

Yes, you need to be honest and clear with your intentions, otherwise it's nothing but teasing and blueballs.

Beware of nice girls. 8man already told you. Never forget it.

She should have been aware of the imlications of her behaviour and clear up misunderstandings before they occur. Friends falling for one another happens all the time, especially teenagers. But then again, she is also a teen so she gets something of a pass for not relizing what she is doing.

>her leading him on
She never lead him on, fuck off.

I have this really close friend we know each other for 20 years. We even joke being married recently. I once almost fall for her a couple of years ago but I got a grip. We are friends after all.

That's just how you would treat a friend you care about.

ITT: user lying on the internet

How would user know that?


>motoyama never had an 8man to teach him
that's why the poor bastard never stood a chance against the cruel succubus leading him on

That's nice and all but I'm not sure how exactly does your anectodal evidence tie into my post.
>even joke being married recently
Also assuming you're not lying, friends don't make these kinds of jokes for no reason. There seems to be more to this than you're willing to admit.

Well no I have no reason to lie to stranger on internet. And still we are long time friends so it's not some magic romance story.
Not really after I got over my almost romantic feeling for her nothing happend. She statec a couple of times over the years that she's not good at romance stuff and she's not looking for it because she feels she dosent fit for it.

Sure thing bro, whatever you say.

>Not really after I got over my almost romantic feeling for her nothing happend. She statec a couple of times over the years that she's not good at romance stuff and she's not looking for it because she feels she dosent fit for it
Then why are you bringing it up to random strangers on the internet, in a thread about a series with a semi-related event. I'm sure everyone here has some sort of story they could share, but you're the only one doing it and no one even asked

That you can be close to a girl and be nice to each other without instantly going into romance.

>being this much in denial

Well no shit you can, but in this she should have explained her side way sooner, before it reached the point of other people cheering them on

Unless she want him to chase her and she can give him a chance.

denial ?

Maybe she just wanted to see if he'd remain a true gentlemen after revealing that she somewhat has a boyfriend in another region?

Now that she knows that he's good man, morally and respectfully, she'll reveal her true feelings for him.

That's an asspull worthy of a battle shonen manga

that's a reasonable theory that I can get behind, she was just shit-testing him

I mean really, do you want to date a guy that doesn't respect that you have a boyfriend or vice versa?
Motoyama could have easily told her to forget about him and pursue her for his own selfish (at that point) desires, which would have been a huge turn off for some girls.

He's a real gentlemen and true bro.

>do you want to date a guy

Realistically the author is at fault for being such a bitter cunt when it comes to best bro. In the actual story, nobody is.

Well would you personally want to date a girl that tries to pursue you even though she knows that you have a girlfriend that you really love?


There you go.


That'd make her an actual cunt if she did that. The situation between them right now is the unfortunate result of her unwillingly giving mixed signals because she's simply too nice of a girl and him getting his hopes too high due to those signals. But if she's been testing him all along, then she's a bitch for doing that and playing with his emotions.


No, that people tend to be toxic and needy.

But what if genuinely doesn't know that he likes her? Then her tests are innocent and actually mean something without playing with his emotions.
Now if she knew all along that he has feelings for her, then she'd be a bit of a cunt.


Then she's a retarded cunt