What exactly did she mean by this?

What exactly did she mean by this?

corrupting something good and innocent with evil

She likes spectating melatonin-rich men forcefully commit sexual intercourse with melatonin-deficient women.

She’s going to be the next fallen angel and usurp satan for the throne of hell.

But what does a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness have to do with sexual intercourse, user-kun?

I meant melanin


Long as her virtue isnt purity, shes fine

Whoever cast HanaKana as her deserves a medal.

Yes user I know. Anyway, there's a containment thread for you over at

Her best cast role since shin sekai yori or Lisa from pso2



And Masahiko Ohta is one of the kings of comedy. I hope he gets more recognition on Sup Forums.
The scene where Gab is bullshitting her way past the principal and Raph is just sitting there smiling was a howler.

what OP tried to imply? what kind of thread did he want to see?



She meant that Raphi is a shit


Satania is a miracle of thw universe




No can do, user.


Why are :3 so evil?

Oh ho. Why not whore ourselves?

I want Raphael to punish me for not following lent.

Satania >Raphie > Vigne >Tap > Gabu

Gabu x Satania

Satania best girl, prove me wrong

I can't prove something wrong when it's factually correct.

So what's everyone favorite moment with satania?

When she is dressed up as a deer and humiliated by Raphi-chan.

ugh why did you have to link that. blacks are pathetic


To help him return to his pen.

The one where she draws class rep, but since a gun scene was the first thing I saw of GabuDrop it also holds a special place in my heart.

I'd be surprised if they weren't all white in there.

They are all whites. That is where all the Sup Forumsfags go to unwind after a long day of shitposting.

She's a slut.



My girl.

Sometimes weebs are worth loving.