Dragon Ball Super

Okay to make sure that these threads don't turn shit we need to make a few rules.

>First of all no manga Vs anime at this point it's beating a dead horse with how shit the manga is.
>Second no Waifufags in these threads it's stupid how we literally don't know anything about them and Waifufags have already shown up fucking shit up. Besides 18 is the superior option anyway
>Third no Torkansufags or whatever they are called.
>Jobhan fags should also fuck off and stop thinking there boy will do anything other than job.
>Are gtfags allowed? Is it the superior show? NO, HELL NO! Even the worst of super, is still better then the best of gt.
>Furries out!!!
>what about vados and 18 lewd posting? Completely fine and requested!
>Buucucks and Cellfriends should stop shitposting about there irrelevant boys not being in the tournament. If people actually wanted them then they would already be a part of it.
>Copy pasta fags get out!!
>NOBODY LIKES CAULIFLA AND HER AUTISTIC SISTER beacuse they ruined Dragon Ball Super fanbase with public masturbators and femdom fags
>no jobgeta vs lizardcuck
>Don't call all sides cucks and feel superior!
>Finally stop giving these retarded tripfags (You)s
If we all do that then the threads will improve.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Our Hero, Son Goku
Damn it feels good to be a CHADkubro.

>It ended when Toriyama decided Dragon Ball was for nothing but shekels and no longer put his heart and soul into it

anime is bad manga is better


I'm sad bros. This is one of the last few times we will ever see this pasta.

get over yourself

Goku Blanco when???

When will Hit decide to come out of his alternate dimension and do a sneak attack?

wakey wakey gohanfags


tic toc jirenfags

3 hours and 20 minutes from now

Episode 132

i agree bro

t. Toei exec

>Toriyama decided Dragon Ball was for nothing but shekels and no longer put his heart and soul into it

>actually being this fucking stupid

Two more episodes until the return

>being this retarded

wait does this confirm goku wins?

Legit question.

How can U7 be the second-weakest when it's already clearly established that they beat U6?
>Toei in charge of continuity



Were you expecting anything else


When Goku is fighting with Birasu, I talk to myself how hard the beast is beaten, I feel that the bone is broken.

That I understood, Wow, Birasu was really strong, Goku felt human. I tend to forget all the fights, yeah, those punches and kicks really hurt.

Indeed, although visual evidence of pain is visible, Goku loudly helped it really sink for me.

Can't wait

>no argument
Typical of retarded Toeidog

Because you touch yourself at night

Are you seriously asking this you fucking dumbass

only reason im still watching desu


not canon


argument to what dumbass

>already at calvo
Jiren didn't stand a chance


what are you guys listening?


GT was shit but the ending was pretty good.

>super ends
>ankini dies

If you're too fucking retarded to figure out what you need to mount an argument against I can't help you. Toeimongs are goddamn unbelievable

Jirenfags will never recover

why do people say this phrase for the wrong context

Do they have anything to resolve at this point?

I could care less about super but aniki left us too soon.

Didn't Toriyama mention somewhere that he simply can't leave Dragon Ball alone, or something like that?
I think he still cares, he's just a horrible writer with borderline Alzheimer.


there is literally nothing in this post to argue against. you're barely smarter than a rock and you are already acting like a tough gut, hush up

*blocks your con attendance*

>mfw they dont return

The original post you responded to was and you whined like a little bitch because the truth offended you.

Not confirmed he even did everything, stop jumping on every bandwagon like a bitch in heat.

>literally who the character

that retard acting like dragon ball was ever amazing top tier writing. And seeing as how much of a melt down you are having that retard is you. Get over yourself autism boy

t. Sean, mr. Hope of The Universe

What went wrong?

He wasn't acting like that at all, you illiterate taco-peddling spic. But Toriyama used to actually care about the franchise, and Super is proof that he's now just milking it for cash. Shut the fuck up and don't try to argue with the big boys for at least another few years.

>no argument

>Goku got a bunch of jobbers instead of protagonists from other anime series

The fool!

what was the best ,as in, least bad arc of Super?

Black arc.

the black arc

they all terrible but ToP wins cause of the memes

more like full blown alzheimer

U6 Tournament

Didn't someone post proof that Sean blocked him on Twitter like it was mentioned in the Tweet? At the very least, it's apparent that Sean doesn't seem to like him.

Then why is it ending?

U6 Tournament or Black arc because memes.

Goku Negro

Trunks/Black arc

Because they're focusing on making the new movie and going into the next series. It's like you're being intentionally retarded

God bless the person who made this webm



stream when?


No one's saying he's not a stuck-up twat badger, he is, but there's no hard proof that he did anything in this particular instance.



>everybody crying about the quality of the OST
>it's completely fucking fine
Bunch of whiny fucking retarded babies.

What's going on in Sup Forums ,Sup Forumsnons? I haven't been here in a couple of weeks. and what's this Sean Schemmel meme?

Then I stand corrected, what a fucking pretentious little faggot.

>everybody crying about the quality of the OST

U6 vs U7 and ToP

U6 or Beerus arc, atleast those made sense continuity wise, the black arc is stupid and has a fuckton of plot holes. I did like the apocalyptic setting and how Goku and Vegeta didn't win by jobbing the entire thing though

the 50mb zip was fucking trash.

Last thread.

Thankfully I didn't get that one, I didn't know it was even a thing. Disgusting

Why do you guys care so much about the schemmel thing are any of you even going to that convention?

Tournament of blanco. They can't write stories worth shit as demonstrated by how shit the black arc was, so just making a ton of justified fights is the only way toei can make anything entertaining.

Super Saiyan and it's other forms stopped being used in times of total distress and dismay, and started being the default form because of memes.
Goku stopped caring about his allies and protecting his world for no reason, and basically became the villain who can't grasp why hes a villain because hes too fucking retarded. He also stopped caring about wanting to see other people get strong, and just makes things up on the fly and they happen because he has a magical power to do just that.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

It's just general outrage at someone being so douchey and up his own ass for no reason. Even if you're not going to the con you can recognize what a fucked up childish thing it is for him to literally block a fucking colleague from attending because "HURR DURR I AM ONLY GEKUH"

i die every time

Only thing I liked about it was that montage, and considering 90% of the clips there were from DB/Z it's hard to give it credit for that. Dan Dan Kokoro is great though

Would you guys be ok with the next series being about someone other than goku?

No. Dragon Ball without Goku is garbage.

I would prefer it with krillin and finding out hes a saiyan

Imagine it, you could never tell when hes gone super saiyan, or super saiyan 3 because he has no hair. He'd just start murdering out of nowhere

t. sean schemmel

t. mongoloid drooling overweight autistic NEET retard with no friends.