Beastars Chapter 69

There's also a 4-page interview with the author at the end.

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Oh cool, thought translation was dead







poor horny bunny




Haru a cute!

Madman actually went for it

what did he mean by this?

oh shit new chapter, neat interview at the end
The madman






>the two in the background
its the little things


misquoted, meant instead of





>that Haru
I'm a Junofag tho


Someone here mentioned that there were more chapters translated than 69, are those just random Sup Forumsnon scans? How often do raws come out, monthly?

How good is this manga? I'm not super into the character designs but I'm open to giving it a shot

Nice, hopefully the translations catch up quickly
I need to try harder to not read the raws

The raws are up to 72. They come out weekly.

That's not terrible, its a shame progress is slow when the story is at a pretty critical moment

I'm going to translate the next three chapters by tomorrow. They'll be released in the next few days.

Can't wait, thanks

My friend had pills like those to stop smoking back in high school.

oh i finally get it

she's shy about her face because she used to be a Haru

Thus the metaphor of Beastars; Praying on the poor through prostitution.

Good man
It's gonna be a fucking JunoxLouis end, isn't it?

They have the same goal and want to see "equality" for their respective group for differing reasons
Still waiting on Juno's backstory since she must have something considering she's in the drama club

Im expecting LouisxThat stripper personally


I figured it was just 'cause she's hotpants for Legosi and figured she could learn or even upstage Louis while he's still around.

I can only hope. That'd be nice.
Did itagaki make the stripper an Okapi, Hell, even have that whole chapter like that for a reason? Vid related.

What is this furry garbage?


Beast Quad Checked

The maddog did it

>this isn't working out
>marriage will fix it!
I feel stupid, this just doesn't make sense

Legosi is kind of dumb

Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Juno is the daughter of wolf yakuzas. Louis will become the pinnacle of the mafia by uniting the lions and wolves.

I'm still 100% sure that Panda eats meat.

We never find out what happens to patients that can't be cured.

I bet Legosi will eventually meet other pandas that are all flabby like the dreamworks one.

If it's true-to-life (as it seems to be and the author express deeply), it's literally not possible for pandas to eat meat. It's like poison for them, they don't seek it out, they don't like it.

They have to eat ENORMOUS quantities of STRICT variety bamboo in order to stay alive and if they ever stop they starve to death.

That first panel's really fucking funny

Pandas can eat meat, and a quick google search shows that some of them do. I thought something like that would/will play a part in his character to make someone Legosi looks up to, a hypocrite

it's things like that that make the author's passion show, imo. Small touches that aren't at the forefront. Dungeon meshi and golden kamuy are two other manga that come to mind where this stuff is everywhere.

"Poison" doesn't always mean lethal, but they can't sustain themselves on it and it does hurt them in quantities larger than a rat (and, considering they eat literally 20-30 lbs of leaves/shoots of bamboo a day is a tiny amount).

I get what is trying to say, that Panda is a carnivorous cannibal (eating his patients that fail to re-integrate) but it's just not a natural desire for him. He'd be more likely to sell off his "incurable" patients to something like Vultures or something.

He's so stupid, but I love him.

It...not really a little thing? It's basically the entire point of a full page shot with a tiny line immediately followed by a full page shot with zero line whatsoever while the two interacting remain motionless. It's the half the joke; the reaction shot of the shocked frozen and the schoked into action.
If it was over the span of a couple pages where legosi and friends are talking about fucking bunnies or something, but the entire time over those halfdozen pages a group of dogs were filling a Kong ball and dropping it down the stairs they were sitting on and eating the contents while bringing it back up the steps and dropping it again...that would be one of the little things.

>bunnyslut may actually win the Legosibowl


Its not much of a challenge, he doesn't give a shit about any other female in this series.

Imagine if Beastars get an adaptation, the amount of le ebic NTR threads would be endless.

I don't see the series getting an adaption, and if it did, I don't see many studios that may pick it up doing a good enough job to keep Sup Forumsnon interested long enough for massive shitposting

Crafting a story from how you believe the characters would act is how Ashihara writes manga...

Fuck, I miss World Trigger

Very. Has some odd shounen-y flair in later chapters that seems to conflict with the tone of most of the manga. That said it IS a shounen manga, so I guess that's that. It honestly feels very mature. Slow burn, absolutely lovable main character, really interesting character drama.

That reminds me that Legosi must have something too, no? I feel like there have been hints but he's always shut up about them.

Will Legosi be a Beastar? He's a vegetarian cannie, perfect for being a beastar.

Probably. If not he'll be a candidate that everyone remembers.

If he catches the killer he'll automatically become the next beastar

>to keep Sup Forumsnon interested long enough for massive shitposting

Dude, it's a High school drama with furries. Sup Forums would shitpost about it no matter the studio.

he has a grandpa, and from the backstory of him and his friend we got, he doesn't like being a wolf
whoever catches the killer will be a Beastar, but I predict someone will steal credit (maybe Juno) and cause further conflict

Imagination is as far as it would go.
This series is a shounen about anthros (not popular) set in a boarding school (tame setting) starring an introverted murderer, a literal slut and a masochistic nobleman (not a tame group) that begins with the depicted murder, has brazen and un-sexy sex scenes and has suicidal psychopathy. It wouldn't sell.

When did Beaststars become a super hero manga?

>High school drama with furries
But, like, it's LITERAL drama. None of this tame japanese "he held my hand" bullshit or "we got the finals!" nonsense. There's mentally deranged citizens, school-shooter loner on the loose AFTER having already eaten a schoolmate, existence-justifying attention whores who fuck anyone for any reason, gossip girls that let everyone know it, a literal etc. You can call it high-school slice-of-life all you want, but it's extreme with the personality of actual teens (even when they're dumb, pompous, immature or scared).

When Legosi met the panda bear.

>tfw no Pixar-level Beastars movie

What I'm getting at is very few studios would do a good job so it would flop and lose attention. The Sup Forums shitposting I'm talking about is refering to NTR and other shit that more popular anime constantly get because it attracts to much attention, this would likely fade away as that "another furry anime that failed/flew under the radar of Sup Forums"

When the editors told Itagaki to stop writing shoujo

I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not considering the Disney Zootopia movie of a canid and a rabbit getting over social anxieties and fucking each other under the goal of detective work in solving a crime.

>When the editors told Itagaki to stop writing shoujo
thus making Beastars a bit worse off. Seriously not everything needs "training arcs" and shit

I agree, this "training arc" is stupid, hopefully it dies down after the Tem Killer arc and focuses on Louis

He should fuck that okapi. Nothing wrong with a mob boss impregnating a Christmas Cake stripper.

that's where things seem to be headed

I was gonna say "please keep Louis's dick clean" but then I remembered Haru.

I was expecting something like "Leprosi...You and I are murderes too"

>Christmas Cake
