When will anime get good again?
I've been watching anime since '92, and I can see that most anime of the past few years have been kawaii dog crap. Give me the classics anyday.
When will anime get good again?
I bet you're looking forward to the new series, huh?
Name your top 10 anime
>image unrelated
Fuck nigger are you 40?
Anime has always been full of kawaii shit because Japan loves it. Non-kawaii anime is still made. Go and fuck yourself.
OP is a liar post Schonkopp
how and where do i watch this show
Highly recommend Pop Team Epic. Its an intellectual show for grown ups.
LOGH subs weren't completed until 2011
Never, anime is for faggots and children nowadays.
>logh is the only good anime ever made hurr durr
>you're an annoying fag so i'll say logh is shit to be a reactionary contrarian hurr durr
just finished LotGH
what a wild ride
also Oberstein is my waifu
It's genuinely shit and I never liked it. The pacing is poor, it's unexciting, and the writing is sophistic at best. Really don't see what the appeal is. I guess it's cool and sophisticated looking if you don't actually know anything about history, military tacttics and politics.
the characters are great and so is the scale of the world / web of connections between everything in the show - it's really fun to see how everything plays out with the multiple intrigues and conflicts of interest
it's not as perfect as some people claim, but don't nitpick it for shit like somewhat inaccurate tactics (in fucking space battles) and writing that doesn't rely solely on formal argumentation - it's a fucking sci-fi show, not an analytical philosophy essay
it's comfy
not me by the way
>if you like LoGH you're just a pseudointellectual who's trying to make his fucking 3x3 look cool
>if you don't like it your'e an assblasted, contrarian moefag
Who gives a shit?