What the fuck was the point of this episode?
Couldn't they just have started the episode with the picture of the dead kids and completely removed the stupid Boys versus Girls feud?
Darling in the Franxx - Episode 08
Other urls found in this thread:
>modern Sup Forums literally cannot watch a show if it's not exposition plot dumps for 24 minutes
I got 02 feet so I'm happy
>hurr durr give me more filler episodes yumyum I love wasting my time
kill yourself
>What the fuck was the point of this episode?
To sell more BDs.
This was literally a 10/10 episode.
Are you fucking retarded, OP?
>character development
Okay mr buzzwords, just drop it then.
This episode was for Character development
Kill yourself
>character development
nice buzzwords
all that happened was the girls removed the stick from their ass
this could have also been achieved in 2minutes with a character finding the picture of the dead kids and everyone realizing they have to work together
they wasted 20 minutes with Love Hina-tier slapstick and retarded teenage angst and you idiots gobble it up
>This show is bad because it's not a genre i like
Good argument dickhead
>I hate fun
>character development
it's not development if they had to regress in order for it to happen
>it's a "boys accidentally enter the bath when the girls are there and get yelled at" episode
Is this your first anime?
right back at you retard
no, but I assume it is yours since you don't enjoy this kind of episode
>a show about retarded teenage angst
>wasted time on retarded teenage angst
>no u
no u!
Kiznaiver did it better and at least it didn't pretend to be deep.
>a show about giant dinosaurs attacking moving sci-fi cities protected by magical girl mechas
>wasted time with "KYAA KONO ECCHI! SUKEBEI!" jokes
Remember when this had the potential to be the next fucking eva?
Fucking rip
This. I'm tired of shows trying to give depth to characters, all I need is intro>montage training>final battle>end.
t. Mari Okada
Ok, Michael Bay
It's the other way around.
It's a show about teenager sol with occasional mech fights
Last week felt like it was going to be the episode were the kids finally had fun together but instead it was Ichigo the fun vampire. This week felt like it was going to be Ichigo the fun vampire, but it ended up being the episode were the kids finally had fun together.
Also 02 and Hiro's relationship continues to move along splendidly
Sadly this is so true
Your pic made me think Hiro gave 02 an earring as a present and made me sad that there's no artwork of her with them. They would look very pretty on her
The Michael Bay generation.
It is not true because even when shows have 24 minutes of characters explaining the plot, the threads still are filled with "what the fuck is happening? this show makes no sense"
The only good posters on Sup Forums that generate good discussion are SoL pedophiles
Maybe with this and the beach episode all the awful crossboarders might realise that this isn't the next KLK or TTGL and tire of the show and stop infesting the threads.
The point was about being more respecting and caring of their partners. Hiro pretty much spells it out at the end when he speaks to 002 before getting in the robot.
We also see more Kokoro character development and hinting of KokuroXMitsuru.
Kokoro is used to being treated as a background character that never voices her opinion and her friends are surprised when they realise that she is actually there and can speak. Nobody even noticed her leaving in the previous episode even after Fatty white knighted about protecting her. Milkman must have noticed and had to have been observing her to have saved her on time showing he cares about her while Fatoshi was just going with the flow. Even in this episode we see Fatoshi get influenced by 002 and Hiro's relationship into embarrassing Kokoro without paying attention to her feelings. Mitsuru is the only character that doesn't treat her like a background character and she admires him for that.
Get in here /milk/bros.
>Oh wow the boys saw some of our skin let's act like cunts for an entire episode
Uhh okay. Care to elaborate? I think not.
The only "development" came from Kokoro voicing her opinion and 02 having some fun. Everything else could and would have been scrapped by a more competent writer. All the characters remained firmly rooted in the personalities they had established since episode 1. We learned nothing in this episode that we didn't know last episode, nothing happened, no one changed, nothing.
In short, we wasted an entire episode on the girls going from "kyaaa baka hentai boys" to "Oh well I guess we overreacted".
But apparently pointless filler is considered "depth" by fanboys now.
Darling is cute!
Are you sure you read the comment properly? He was disparaging the episode. He doesn’t give a shit about depth or whether it’s well done or not.
> Dear taxpayers, we made this series to show you that fucking is helping the nation.
> Fuck more.
Episode was funny as fuck
If you didn't like it then you just don't like anime anymore
How can anyone not want to protect this smile?
Most viewers got tired of the show, considering how it's sinking.
>Japs can't enjoy romance without awkward misunderstandings and harems
The kids fooling around for the entirety of a couple of days for the entire episode. Creates a very distinct contrast for when it ends with a case of existential crisis and a fear of death.
Had it started with the latter the impact wouldn't have been nearly the same.
Besides all that fooling around was a great time to focus on and shine more light on the characters.
It was a pretty great episode I'd say.
We need more plot.
Really, this is a cool ep and all, the beach one too, but we need something more to keep people interested.
Only interesting portions were Hiro/02's development and dead child room. Could have reconstructed the rest of it to be a bit less predictable.
Oni being cute. Balancing a basketball on her head. Cuddling her Darling.
majority of Sup Forums hates fun, you should all drop this show as you quite clearly got this confused for something else.
Drop it faggot then. I'll see you next week.
Also sadly this is true. sol pedophiles are the least cancerous posters now
I for one, love fun.
Tanoshii daisuki.
Is there a gif/webm of 02 nodding here?
I'm posting here beacuse it's the closest Trigger thread right now.
Tattun apparently tried to make an AMA on Reddit with Franxx's producer didn't get any questions kek, producer had to go to a meeting or something. He said he will try hosting an AMA on Sup Forums eventually.
Sex and relationships have a huge role in the show and there was an extreme sexual innocence they were written with so far. The main role of the episode was not the feud itself, but to have the kids openly acknowledge and come to terms with the sexual elements of their roles. Further to do so in a way that made sense for it to happen to the entire cast at once, not just Hiro and 02/Ichigo and get it out of the way. They even explicitly told you, it was everyone hitting puberty all at once. Plus that sexual awareness feeds into the subplots around Ikuno, Mitsuru, and Kokoro that have been building. And will likely be relevant for other things down the line.
When did she get a new suit?
Best episodes ranking so far.
Fifth ep had great storytelling and suspence, that's why it's top in my opinion.
>What the fuck was the point of this episode?
This episode.
To cross or not cross? That is the question.
My gripe is that they took an entire fucking episode to do this, when the plot has already been taking a back-seat for a couple weeks.
A better writer would have woven these elements of hitting puberty and accepting the dynamic between the boys and the girls during a fight or an emotional beat, or just anything but the slapstick-fest that we got.
As it stands this episode felt like a filler that hammered you over the head with its message, when really the show could use some more fucking story as opposed to pointless teenage shenanigans that everyone has already seen a billion times in every single harem and shonen series in existence.
>being afraid of a bunch of girls
>one of them so short I could bend her over any surface
I thought it was a pretty entertaining episode, I'm not biased to feet or anything.
No cheating
1 on 1
Could you defeat the Oni?
The EDs are getting better and better
This was the episode where the boys asked themselves, "WHY THE FUCK MY PEEPEE HARD?!?!"
Ok episode. Coming back next week.
I just realized that when she was balancing the ball on her head, it was resting between her horns. She cheated.
>girls vs boys
I like this episode. In more ways than one.
the horns are part of her body, they are allowed.
>all the glorious Miku this episode
10/10, will be rewatching to prune out reaction images.
Miku with her hair down is a miracle of the universe.
can someone post the panty thieft webm?
02 > Miku > Ichigo = Kokoro > Ikuno
>No lewding allow
It was fucking shit, i am having kiznaiver flashbacks.
Why are you arguing with people who think SAO is a good show?
Kokoro is best girl, Miku is close second, Ichigo is alright and I don't even know the fourth's name.
ZeroTwo is special
So apparently you can stealth fuck and impregnate the girls while they're riding the mech and won't feel a thing.
Ichigo > Miku > 02 > Ikuno > Kokoro
>He watched Kiznaiver
I'm fairly certain the aim of Darling in the Franxx is an experiemtn in seeing how much cliched garbage can be stuffed into one anime.
There aren't a-lot of frames to work with because she nods about 1.75 times.
I really appreciate the Miku development we got. She's been shown to be very stubborn, possibly more so than Zorome (given that she felt she was morally in the right while Zorome didn't, it can't be said for sure), but also impulsive and a little vain. I love this cheeky little qt so much it hurts. I sexually identify as Zorome saying he wants to protect her.
Is this as shitty as Trigger's other shows?
Nana says that according to the APE manual when parasites reach puberty they must "intervene and resolve the issue immediately"
Do they castrate them?
No they mean his lust gets out of control and grows tentacles so they just lock him up with all the girls for a week and get it over with.
Patrician taste
>Then stop overworking us dumbass.
>What the fuck was the point of this episode?
A lot of shit happened user
>The cast found out the previews squadron died
>Mitsuru and Kokoro's relationship foreshadowing so the baby doesn't come out of nowhere
>02 interacts with the cast instead of acting like a bitch 99% of the time
>Confirmation of the Ikuno being Gay for Ichigo
I remind them.
Better. Execpt for Ninja Slayer.
>completely removed the stupid Boys versus Girls feud?
They compensated the drama and tragedy by adding some fun. Are you that stupid?
Kokoro deserves a good stoning, inshallah, she is a whore.
They also got the obligatory “Miku and Zorome” episode out of the way so now we can worry about them being killed off at any time.
>Shit we've seen a million times in other anime is funny as fuck and not liking it means you just don't like anime
This feels so wrong
This is the objective truth.
Proof that just like Fatoshi, those who prefer Kokoro stay with Fatoshi are selfish bastards who don’t care about Kokoro’s true feelings.
>What the fuck was the point of this episode?