Hatsukoi Zombie 99
Two chapters in as many days? What sort of dark sorcery is this?
Last page.
98 took a shitlong time to get released cause of QC problems and 99 was made fueled by anger.
Thank you for the new chapters!
That was fast. Very fast
Thanks btw
Fucking bitch getting angry and jealous for no reason at all
I'm starting to dislike her more
And here we go with the tease again.
I wonder how will next chapter manage to dissapoint us
>Vol 10 has been out like 2 months already
>noboy has uploaded it yet
it's like even the japanese fans are kinda dropping it
Not every series gets their raws uploaded quickly.
Ibusuki makes the best reactions.
So what happened to the whole patreon-wall thing? Not that I'm complaining.
>Fueled by anger
Why? Not that I'm complaining
So the mangaka realizes that people only want more Ebino now?
Probably because the aforementioned QC problems.
Anyone here the Author convinced to continue pirating this, even if it got licensed?
Tank updates are slow for a lot of series' user.
Wanna try typing that again super chief
glrious shrimp butt
Crystal pancake brain elderly
Because you clearly had a stroke the first time.
Anyone convinced here the author to got licensed if continued pirating?
Not my fault if you lost the ability to read English.
You didn't write English.
Okay Senor Cardgage, whatever you say.
Maybe you should retake that ESL-exam?
The author managed to make every appearance of her in the last chapter to look very cute