Why does Sup Forums have a problem with realistic characters? Hinata & Sakura & Ino are pretty realistic if you go outside.
Kishimoto is great at demonstrating the differences between Men & Women in a non sexist manner.
Why does Sup Forums have a problem with realistic characters? Hinata & Sakura & Ino are pretty realistic if you go outside.
Kishimoto is great at demonstrating the differences between Men & Women in a non sexist manner.
those characters are alright, but have you seen EVA?
Here we go. Another Naruto thread that will hit it's limit solely on
>Sakura bashing
>Hinata bashing
>Kishi bashing in general for being such a shit writer especially when it came to women and romance
>Narusakufags/Naruhinafags going back and forth at each other
>Making fun of Sasusaku
Welcome to male tumblr.
>becomes married
>has kids
>her tits become 1/5th the size of what they use to be she goes from very busty to almost flat chested
>naruto looks 40 years older within 10 years
what the fuck happened holy shit
But they are great characters? It's just virgins who want them to be unrealistic, guess what. Women aren't fighters and they are very useless intellectually and are at best handling social relationships or child-bearing. Which is exactly what the girls in Naruto did.
It's just pussy virgins who are trying to self-insert as a female despite gender differences. Go study biology 101 before you criticize Hinata & Sakura.
Go outside you virgin. Hinata is very realistic, she has no value other than giving children which is as realistic as it gets.
I didn't know /r9k/ likes Naruto
Phht, realistic.
HInata is tolerable. KEY WORLD BEING TOLERABLE. That doesn't mean good. She was just overly shy for the sake of it, got beaten down hard by Kishimoto's failed attempts at trying to create a 'relationship' despite him not knowing anything.
Ino is just a dumb girl who basically got shafted to "C-list Sasuke" territory and still felt sad when people tried to talk about taking down Sasuke
Sakura is the worst though:
>Completely stockholm Syndrome to Sasuke
>Causes a love triangle to happen because Kishimoto has no idea how to write women
>could only do one useful thing for the entire series (taking down Sasori) before not being able to do her job properly.
>Doesn't even care enough to tell her own daughter the truth and throws a hissy fit when Sarada asks questions
Seriously, if you actually want women with actual personalties, see image:
Says the user who posts Sakura Haruno, one of the WORST female characters in WSJ history. Up there with Misa Amane too.
>Misa Amane
Misa Amane is literally the average college blonde, you guys must live in a closet if you don't know what actual women are like. They go shopping, watch netflix and put make-up on. They only care about having fun and dating, Misa is a reflection of actual women, you guys need to stop inserting your stupid fantasies on anime girls.
All those things you complain about Sakura are something that a real woman would do. Maybe you're just gay
He meant autistic.
thats not realistic in the modern world every girl is a degenerate power obsessed slut
No, nobody stays stockholm syndrome to an abusive man and says its a good thing. Nobody causes major love triangles because they don't know what they want. Nobody is completely useless for most of their life and nobody makes those kinds of questionable decisions around their children if they 'cared' at all.
Also, Misa Amane was one of the worst characters in Death Note. Her so called 'one sided relationship' was poorly handled with Light. Harley Quinn, she ain't.
You have NEVER went outside if you think this.
If anything, you don't know women very well, do you?
I'm around them all day every day, talking to them.
Narutards bringing the best threads to Sup Forums.
Clearly, you are not troll. What are you going to say next, that you get all the sex? That you have had sex a thousand times over.
Yeah, you clearly are projecting if you think you understand what women are like stupid.
>He doesn't know what projecting means
Yeah, clearly you don't know what projecting means stupid.
>, one of the WORST female characters in WSJ history.
That's a nice meme you have there.
Who's worse than Sakura?
Why are you making this a who's the worst contest?
When at the start of Shippuden, Sakura become a badass strong female character who need no man i dropped this shit.
It's just women who can't do anything IRL that they need a fantasy to live the lives they never could.
Women hate Hinata because she reminds them of how awful their lives are lol
the only series that got woman characters right is inuyasha but that was written by a women so it's cheating
>Up there with Misa Amane too
Thank you. Misa is everything wrong with anime.
actually all the characters were for the most part good sad she cant write a plot to save her life
Katekyo Hitman was written by a woman and Kyoko & Haru were useless for combat and were support characters that boosted morale of the men.
Women Mangaka's know that female characters are supposed to be in the back while the guys put in the work. Western female authors have been brainwashed by feminism and that's why every western fantasy is garbage focused around smut or boring forced personalities in their characters.
no one wants a strong woman a a shonen manga series user
>Women aren't fighters
Then they shouldn't receive any focus in a fighting series at all. They're a waste of ink.
>They only care about having fun and dating, Misa is a reflection of actual women, you guys need to stop inserting your stupid fantasies on anime girls
Yeah, because Naruto is an accurate representation of a real life male.
>Pic related is about a mystic undead fighter who got floored and murdered by said little girl before getting his magical buff
Nice example you got there.
Wrong. Women are support characters and are used to change the tone of the series to give it a "break" so it's not always full of tense moments nonstop. They create light-hearted scenes and also show the emotional aspect of the characters. They give the mangaka lots of fans through people who like to ship/pair certain characters with another.
It's garbage like Tokyo Ghoul that tries to force women into combat relevance when things go to shit. Women are MEANT for support roles, that's why they give babies in the first place user.
Explain Sango.
>every girl is a degenerate power obsessed slut
Don't know about western world but it's not the case here in asia. My friends are getting married left and right at the age of 24. Almost every girl I know wants to settle down and have children early, job can come later.
>"A-atleast the female characters were good!"
"No!" The only well written female characters were Temari and Tenten. Ironically the only two you did not name. Sakuro, Hinato, and Ina were literally just inserts for young boy to drool over. And I'm sorry for your autism if you think any of them are realistic.
This unironically. Damn. I like women.
>This kills the virgin otaku
Sasuga, user
Funny you should say this, when Hinata is literally this for male readers: a wish fullfillment fantasy waifu to project yourself into a relationship with. The Nip's version of pic related
It's a waste of time to have useless characters in an action manga unless they hold an actual position of authority or have a skill that makes them useful like being a scientist or a detective.
Pic related sucks at fighting but has massive guts and gets shit done by smarts alone. There's also Bulma while has never thrown a serious punch in the entirety of Dragon Ball yet is a certified badass as in her own area.
Supporting cheerleaders are boring as hell and the first sign of shitty writting.
>well written female characters
Literally all the girls abandoned their dreams and goals to become housewives
As they should.
Lol it's a wish fulfillment for women in Japan also, why do you think female Mangaka's make women cook & clean like Katekyo?
Koto is such a qt. Best YYH girl, no scratch that, best Togashi girl period.
That's exactly what user is celebrating as realistic. Apparently the concept of female professional is completely foreign to him.
Women should be removed from shounen, they are unnecessary and frustrating. If they aren't useless, they have this obnoxious attitude like they're hotshit.
Sounds like real life user.
Not that user but >female professional
>why do you think female Mangaka's make women cook & clean
Read more than 10 manga. And not just shounen
She spoke like four sentences throughout the manga (once when she mentions she wants to be like tsundade, hyping up neji in Lee's flashback, hyping up Neji again during his fight with Naruto, complaining about how Neji's death left her alone with Gai and Lee) and had no on panel fights compared to Hinata's actual backstory, sibling rivalry, and motive from being the family black sheep. You're just going off of looks and fetishes.
>Asian female writers only write doormats
You seriously need to read some CLAMP.
>Temari and Tenten
Fuck off. They were shit as well. Tenten is so fucking irrelevant that she didn't even get a last name from Kishi. She had like five panels in the entire series, one of them drooling over Sasuke.
>Apparently the concept of female professional is completely foreign to (you)
>why do you think female Mangaka's make women cook & clean like Katekyo?
gay; women have no role in society at all. if you actually get emotional benefit from women at all you're a weak dicked idiot.
You mean the smut manga or the MILLIONS of books written by women that are like 50 shades of grey where the protagonists SOLE purpose is to get the bad boy to impregnate her?
I understand the concept senpai, but again.
>female professionals.
This is what a female professional looks like user.
How does the fabric fit into the ass cheeks like that?
I can get behind that kinda professional.
Buff girl on the right is pretty.
>Implying that is wrong
Temari was very relevant in her country during time of war and became a perfect diplomat between two countries marryiung a high ranking official from another village after the war, a perfect role for a woman of the military in times of peace.
What make her reaalistic is that she was not "head over heels" for Shikamaru and instead fostered a very healthy attraction and relationship based on his skill, intelligence, philosophy, and general dominance over her.
Tenten, provided we assume she ended up with Lee (I would say this is 80% likely even though Kishi admitted he forgot to show it the fucker), is similiar. During times of war she aspired to be great like Tsunade, but soon realised she was just not suited for that role and eventually accepted her role as support for her male teammates. She was never useless (the fight versus Temari being the shit-show it was was not canon) and again, never shoehorned into an unrealistic lovey-dovey state for Lee (or even Neji if we assume she loved him first like some people do). While her relationship with Lee/Neji was unorthodox, again it was filled with admiration, respect, and was very healthy and normal. And after the war she used her extensive knowledge of weapons to serve the men that run the country in times of peace by opening a weapons shop, even if business is slow.
>Funny you should say this, when Hinata is literally this for male readers: wish fulfillment fantasy waifu
How so? Because she's a nice person?
Anime magic.
Also it happens in real life with particularly tight materials, like yoga pants, and people who don't fix it when it rides up between their cheeks.
Now Hinata's story is
>forever in love with guy who helped her when she was like 4 despite him always talking about another girl
Reality check losers, rl Hinato would have been getting double teamed by Kiba and Shino constantly. Women will not wait long for men, no matter how much they love them. ESPECIALLY in times of war (lol, sorry soliders).
Sakura is the same. A woman will take abuse from a man and still love him sure, but this is only when he is actively giving her money and a good fuck. Sakura probably wouldn't have go for Naruto since he was such a massive beta orbiter. But I'll bet she would be getting the Cock-ashi nighlty after hard mission if you get what I mean. Especially since I distinctly recall Sakua having daddy issues and what better way to fill the void of a normal father she hates than an older male in a position of power over her that ius widely regarded and known?
Ino of course doesn't get as much depth but she still suffers from obsessing over Sasuke, with even less excuse since she barely even interacts with him outside the academy. And then her solution? Fuck the replacement guy they get to replace Sasuke! Lol! I wonder how many times she would have slipped that Red Food Pill into Choji's food to get a good loving while he is slim during their off time if this was written in a realistic way? Dude was a massive pervert and we all know the REAL reason the Expansion Jutsu is such a powerful technique *wink wink*.
>perfectly devoted wife
How is that believable?
You know not all women are American.
What about Tsunade herself? Or Kagura?
>implying Kiba wasn't dicking her while Naruto was off on missions.
I'm sure what keeps her in check is the fact that naruto has the kyuubi demon in him and can duplicate himself for endless sex thanks to the uzumaki chakra+kyuubi chakra.
She basically wanted him for his genes.
>Because she's a nice person?
Not only nice but unconditional, cute and frail like a loyal puppy.
faggot confirmed
Tsunade was well written I think. Yeah she was made to be massively powerful but this was really only because of her extensive knowledge of medicine, which was a realistic passion for her given the deaths of her loved ones. In the end she still played third and support for her male teammates and women in power without a family often do succumb to things like alcoholism and gambling to fill the void. While she did become Kage it was really for her name only, and as we see she was not well suited to actually protecting the village (tfw a genin is stronger and fends off the enemy better than the villages leader who is supposed to be strongest). Just good for doing paperwork and having a famous name on the top.
It's not unconditional. We're blatantly told why Hinata likes Naruto.
None of the shinobi are frail.
Plenty of male and female characters are cute.
You will be surprised the facade women will put on for Chad genes. They can play the nice girl if it means she will get the dick.
Hinata is intelligent, and probably the smartest female character in anime. She KNOWS what the end-game is. It's a womans job to make sure she gets the man with the most security & power in the world with the best genetics.
She was in it for the long-haul and it paid off. She got dicked by the fucking Hokage and reincarnation of one of the greatest people in history, she absorbed the dna of every Bijuu along with Uzumaki genes which gives her the most healthy offspring.
It paid off and this community should show more respect for her. Her instincts must've sensed naruto's potential and she played the good girl knowing the dick will come eventually.
Believe it.
Get the feeling none of them would've liked Naruto at all until he was confirmed to be ninja Jesus. Then he would've been beating them away with a stick.
>Kishimoto is great at demonstrating the differences between Men & Women in a non sexist manner.
Kishi only makes women character, if he needs a romantic plot device, otherwise they could as well be men.
Also he stated that he is shit at drawing women. Considering how some of his males actually look like women, some people may seriously scratch their heads as of why this is.
Pic related is Hinata if she was well written
He was basically doing that in the movie.
>implying he won't reform the vampire girl with his dick and cuck her.
Sango was useless.
>push down these feelings
But why? What's wrong with using those feelings as a source of motivation and inspiration? Why do people these days think it's so wrong to look up to the person you like?
hasn't kishi said he'd bad at writing female characters
It confuses autismos.
That's what all women want deep in their hearts, underneath the brainwashing.
The thing is, Sup Forums tends to generalise and belittle women, just like tumblr generalises and belittles men.
Do American women who aren't super religious still become house wives?
Sakura, not Hinata, not Naruto, or Itachi or Sasuke, is the only character Kishimoto wrote with the goal of making someone who is realistic. It's not necessarily a good thing. Good, selfless ideal heroes are likable but don't at all resemble most real people. Anno understood that and created Shinji Ikari. Kishimoto didn't understand that, created Sakura, and was baffled by the fact that people hated her.
>Why do people these days think it's so wrong to look up to the person you like?
I don't know how you inferred that from the pic, it's clearly saying she does look up to him. This is just Hori telling us she wont just be a one note waifu like Hinata. She has her own motivations and goals that don't revolve around her crush. Hinata Iost everything interesting about her character when Kishi dropped her clan storyline in part 2 in favor of just being Naruto's satellite
Neji took care of all that shit.
Sakura is one of the worst female characters in anime history though.
Hinata lost her panel time like all of the other rookies in Part II. This doesn't retroactively make Hinata's character shit and it's too early to say that this won't happen with Hori too. At this point in the Naruto manga Kishi was writing the Chunin Exams.
I preferred Ino over Sakura. IRL chicks lile Ino are way more pleasant to be around than Sakuras. Inos can be ignorant sluts but at least they’re nice.