Hey everybody, its Saturday Night! How are ya?

Hey everybody, its Saturday Night! How are ya?

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>Aniki died
Could feel better.

I'm trying to find a good single cour anime to watch.

Remember since its saturday, you can join us for some cards against megukas.
Have all the fun Billy would have wanted you to have.

Watching Patlabor. Surprisingly easy to watch.
What kinds of anime do you like?

listening to music

I wish I knew how to answer that. I like sad shows. Anything that makes me cry is a major plus. I loved Erased, Plastic Memories, Clannad, etc. I like SoL. I just recently watched Barakamon and thoroughly enjoyed it. I like hot-blooded shit. TTGL and Getter were great fun. I like tragedy and gore. I loved Inuyashiki last season. I like sci-fi and horror. I'm a huge fan of Memories, specifically Magnetic Rose. I like shows that focus on a long, complex narrative, like FMA:B. I also like slow-moving, character-driven shows like Haibane Renmei. I run the fucking gamut, so it's very hard for me to find things that I like, because it's so hard to define what I'm looking for.

The one thing I always enjoy seeing is an adult male character interacting in a brotherly or fatherly way with a young female character. Barakamon ticked that box pretty hard.

Since you said One-cour: SukaSuka is pretty good, it reminded me of Clannad. Sweetness and lightning is has the fatherly aspect to it.

I loved Sweetness and Lightning. I haven't heard of SukaSuka, so I'll look it up. Thanks.

I want to die.

Planet Dance is the worst Macross song bar none.


I've watched too many emotionally charged anime.

Anime has never made me cry which is weird because I cry often otherwise

Have you sought out notoriously sad anime? Because of the dozens I've seen, only a few have gotten me to cry. It's just a matter of finding that proper balance between good writing and relatable subject matter. Plastic Memories was pretty meh when it was trying to be funny, but the sad parts hit so fucking close to home that I felt like I was going to vomit when it was over. I'd say just find a show that strikes a nerve, then chase that nerve. If you're a lunatic like me and you like shows that make you cry.


>tfw Ozma was listening to Fire Bomber and you realize by that point in the timeline they're "the music your dad listens to"


Based Fukuyama

Good call on SukaSuka. I'm only an episode in so far, but I love it.

Good to hear


>got a student loan paid off
>watchin Samurai Shampoo
>got a minor toothache

Pretty solid Saturday if I do say so myself.

Have you checked out Claymore? Also Gungrave.

I love Gungrave more than anyone should, but I haven't seen Claymore. Adding it to the list. Arigatou.

Got the title in Uta Macross, should go well for when I use Ranka.