>literally Kiznaiver 2.0
Bravo Trigger.
How did they manage to ruin another show with teen melodrama?
It was pretty obviously going to be nothing but teen melodrama from the start. How did it get "ruined"?
>wooow, teens have emotions and are dramatic
kinaiver was much better because it knew it wanted to be teen melodrama
frannx just can't decide if it is a soap opera or a mecha anime
trigger have little to nothing to do with the production of this show and therefore it should be counted among their failures
The first episode made it seem like mindless LNshit, but now it wants to pretend to have a heart or something.
should not be, rather
Kiznaiver was actually somewhat better than this.
But the good parts are thanks to based Trigger, am I right?
"good parts"
Which had a worse main character, this or Kiznaiver?
>yuki kagi voiced Rei clone
>boring light novel self-insert guy
I can't decide.
This shit is too slow for it's own good. The important part of this episode was that they're starting to explore their sexuality even more, that women are turned off by it and that their predecessors are dead. They could've this shit in half and it would still be too fucking long. Nobody needs a fucking bathing scene.
Honestly, they should have condensed this episode with the previous one.
Kiznaiver, at least there was a plot related reason for him to be a complete faggot.
Hiro is almost as bland as a guy who was legitimately emotionally stunted.
So, Ikuno is pregnant, yeah? Who's the dad?
Oh shit i answered that as if you said "better", whoops.
Trigger didn't write this, you know that right?
Were people as rabid about Kiznavier as DitF?
nobody watched kiznaiver
Kiznaiver was better because it was 12 episodes unlike this turd
At first because >Trigger, but then most people dropped it.
What the fuck was the girls endgame? Miku is one thing, but Ichigo is smart, did she intend to keep this up forever? Didnt she think Papa would take issue with it?
Look the fucking staff up before you compare stuff
>Nobody needs a fucking bathing scene.
>Being too much of a brainlet for fucking Darling
The bath scene was one of the most important ones, it showed 02s development in actually trying to engage with the group (as opposed to last episode)
>Ichigo is smart
When exactly has Ichigo ever displayed that she's any hint of intelligence?
They made her leader for a reason
Im going to be honest, this was a shitty episode, literally no info besides the fact that we now know they are a test group.
Oh yes, because that couldn't have been solved in 10 seconds instead of making it a 5 minute scene where the girls throw shit at the boys until the supervisors had enough. She could've intervened much earlier to the same effect but with less fanservice.
Tactical intelligence does not denote emotional maturity.
>Thought the mechas were going to have their own personalities
>They're literally just robots with the little shits piloting them being the main focus
she is lowest number, but number are based on genes and not brains
damn this show actually used that old cliche? when did they first start doing that in the fucking 50's or something?
>instead of making it a 5 minute scene where the girls throw shit at the boys until the supervisors had enough
I went back to the episode, the amount of time spent on the people in the bath (as opposed to Hiro chasing 02) is literally under a minute. Hardly massive
>less fanservice
There was fuck all fanservice anyway, they might as well have been wearing halter tops
when can we expect to see the bathing scenes in the manga
I had a lot of fun watching this episode.
Ichigo literally admitted to being dumb in the prior episode.
Oh my god what's wrong with her face?
cute kokoro
Was this alpha?
I want kokoro to have my babies. She is precious and easily the best girl. I think she may outshine 02
After being a total cunt for the whole episode, Miku didn't really save face with the generic tsundere scene at the end.
No, it's sad.
both kokoro and miku were great in this ep
Ichigo is literally Chidori
Yes if he was being honest
No if he thought that would give brownie points
He literally got on the floor later so he broke frame
You mean A-1
broke frame? I can't think of any way in English that sentence makes sense
This is 100% true.
02 currently has the highest chance of death this cour by a mile.
This show is pure shit and I'm pretty sure anyone who says they like it or that it's good just turned off their brains for 02.
Hopefully Goro doesn't go full retard over Ichigo like Tenga did over Chidori
Foreshadowing doesn't matter in this show. Light novel kid just has to be a cool guy and everything will be okay.
I'm just watching it for context on the doujins.
Reminder that you will never suck on them.
>frannx just can't decide if it is a soap opera or a mecha anime
hmmm this is weird, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before...
hmmmm now what could it be....
Eva did both parts well.
But Miku was clearly the one who hated the decision the most, and was going to break the rules if not for fun police Ikuno and Ichigo.
All mecha shows are soap operas.
Except the really bad ones like Regalia and Comet Lucifer.
>There are things boys and girls can only do when they're together
>Like making F---!
Kokoro is fertile and lewd. Fertile and lewd!
Also, I fucking loved 02's antics this episode. Just running around being precocious and having fun was something I'd missed the last couple episodes. Even the beach mostly just had her standing around styling on Ichigo.
>1 minute into the episode
>nigger noise starts playing
>close immediately
I gave this pro-cuck anime a second chance but this is too much.
You remember me! Thank you user.
It fucking hurts, all I want to do is suckle on those horns
>pro-cuck anime
This isn't the Grancrest thread.
>goro is tenga
>ikuno is maki
>miku is nico
not sure about the rest though
Cry harder OP, your salty tears are delicious.
>fanservice burns my asexual christian eyes
Grow some gonads, barbie doll.
hopefully Ichigo doesn't go full retard over MC like Chidori did
>beacj episode
>dramashit next
Abe is real
If it sounds like something a neckbeard would type from his basement, then no, it isn't alpha.
Please don't use Kemono-dono to shitpost.
>Chad-kun giving him the "walking garbage" look.
It's over.
No. Kokoro's blush was in abject embarrassment, not a romantic blush. She was not happy about what he said.
that's cuz you're a beta
the idea that any of these dudes are chads is a fucking joke
the closest you're going to get is with Goro, and even he's a softie at heart.
It'd work better if he'd been able to see her face from that angle instead of just her butthole
>The only actual cuckold in the show
First 5 episodes actually had me stoked for this series
Then episode 6 happened and it's been shit ever since. Can the show redeem itself at this point?
Honestly if you hated ep 6 that much you might as well just drop the series. I doubt it's going to leave the themes that ep 6 were about.
That ED was GOAT.
He's not Chad. He's neurotic on edge 24/7.
Agreed. Honestly, getting compliments on my tits or ass is not a pleasant feeling.
I'll give him points for honesty though.
>ruined by teen melodrama
There's been nothing but teen melodrama in this show since episode 1, so it was never good to begin with.
I'd feel better about having a nice looking butthole than a nice looking face desu
This is why I don't get why people ship him with kokoro. He'd just ruin the relationship during a psychotic episode that she can't empathize with. He's better suited for someone that can care for him properly.
>nothing but teen melodrama
For most of the show the main conflict has been whether Hiro getting in the robot will fucking murder him
All three of the EDs we have gotten are pretty good. They really need to release the full versions. The OP on the other hand is more of an acquired taste to be diplomatic.
fuck you
zorome is chad
>anime for teens
>is about teens
Shocked desu
But user, Kokoro IS the one that can care for him properly.
Would you drink their used bathwater? Why was it yellow?
Ironically the only chad in the group is 02.
Kokoro is way more caring than Ikuno though.
she is the most caring of all the girls so best equipped to deal with that, ikuno's a dyke miku would spaz out at him and ichigo would ignore his problems to go follow hiro
ho boy
>Having anything to do with the show other than the animation
user, i