Before Super Ends: How would you describe the Tournament of Power and their Universes?

Before Super Ends: How would you describe the Tournament of Power and their Universes?

Extra points if you include a picture related to it

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Gets me every time.

I'm sure I'll appricate it more once I rewatch the entire thing.

Reading a manga arc or watching a anime is always better when done at once rather then waiting weekly.

it really feels like it did nothing but the expected
>Goku gets a new cool form that will eventually become weaker than the next one
>Antagonist is a silent strong guy without a personality
>Frieza was cool
it sucks that Krillen didn't have a breakthrough during the tournament but had one pre Tournament and Tien didn't do anything beside having a dumb ring out.

The asspull saga
>Goku dies and disintegrates yet somehow revives and obtains a form that even GoDs (who have lived for thousands of years) cant master
>He masters the form in less than 40 mins
>Everyone have near infinite stamina

It will be remembered for being the most stupid example of "Im the MC and cant die no matter what"

A complete and utter shit I regret ever watching it.

Top was a mistake. It should have been Goku and Vegeta on a multiverse adventure. As a ,mysterious enemy starts killing kais, GoDs, and angels. They gain new allies. Cabba, kale, and caulifla from u6, and the pride troopers.

The enemy would be Jiren. The former pride troopers that is killing Divine beings for some twisted justice.

Gohan is a scholar now lad, no need to be angry

Mildly interesting with characters that feel like they are the extensions of the DBZ cast, yet the plot and animation is so retarded and bad, that it's an insult to even consider the notion that it was planned for 15years. At least it feels like official content.





and poorly animated

Universe 7,6, and 11 shouldn't have taken out the other 70% of fighters. This shit was so lopsided, how could other universes even compete.

Oh wait, they couldn't.

I liked the scale of the battle. However it was almost entirely reused animations. Next ep better compensate

ToP:Fucking stupid barely thought out cash grab ass pulled by producres.

Universes:Random collection of faggots created solely to shill more stupid fucking toys and dumb ideas that writers/producres that would be funneh.

Entire last hafl of super is an embarassing clusterfuck of awful.

No he's not.
He's a middle management salary man, not a scholar.

>train for your whole life seeking to become the strongest
>become stronger than the God of Destruction himself
>ToP happens
>some monkeys far weaker than you keep getting powerups out of nowhere and defeat you through sheer asspull and fanfic-tier writing
>get erased because you're not the MC, so no asspull powerups for you

Link to episode 129 sub English.

First half pure shit, later half progressively good, right now i like it a lot


Atleast the shading was good

Underrated post.

You know those idiots who wanted DBZ to be nothing but fight after fight?

The ToP is shining example number one of why that's a bad idea.


But that's not even the case. Half the episodes are wasted on exposition through the supporting cast.

Interesting. Glad they decided to give other characters their moments in the spotlight (except Tien, he got fucked over) but overall, it has been a bumpy ride. Not as good as the Black Arc, but I think it's alright through and through, though not without its dumb moments.
Baseball episode is still my favorite though.

Link to dbs episode 129


considering super saiyan was achieved under high stress and anger, why is this a surprise to you?

Stress =/= exhaustion but your attepmt was admireable

he was like half dead before this, but i wasnt surprised at all. i mostly think this picture is funny