In Japan, it is a legendary series and considered one of the greatest of all time...

In Japan, it is a legendary series and considered one of the greatest of all time. So why do Amerilards have so much trouble understanding it? Is this the result of years of exposure to Funimation shit?


Average IQ in America is 95
Average IQ in Japan is 120
You need at LEAST 120 IQ to understand the most basic Tomino

i am not american but ideon simply looks like fucking trash. the only worthwhile entry is be invoked, but you cant ask people to watch 20 hours of horrendous visuals and reused stock material for one, fairly well directed movie. in fact, almost all of the tominos earlier shows look like fucking dogshit. Gorg looks better than everything that hack made until the late 80s.

actually too late bringing gundam to the west. they should have made moves to bring og gundam since 1980s when star wars wasnt in cinemas.

then missed the opportunity again in the 90s when wing exploded in popularity in us, they should have used it as an opportunity to remake the og series with better animation, instead they showed it in US full of QUALITY animation, turning people off.

now there are talks in remaking the og series. I would actually say its futile at this point to try to use it to introduce og gundam to the US.

I'm sorry but no. While I agree that Be Invoked is fucking amazing and literally the greatest anime film ever made, even the show itself is really fucking good. The visuals for the show are average anime quality.

Gorg was really good too and very underrated. Yasuhiko is generally less good as a director but his artistic talent helps with the animation.

no one gives a shit about your worthless opinion.

You give enough of a shit to react to it.

>Tominotrash is good
HAHAHAHAH is this what amerifats actually think


>Ideon was good
Oh dear amerilard

>americows trying to pretend they aren't plebian clappers

>Muh toy commercial is simply epic because people die in a movie
>Gundam is awesome because jap shitters like it

>looks like
so you didn't watch it yet are judging it

typical amerimutt


Not an argument
Tomino is a fucking hack and has made no worthwhile series, americans love to latch onto him because they think it means they have taste

Nobody gives a shit about this garbage show

no user, youre consuming an audio visual medium. this isnt a book. you can actually SEE the qualities of a show. and ideo looks like fucking trash, the same way msg and xabungle look absolutely atrocious. character designs, framing and shot composition, overall artistic direction are hideous compared to yasuhikos or dezakis works. add to that dozens of reused frames and stock footage (e.g. the beam spam of the ideon which probably is being copy pasted like a dozen times throughout the show). ideon is a hideous piece of work, even by early 80s standards. asking modern viewers to crawl in the mud and force themselves through 20 hours or atrocious visuals to watch a single, decent movie isnt not a reasonable thing to do.

This but unironically


Ideon has aged terribly, there's a bunch of stupid shit in it that's not excusable just because of when it was made.

I simply find most of Tomino's writing to be garbage, despite the deeper meanings. If I want to read philosophy or examine the psyche of young men, I crack an informative book. When I want to see weapons of war fight across the planets and the stars, I choose stories with strong scripts and well-written characters. Only the original 1979 Gundam series has satisfied this desire from Tomino. His other works I've experienced fall short in both regards.

>0079 is good
Guess how I know you haven't seen more than 200 anime

>Modern anishit weebshits chimping out because it doesn't have high school setting, generic harem, beta MC, high school drama, yuri, waifufag pandering, and other bullshit

>All this projecting
>Implying you've even seen as much anime as I have
>Implying you aren't an idiotic american who thinks gundam and tomino garbage is good

>Being proud of having no standards and watching endless garbage
The state of moeshit eaters

>Implying I watch moeshit
Americans really are illiterate. then again, the worst most generic god-awful moeshit is infinitely better than the toy commercial tomino makes

The television version is quite the slog, but the movie versions remove a lot of fat, and stupidity. However, while this is objectively Tomino's best work, that doesn't make it better than it's competition of the time.

You should read the posts you respond to. One of those guys is literally name dropping directors who made shows prior to, or around the same time as Ideons release. And no, those didnt feature high school students or moeblobs. You wouldnt be aware of that, though, since all you do is watch Tomino(?) - certainly doesnt sound like youve watched much else.

Dumbass spics

>This is what tominoshitters think is a good post

I feel like Ideon is only liked by heavy contrarians who think that liking a well received show that is not popular in their own country makes it alright to delude themselves into believing everything else is shit. It seems we have no choice to accept that apparently a show about a toy being chased and then fighting a wave of enemies in random locations for a full 39 episodes is supposed to be good.