A wild Nabe appears
Buyfag Thread
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First for cute rocks
My February order came today. Two very different Phat swimsuit figures that just happened to go on sale around the same time last year and get delayed to the same date so they arrived together
She came with a previously unannounced and unshown support rod, but I like to live dangerously so it's still in the box
Not a good idea to put your figures on actual sand, that's highly abrasive. You done goofed.
It's just for that photo, fucking returd.
Exactly, you are damaging your figure for just a fucking picture, attention whore.
Did moot ever post in a buyfag thread?
Literally who?
If you're the type of person who is super anal about QC, skip this one. the paint on the clothes isnt perfect, and there was a fine talcum powder with gloveprints on the maiale that brushed off easily. Looks good from more than 6 inches away, though.
I'm actually more worried about the motorcycle transmission gear I used to make the tank tracks than I am the figure base. It's not coming out from between the teeth easily. The figure is fine since i'm not a hamfisted moron.
So? He could just easily brush and wash it off.
>just wash the scratches off lol
Damage is already done by that time genius, micro scratches every where.
>I'm actually more worried about the motorcycle transmission gear I used to make the tank tracks than I am the figure base. It's not coming out from between the teeth easily. The figure is fine since i'm not a hamfisted moron.
You're a fucking retard, go away and never come back.
>delayed to April 2018
Kill myself.
You seriously can't be this retarded
>The figure is fine since i'm not a hamfisted moron.
Yeah no, its already fucked up once sand touched it. All those scratches are not going away.
sand == sandpaper you piece of shit.
Dumb sameposter
I've seen some upskirts before, but WEW. Theres very little concealed if you look up the shorts as well
Its a sand pattern cast into the base, your imaginary scratches arent going to show up other than under a microscope. Don't be melodramatic.
Posts less than 1 minute between them.
Looks ugly
Time to get the matching Thailand Racing Miku figure
It would show on those pictures if they weren't just as that sand, grainy as fuck
Here's the other, little baby 1/10 scale
I expected her to be more fit. She's too flabby
>talking shit about my waifu
Too many points spent on magic, she can barely hold her form
Did you ever have a purchase you regret?
>Literally who
Is this an edgy version of Miki?
And sand can be washed off with water.
>wanting your display item to not be scratched is autistic
Rub sandpaper against paint and then wash the sandpaper, retard
Wow that's a terrible looking figure. Looks cheap as fuck
>wanting your display item to not be scratched is autistic
Your time is up, newfag. Begone.
Jokes on (You), it was all me.
Probably been here longer than you m8. Stop shilling your shitty cookie-cutter waifus
You forgot to edit the replies under those, genius
You can’t make him!
If they’re minor scratches, it can be fixed. Read the guide.
these really dont display well together
Well yeah, it's Phat so it's to be expected. Still think she's one of the cuter of the line though.
Badly fixed you mean, altered from it's original condition for the sake of just attention whoring.
bonus item
Point proven before fags ironically post screenshots nonetheless.
I want more Pochacos.
how do you fix those scratches?
You buy a new figure and resist the urge to attention whore.
You've been here longer but don't know who she is? Fuck outta here.
Poor girl can't afford panties of her size.
wew, look at all those irreversible scratches
under her foot, ruined.
Try to post a picture with a few tons lighter on grain.
>that one piece
yes we need more cute porky
She just has to do that face and ask.
but its sand
Why bother? You'll never admit that you made a foolish off the cuff remark and then desperately tried to back it up.
I don't want to see grain on top of grain on top of grain
Under her foot, again, now clearer
Zoom in. Enhance!
That's what I was talking about when i said OCD autists shouldn't buy this figure. That wasn't caused by sand, nor was this spot of paint on her hip. I had to remove a white spot on her hair as well.
Yeah, I have that Miki and I have no complaints aside from the fact that she's small because she's sitting. Also like the Hibiki one for that cute butt but she wouldn't fit in my Miki shrine.
>damage control
While im glad Amakuni is the one making this, I only hope grizzry panda is not the one in charge of the sculpt. I rather have a non lumpy brown girl.
>>damage control
but he's right and you're an idiot.
> I only hope grizzry panda is not the one in charge of the sculpt
Mai Shiranui isn't lumpy.
Not him but that picture is showing the opposite, damage under her feet and a dented base even when he retardedly posted a shallow DOF picture.
>dented base
Did you think it was made of play-doh?
While it's the the usual levels of lumpy still can se plenty of weirdly placed flabby zones, not on spot with muscles either.
And the face is as bland as ever
Only retards who throw sand on top of their figures would think that.
Are you sure you know what grain is?
Sand and sandpaper are harmless without friction.
>attention whore
You really are a salty fuck. What's it matter if he "damages" his own figure?
Figure photography is a mix of two hobbies and it is refreshing to see something other than the hundreds of pictures of figures on a shelf.
All of that aside, it doesn't make sense for tank tracks to not be parallel.
And you clearly saved your pictures for the very start of a new thread to maximize exposure.
It's just some scratches, get over it.
>this entire post
Are the berserk art of war figures any good?
there pretty cheap on ebay so i was thinking of buying some
>Are you sure you know what grain is?
Are you?
look at the flat color zones, ISO noise everywhere.
They are really expensive and I particularly don't like how they look.
The ones you are looking at eBay are likely bootlegs too.
What's wrong with her face?.
Don't use technical jargon if you don't even have a working knowledge of photography. That was 1:2 macro stopped down close to f/22 for maximum depth of field. Can't deepen the focus.
There are two sets of parallel tracks. And when I sat down at the computer to process the pics, the prior thread had 562 replies. It would have broken the set into two threads and interrupted the autistic screaming.
Jay leno chin, nose is too high and tiny, mouth is WAY too high
Its like im rewatching the original Kanon series
There are keychains.
>That was 1:2 macro stopped down close to f/22 for maximum depth of field.
Yes and? when you are that close f22 means fucking nothing retard, many lenses can go beyond F22 easily, it's still a shallow DOF picture,
>Don't use technical jargon if you don't even have a working knowledge of photography.
Back at you, stop mixing DOF with aperture, the later might be small, that doesn't mean the former is not shallow.
He did
really? anybody have any of the bootlegs?
they look pretty good for below 40 bucks and ther real pics
Oh, I guess they are somewhere out of frame. To add further, the contrast in sand color really does stand out.
>Don't use technical jargon if you don't even have a working knowledge of photography
Funny how that comes from someone posting super noisy images.
>left pic
Increase shutter speed and/or use a tripod if you're not using a point n click camera.
are there any good cheap berserk figures?