holy shit..... next episode we got a vein running thru his head like a dick vein lol
Dragon ball super
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its ok, jiren will win
Anyone else actually wants goku to lose? He's a complete retard who doesn't deserve that win
Nothing happened this episode what the fuck
does jiren have some type of ultra instinct too? the auras look very similar
wait till you see the- ohNONONO HAHAHAHA LOOK AT HIS EYES
That’s what I was thinking, it wouldn’t make sense though
>it's another gokek episode has shit animation episode
Scary as fuck.
>mfw Goku is the real El Grande Padre
>Gohan has to kill his Padre
It was in the name this whole time
So does Jiren know Migatte No Gokui or not?
>it's another Vegetard will never catch up to Goku episode
>w-when is it my turn to have good animation
I can't believe that's from the actual show. The eyes look like they've been drawn over by some dickhead in paint but I went back and watched the ep and you can see it. Fucking christ, Toei is horrible.
Reminder that the no-flying rule doesn’t actually exist.
We need an updated version of this
Just have a Heroes anime already.
Neither does the "No killing" rule
They just "Self destruct" :^)
So can goku defeat bills now?
the animation was fine user
if Jiren was smart he'd start hunting down Freeza
that way if he stays on the field for less than a minute then the worst thing that can happen is a tie
Lmao jiren has Boruto’s eye
Yes, until Beerus trains for 5 minutes and masters UI as well.
I haven never criticized Super's animation, and even though today's episode was entertaining (for me at least.
I gotta say they this was outrageous, they abused A LOT with the traced animations and clips from the opening and past episodes, also the explosions and flashes were so shitty, it was the first time i noticed it to be this bad.
This was a very imporant part of the story and they literally didn't give a shit, a shame, really.
How will Super be remembered in 5 years?
just realized, frieza is still alive somehow
I want Jiren to win.
It won't be
Nothing really happened in this episode.
Next weeks episode is the one that counts.
As fan-fiction
Yeah i know what you mean but still, i was really hoping they would put some effort when Goku transformed.
>tfw lasted like 5 frames before next week's episode
oldfags will call it shit and kids growing up with it will think it's literally the best thing they've seen
Oh yea1, just what we needed, even more spic fantasies where pic related is canon.
Let me guess, one of you south american subhumans is going to try to argue that it looks good.
Same at GT I imagine. It took a ton of creative liberties with little input from the creator that much of the fanbase has issues with.
Goku is actually Brock
Why are you asking Sup Forums?
This place is an echo chamber that ignores the rest of the world and thinks that people unironically agree with Sup Forums on anything.
If Sup Forums was relevant DBS would have ended after 20 episodes.
Where did Jiren learn to go blanco?
>Next week
Is the break happening next week or the week after?
Only they will rightfully be remembered at all.
does he eat Jelly Donuts though?
a little less shit than GT
U6 VS U7 and Black are nice but ToP and the animators not giving a shit really drag it down despite how good those two arcs were
Please tell me Saiyan Prince Shadow the Hedgehog isn't actually real
Yeah, I was just wondering where the fuck he is, Whis even said there was no one left to help
Like they just forgot he was still there?
How did this end up airing if they had a whole extra week to rest?
Is this fight going to end in a double elimination?
they even reused the animation in the special too.
Freeza's pretty much out of commission at this point
I bet the fight will end with a Double KO but U7 will win because Freeza was lying there like a lifeless doll
pic would work so well as a phone background
They do a good job with the openings
The designs are awful
ayy lmao
Jiren looked scared by this.
As a source of DB memes.
Nobody will remember half the characters or plot points, but everyone will remember Blanco.
>leave el hermano to me
The only thing from super people will remember is the Black arc and its characters, everything else is forgettable.
the only realistic answer...
no thanks, it's cringy af
I think we all were a little bit, user
>Freezy Pop got eradicated in the firefight and no one cared
>random hair bang in a different color
>all red and black
Did they go out of their way to get the spic audience?
Has Goku surpassed Beerus?
It'll just be known for introducing the best DB villain of all time.
but then Freeza gets the wish, and Super can't end with Freeza getting the wish. That means the other universes aren't getting wished back. Would the end of Dragon Ball as we know it really be with Freeza winning?
My ears, ehh
I don't think he surpassed Beerus, but I do think that he definitely poses a serious threat to the title of GoD
>two kids who barely do any training
>already at SSB
Even bigger mary sues than Goku.
I thought the MVP would get the wish? Not neccessarily the last one standing
Can you Gokekfags stop saying he surpassed Beerus. He clearly hasn't.
Is it the MVP? I thought it was one wish per fighter.
let's do another power scaling.
let's stop.
There is NO WAY Frieza survived all that destruction, especially unconscious.
This is pretty accurate.
hehehe nice facebook meme
Freiza knocked out dozens early on, he could well be the MVP
How is Zeno still enjoying the tournament? We've already seen that Goku and Jiren are moving too quickly for them to even see anymore. And how are the mortals able to keep up? They haven't been able keep up with the movements since Goku vs Cell.
animation was on point and you all unironically loved it
>suddenly more powerful because he turned blonde
it was kinda funny how Vegeta starts shit talking Belmod about what big dicks saiyans have, and we get a montage of every siayan in the tournament... other than Gohan.
Gohan's still stronger than most of them without even using a hair dye form
>loving reused shit
Yeah no.
>animation was on point
On point of mediocre at best, yes.
He's breaking his limits at balding.
Why is his hair SS though
the new stuff they showed was good but the excessive reused stuff eclipsed it
So you don't love your mom as well?
Nice headcanon.
what a useless transformation, you changed your hair so what?
Goku and Jiren will knock each other out leaving Frieza to win by default.
Gohan was in the montage
gohan was literally the first one in the montage