Just finished watching Naruto and I already hate this cunt, Am I going to hate him even more in Shippuden?

Just finished watching Naruto and I already hate this cunt, Am I going to hate him even more in Shippuden?

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I'm still watching Naruto so I can't say for sure but probably.

>sorry haha
also with no shogun armor in last fight against marada. naruto had like 3 changes of outfit against him


Yes you are

Just wait until the end of Shippuden. You'll hate him more than you've ever hated anything or anyone.

Oh god, I want to know why but I don't want spoilers.

Shut up frog poster

The show basically becomes turns into SASUKE Shippuden for quite a while.

Is Naruto still going to use the same two moves? Does he finally become an Alpha?

He's going to invent a third and then use it like 3 times only. He then gets a bunch of nine-tails power-ups all within the same day and becomes god-tier in fucking hours.

If you hate him already then you might as well stop watching right now. The only time he's actually a bearable character is within the first 3 arcs.

Eh. Depends on how much you can form your own story. Sasuke as a character is fine. If your entire clan was slaughtered in front of you as a child you would be pretty edgy about wanting to kill him and do anything it takes to get strong enough to do so.
The problem is the execution isn't quite where it needs to be to make Sasuke tolerable. He ends up going even further off the deep end, again in an understandable fashion. And if maybe he had stopped after that second ambition happened/fell through (no spoilers) it would have been okay. But then it like keeps going. Like another two or three times. So meh. He is sort of redeemed at the end though. I dont know. His character always puzzles me.

The issue with Sasuke is he does nothing to have the reader sympathize with him and expects everyone to understand his raging revenge boner by being a cunt to everyone he originally got along with.

Like that one moment where he said his pain is greater than Gaara's even though Gaara had assassination attempts by his own family and literally couldn't get good sleep for the first 11 years of his life due to Shukaku waking up if he went into a deep sleep.

His fight with Naruto when he almost kills him is what really pissed me off. I just want naruto to btfo of sasuke.

Is shipudden actually good? I remember I watched it on Adult Swim for about 30 episodes when it first premired there and it seemed really bad, but I'm interested in it because it seems to be more philosophical about the state of the world with characters like Pain, how common is stuff like this in Shippudeen?

I mean, people shit on Naruto a lot, but I've rewatched it and it touches on a lot of itneresting issues as far as politics is concerned.


>Am I going to hate him even more in Shippuden?
oh boy user

If Nagato's silly speech blows your mind, I don't recommend you watching Fate/Zero.

Skip the filler.
People dont like pains arc, i myself liked it. Every character has his own philosophy deffinetly. Every akatsuki member has a different world view. So thats a nice thing. Sasuke is a massive cunt sometimes but, but naruto is the one that got on my nerves more. Like give up man your 'friend' is a psycho. Wtf.

It's really good, way better than the first season for the most part, although the filler here is way worse if you watch the anime.

How so? I watched FZ it and, while enjoyed it, I barely remember it now, I find Naruto way more memorable desu and the Pain arc is just too fucking good.

Oh yeah before shippuden watch kakashi gaiden. Its epsiode 119 and 120 shippuuden but in the manga its before shippuuden. I thinks its better if you see it before watching shippuuden from episode 1

You will only like him in Boruto. Bare with it for now.

You was talking about politics and posted a video of Pain's flawed philosophy on the world. I was referring to that.

It is really good. Some people hate on the end big battle arc because power levels go crazy but its actually fine. their is a lot more politics past Pain, including a giant council of all the village kage discussing the upcoming war, as well as a lot of political history on the hidden leaf. The Uchiha clan being a major part of that. Danzo for instance while a minor character if one at all in regular Naruto quickly becomes the most interesting character in Shippuuden, and kind of sheds light on the reality of the ninja world outside of the scope of the shounen veil we are given.

>you was
Do not ever reply to me again, retard.

Does shippuden explore Narutos family history? Who his parents were and what clan he belongs to?

The issue with Shippuuden is it defeats the idea of what Naruto good in the first place.

Watching a charismatic underdog go from being the weakest ninja to surpassing a bunch of ninja like Kiba, Neji, Lee, and Gaara whom are too asisine in their little destinies was one of the most satisfying moments in anime.

Naruto didn't "surpass them" by strength, but more so using what he knew to outsmart them. Once Naruto actually became strong by learning transformations with little to no drawbacks and spammable S rank techniques, it defeated the purpose of his character.

Even his goals became flanderize. He wanted to become Hokage, but didn't have actual sentimental things he needed to do as a Hokage. The entire series, all he said was he was going to change the Hyuuga tradition after his battle with Neji.

Goes into detail his parents. Doesn't really go into detail his grandparents or the Uzumaki clan.

His clan is a literal who clan but his parents are significant

he meets someone but turns out he doesn't care and instead still wants Sasuke's wee wee

>literal who clan
>doesn't know the badass Last stand of his Clan's village against three nations during the second shinobi war and created the reaper deal seal

it's a shame they never went into it and just made Naruto forget about them

I sort of have to wonder which characters you'd have to like to enjoy Shippuden. My favorite years ago was Shikamura, so I guess it could have been worse. But I still ended up hating Shippduen. Two people going into Shippuden I've seen said their favorite character is Hinata and that they hate Sasuke. That sounds fun. Leefags and Nejifags got screwed over as well.

I've always figured that if you don't like Sasuke and the Uchiha that watching Shippuden is self-induced torture.

It's better if they didn't, Kishimoto fucked over his manga by trying to make 1000 lore plot points become consistent in a story format

The Mist's Seven Swordsman just being off-screened twice in the manga is a prime example of this

Kishimoto was just straight up bad at execution. Better authors have had far vaster lore and have been able to handle it.

I remember hearing that Gai fights against the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and thought it was going to be some epic grudge match since his father was the one to kill them in the first place. Never even got brought up.

Im in episode 08 and

>Naruto, whatever you do don't use that power

oh fugg

I remember watching this in high school and enjoying it at the beginning. What a fleeting moment

Akatsuki, they are the most interesting characters of the whole series by far.

the best form naruto had was the sage mode
but they powercreep that so fast right after

They were non-characters. Only Tobi and Sasori got as much as a backstory.

Just quit watching OP. Stop while you can. Naruto turns into a complete piece of shit from here.

I think he just got overwhelmed if I recall in an interview he said he like introducing all these concepts

Sans Orochimaru, Itachi, Zetsu, Deidara, and the shark guy, right?

characters don't need a backstory to be interesting or enjoyable you fuckhead

Yes. My advice, when they get to the "ninja war" part just stop watching. There is nothing of value after that.

no, you're just going to hate him the same amount

If Sasuke stopped being a cunt after killing Itachi, or at least was properly tricked by Obito rather than knowing the truth, yet still going on his tantrum, it would've been fine.

Maybe. Depends how you feel about itachi getting destroyed by sasuke .

Though you will hate him again for a while at one point where he points his sword at Sarada for not knowing how his grown up daughter looks like but after that you will understand why


The only thing that kept the little faggot alive againt Itatchi was the fact that Itatchi was amost blind and died of Sharingan AIDS before he could land th final hit on Sasuke. Not that he would have done so in the first place

>but they powercreep that so fast right after
What do you mean?

Orochimaru was ex-Akatsuki. Deidara and the shark guy didn't have one; the most we got from the later was that Kurotsuchi called him bro.

Deidara, Hidan, and Kakuza had personalities as deep as puddles to compensate.

Welp, guess I should just stop watching it.

For me the ending point should have been the fight with Danzo. Once he killed Danzo if he had felt like he was successfully avenging his clan and Itachi it would have been good. The fight with Danzo really should have been made a much bigger deal than Kishi let it be.

Deidara had a relatively large amount of backstory involving the Rock village kage and subordinates, as well as how he was recruited into Akatsuki. There wasn't much more necessary to talk about his character. Did you want him to monologue about his life as a school kid and his first mission helping farmer Mcgee destroy the boulder in the way of his plow?

That fight was really poorly written. It seemed like the author realized he gave Danzo too many extra lives for Sasuke to handle so they nerfed him mid-fight to speed things up

Worse are Uzimakis start popping up left and right yet we still never see the full potential of the clans.

I'd settle for knowing what his relationship with Kurotsuchi was. Having friends and loved ones is such a basic part of character building that the Akatsuki lack except for that hint.

He's fucking unbearable to on Shippuden.

Then on Boruto he becomes likeable and based as fuck. I fucking love Adult Sasuke desu

They did nothing wrong

Tayuya is still my favorite Naruto girl

Also Hobo Sasuke best Sasuke;

Excellent taste friend.

I miss her so much bros

doesn't matter. you're still gonna forgive him in the end.

I love current Sasuke desu. He's just as autistic but without the >muh revenge and his faggotry

Naruto had a lot of good fights.And notably unlike a lot of shounen, some INTELLIGENT fights like Shikamaru vs Temari. But I don't think a single fight ever topped Lee vs Kimmimaro/ Gaara vs Kimmimaro in terms of pure shounen goodness.
>Spend an entire arc searching out the best doctor in the world partly with the intention of helping Lee
>Huge emotional ups and downs with whether or not he will make it
>All the bros go out to "rescue" Sasuke (except Shino because his ability is OP and Kishi never really figured out how to make it no so)
>Right out of surgery go off to help
>Hold your own with some sweet moves, despiute yet again being massively countered by the ONE guy you could never hope to defeat
>Then right when it is all about to be over he shows up
>The guy who nearly ruined your life
>And now you bro it out as nakama

All of my favorite tropes in one.

the whole arc was full of excellent fights. Not to mention that AMAZING OP. Holy fuck I wish I could go back and experience watching it on early Youtube again.

The 5 kage arc in general felt really messy. As much shit as part 2 get, It was coherent up until the end of the Pain arc.
It feels like kishi had an idea of where to end, what plotlines to tie, up and is pretty much in the clear to end the story, but Shueisha said no, and he had to make up some bullshit to lead up to the Ninja war arc, and after that, shit just slowed down to a crawl.

Remember that one Pain that did the summoning?

That one was a qt

Man that battle must have stomped her.


She was beaten by a superior girl

One of the best things naruto did was making him work for all his shit.

People say his transformations are bs forgot how long he been working to get

I only think its BS how he got Kyuubi chakra, Kurama mode, and So6P mode all within a few hours of each other