ITT: Top MCs
ITT: Top MCs
season 2 when
Yoshiko is the MC, retard
>No nipples
Into the trash
why does she sit like that?
I fucking love this show and Harima is a man. Male MCs these days are lacking testosterone.
fucking harima
try to outdo Sakamoto.
maybe her butt hurts
lowkey carrying the manga for me to be perfectly honest.
(You) and me, brotha
from what?
Only good posts.
This desu.
You can't be top when you choose shit girl.
Can we get some more non meme tier characters
>not super special and unique
>not super strong
>not idealistic
>gets shit done
We need more like this guy
Did nothing wrong
Get the fuck out.
Haru is by no means a bad MC.
Toru, good character! Kansha!
Dungeon meshi-laius
>Auto insert-fag
>Did nothing wrong
Everyone who post that stupid meme is an autistic retarded shit
haru is such a fucking pathetic faggot holy shit I hated him
and you're a homosexual newfriend
Violet is so cute. KyoAni finally made good Female MC.
>prior to that pic
Kill yourself.
She doesn't even have a personality. She's an extremely flat character. Pic related is a better example
>KyoAni finally made good Female MC.
Oh honey, oh...sweetie...sorry, but no. Kumiko already exists.
Lupin III is the toppest MC. Cobra, Mugen, and Oscar are also great.
That meme chart was already shit but became irredeemable when I saw Sakamoto on it.
Literally female Kyon.
Jus Tatsuya, Kirito, Issei, Aldnoah's MC, Sakamoto, Yosuga no Sora MC, Kyousuke, Kiss x Sis MC and maybe Light deserves to be on that list, the rest is ok to cool, and don't make me post the Izayoi meme user.
Kirito is already on there.
Prove me wrong
You can't
I know, I just named the MC's that really deserve to be on the list, the rest of them is ok.
What? From the pics you listed, I mainly see 3 types of MCs, the perfect, know-it-all, stoic character, the pretty much perfect, assertive, smug, outgoing character, or the wuss with the heart of gold loved by everyone type. And all of them played straight.
Sakamoto and Light would go under the first one, but Sakamoto's played for laughs 100%, and Light's "perfection" is not portrayed as desirable at all by the author. And Kazuya's closer to the second type, only he's an idiot, and also played for laughs.
>the rest is ok to cool
the rest is shit
Gary stu the series
>gary stu the series
>missing the point of a simple comedy show
>thinking calling a character a mary sue/gary stu is ever good criticism in the slightest
Leave brainlet.
a high school student that actually chases after pussy
I warned you user....
What's dis?
Lurk more.
The metadata doesn't have useful information.
That's not what "lurk more" means.
Expecting me to stand vigil and wait for somebody to post something I recognize as the same anime (with either a title or good metadata) is absurd.
what said you can literally figure out where it's from if you just read the replies
The manga ended
Pre-Antarcticite Phosphophyllito
Expecting to be spoonfed when the show is quite popular and the replies give you enough to go on is even more absurd.
Step aside pussies
You'd have to be gay to not want Ryoma to fuck you violently for hours on end while screaming "CHANGE GETTAAAAAAA" whenever he switched sex positions.
The only thing that can beat him is magma.
>fucking Ryoma
Ryoma is pure you monster!
>all these moe literal whos
You all need yo kys.
Don't worry. I got your back, user.
Not just for you user. I'm guessing a number of anons would've dropped Komi if the male lead is not in the same ballpark as Tadano
>YFW Sup Forums doesn't even recognise Beelzebub anymore
Still the best.
Nobody is as chad as Kuromine was.
Not even Tadano, as muchas I love the guy, I'd like to see him jump out a fucking window to chase a giant vampire man thats flown off with your girlfriend. Plus, at least Asahi confessed by 86 chapters in.
Haruhi and Kumiko exist.
Eri should've won.
I dont think you know what spoonfeeding means
Yoshiko is the MC aho.
Komi is the MC. She often has more focus than he does. And her name is in the title.
Kyon was MC. Kumiko is basically a female Kyon
>Kumiko is basically a female Kyon
That doesn't invalidate anything.
Better than Kaiji
Kyon > Kumiko though.
Possibly the single greatest line I've ever heard.
>Gary Stu OP
>Generic "bad ass"
>Bastard Sonuvabitch
>Violent arrogant shit
>Pervert jerk
>A bully with Kurousagi
>He cries like a bitch if you let him win
Eat shit izayoitard