Why are there no manga/anime about programming?

Why are there no manga/anime about programming?

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Because engineering in any form is magic to 75% of the population, even in japan. You'd be making something for a niche group of people.

They only make stuff about things that need more attention. Karuta needs fresh blood to keep the sport going, so they animated Chihayafuru. Anime itself needs more people to get involved, so they made Shirobako. On the other hand, everyone wants to be a doctor or programmer, so they're not going to make anime about those fields.

I didn't know it was so top down controlled.

It's all Abe's master plan.

Trying to explain programming to programmers can already be a challenge
It would be something exceptional to explain programming in an engaging, interesting, and especially easy to understand way.

>no manga
But there is. You shouldn't make definitive statements.


you don't get it

Ousamatachi no viking has been trying. It's a bit exaggerated, but the authors obviously know what they're doing or have done a little research

Lain is a program, at least her human identity is.

That's what Eiri wants you to think

No, it's both truths. Lain always existed, always, even before the internet/wired. But not as a Japanese school girl, that was Eiri's achievement. He gave collective sentience its own sentience.

And thus that doesn't make her software. She's organic.

There is one with a hacker who is a pedo. Can't remember the name. I think he works for the government from his room or something.

90s I believe, old.

i didn't like it

There is? Of course there would be.


There are anime involving programmers/programming everywhere, it’s just never the main focus because it would be boring. It’s just like how in 3gatsu no lion there is lots of shogi, but the focus is never shogi, because focusing on shogi would be boring. I love programming but watching a show about it would probably just turn me off. It’s just like how you won’t find an anime set in school being focused on the actual subjects they’re studying.

That doesn't matter, protocol 7 via Eiri's design was such that people were effectively programs and the universe was the hardware they ran in.
She became organic simply because Lain is all powerful. The program was written into the collective psyche of the world and manifested itself as an empty human girl with only the bare basic understanding of what it means to be human, who could then be easily manipulated.

Lain is essentially a computer virus that infected the network that is the noosphere and made it into a bot net.

The same reason why there will never be an anime about the epic love story between glucose-1-phosphate and UTP and their tragically inevitable separation despite pyrophosphate being the best wingman they could ever ask for, doomed to unite and separate again and again forever for the greater good of glycogen synthesis

Programming is boring.

Plus, it's for nerds.

>talking with machines

Doing things with programming is more interesting than programming itself


What about Subete ga f ni naru?

How about a series with moefied programming languages.
Maybe make it a mahou shoujo, with each girls transforming after initializing the run of their programs in the transformation devices.
Starring Ruby-chan because Japan made Ruby, for the usual country bias trope
Join her are C, C#, Python, Lua, Java, Perl, SQL
older ara-ara girls being Fortran, Lisp and Cobol
The villains are bugs, looking to control the very source code of the world, the Goddess Assembly

isn't kobayashi a programmer?

I like this idea. What would Python-chan be like?

Fucking retarded, just like the language

So basically she'd be mute and talk in sign language because she's interpreted? Also, I'd hope C++ would have the biggest boobs to put meaning to object oriented programming.

t. Sup Forums neet

Because it's boring as shit unless you're autistic.


C++ is her own cup size

Nah, she would do everything the most cumbersome way possible. When they all bake a cake, pychan always waits a multiple of 4 seconds before she does anything. She's basically (white) spacing out.

Should she be a Laima?

Cobol: But, I'm just an old working woman. Why do you still love me?

Java would be a good maid, but ruin all the party games.

Battle Programmer Shirase comes to mind, even though I haven't watched it. It might not even have programming.
Kobayashi-san's MC is a programmer, but programming doesn't get touched upon in the way you likely want to - it's not the focus.

battle programmer shirase?
it's great

A good effort, but this is more networking and cryptographic protocols. Conceptually, these aren't difficult to understand (unless you focus more on the implementation)

are you fucking serious OP?


>So basically she'd be mute and talk in sign language because she's interpreted?
Technically, any language, depending on implementation, can be either interpreted or compiled. e.g. interpreted C code, and compiled Python code.

Java would be really uptight about getting any information out of her.

>Focusing on shogi would be boring
Nah, it would definitely be more interesting than that first season.