Reminder that a little brother belongs to his Onee san

Reminder that a little brother belongs to his Onee san


Real older sisters are shit

my older sis is a shitskin 3d landwhale

Momo's is the only main route I didn't read.

Same. I didn't hate her or anything, but her character just wasn't really worth the time or effort.

It's probably better you didn't. Shortly into her arc she falls to the cock and just becomes another bitch in head. Not even in an onee-san way, just straight up a thirsty bitch in heat.

Not really related to this thread, but I must say I will never get over the shit route Miyako had.

I just want this to be the endgame.

Comfy majikoi threads are back?

Chris did nothing wrong

Momo was shit though.

U a shit. Momo a best.

>another faggot that don't understand her character
Every fucking time

When a onee-chan loves her little bro so much that she travels to other alternate realities to claim different versions of him.



Little brothers are for stealing from their onee-sans.

But I am the onii chan in the family
Will I never have a cute nee san to worship?

Reminder that a little brother is for inviting his older sister to his wedding only further cementing her lonely, bitter cake status to friends and family.





fuck you , cant you just post the links

I'm pretty sure Yuzuki n dash is an older sister.



Shit, out of order.


I wish I had a 2d onee-san to sexually bully me.

I mean, you can fly into an autistic rage over this all you want. But girls in moege VNs lose their personality 9 times out of 10 after they hook up with MC.



I loved Momo's route, but this is true of the After story. It's just pretty generic porn. Kind of disappointing, since I really loved her personality during the main route.










reminder that this is the main route quality order

you just don't know

Man of culture.


Perfect onee-san.

Can confirm, but I've also met and known some top-tier older sisters who were true to the archetype.
Mine, however, is a NEET sjw of the highest order and has hated me from day one just for existing, first because I diverted attention away from her and more recently because I'm a heterosexual white guy. She's actual human garbage.


hey, Haruka neesama is mine btfo

Fuck off



>Shortly into her arc she falls to the cock and just becomes another bitch in head
Why do you tell lies on the Internet? Her route is one of the few where you can actually lose.


Most likely, it is you who is the shit one.
I have 3 older sisters and a little sister and all of us siblings have always been good friends. We have never had a fight other than small arguments that goes over after a few hours.
We have always stood up for eachother when someone needed it.
Even now that we are in the late 20's mid 30's age range, we still keep regular contact.
I would give my life for any of my sisters in a heartbeat.

Her only real flaw is being bad with money. Fortunately, Yamato is man enough to keep her in check.


whats wrong with her fingers

Jap artists can't into fingers

She actually wants to NTR his oniichan
Worst kind of doujin



Just wanted to remind you, that every Maji is best girl.

But there is one that is more best than the rest.

She deserves a longer route, that's for sure.

miyako wins again

>NBR in the OP
Typical Oneesanfag trash.

Her route was already too long.


>taste this bad actually exists

Not w/ the content they put.

>immediately after this line Yamato rips her bra off at incredibly speed

Probably the best delivered line in the whole game for me. Yuu Asakawa is a goddess.

Madoka route when?


Yes, perfect

worst post itt

>had to go through all that crazy shit to get to this moment
>it ends up being amazing

Momo's first H-scene really was glorious and worth the buildup.

Her whole After Story was excellent.

Personally I feel that she had the best chemistry with Yamato in their H-scenes along with Wanko.

Family exists beyond blood, you have to be short-sighted to not see that.

You either go blood related or fuck off. NBR is a childhood friend at best but she will never be his sister.


Why does this even exist?

Well, unfortunately, not every girl can be your sister.

That's not an original filler character?

Because when you do Oneesan stuff you will attract incestfags who will always get pissy you call any girl older than you a big sister.

Only referring to pseudo incest settings.

Are oneesan complexes even a thing

>I have 3 older sisters and a little sister
I'm sorry. I can't even imagine living with that many women.

I'm currently playing Majikoi, and Momo was my first route, and Wanko is the second one I'm currently on. I went with Momo initially exactly because her chemistry with the MC was so great. I'm very interested to see how things play out with Wanko since she seems so cute and naive. It's hard to imagine how a romance will go with her.

The only other girls with chemistry as good as Momo are Margit for sex and Benkei in general.

That means you're shitskin, too, dumbass.

I fucking loved Margit's route. Those H-scenes were the best in the game.