This is how anime feet are properly done.
This is how anime feet are properly done
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Okay, now I'm MAD!
rub them darling
>Preorders are so bad they're now trying to pander footfags
What is this anime? I've seen clips, but never inquired
Darling in the FranXX
feet are supposed to remain hidden you perverts
Who would have guessed, 02 was the big pervert all along.
She stripped her darling by force.
thank you for making this user
Footfags need to be gassed
It's like you have never seen a shaft anime OP
What is with Japan and their obsession with showing off feet in anime?
wew laddie
>trigger is now pandering to footfags
I'm ok with this
I want to sniffy sniff her stinky feet and clean them with my tongue after the hard day full of work!
this thread stinks!
You've never seen a human foot before, have you?
Human feet are disgusting
>Projection: The Post
they have good taste in fetishes
>saw the episode
>screenshot to share on Sup Forums
>several threads already up
doing gods work user, keep it up.
If you wouldn't worship 02's feet, you're not my nigger.
Miku feet are cuter.
02's feet are man-killers.
I bet 02 could kill a man with her toes.
Sh-She's fast!
I want to press my face against them and inhale deeply
clean feet with a natural musk > stinky
feet are cute
japan likes cute things
there is no question 02's feet gave me a rock hard boner. gonna fap again.
>fehst yew must kiss moi FEET!!
What the fuck
wow holy fuck that dub voice is adorable.
Not only does she pull off his towel, but she pulls it off so fast that it spins him around. She probably COULD kill a man.
>english vampire loli magician will never ask you to kiss her feets
flashbacks of the Zohan now
What am I supossed to be projecting?
Your cum.
I NEED those toes in my mouth, so I can run my tounge inbetween and feel her soft toes.
Of course, she's a strong dino woman after all.
Only in 3d.
2d feet can be cute.
Meep meep.
Now make them wriggle
Bullcrap. There is not even close to enough feet art considering how widespread the fetish is. Traps are a much less common fetish and they are in every second fucking anime.
Which is best footfags? For me it's Greek.
Neither of them. The toes should form a curve. The second toe should be about as long as the big toe, and every toe afterwards should be slightly shorter. See
anything for you my beautiful queen.
I miss Eva.
You're effectively describing Roman toes, that chart just sucks.
what is it with blonde lolis and feet
They just give that haughty aura.
god damn i miss seikon no qwaser. why wasn't the rest of the manga adapted.
Anime ended with an original cliffhanger not following the manga, I don't think that matters much though, maybe no one wants to continue adapting it.
I would love to see another OVA with Ekaterina, there's enough content for one.