Lets be honest here, he did absolutely nothing wrong.
Lets be honest here, he did absolutely nothing wrong
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It's doubtful Saga could defeat gods by himself, it's beyond stupid to get rid of the only divinity that actually likes humans to the point a large part of the fandom speculate Saga was posessed by Ares or something else and Earth under Saga's rule would be a dictatorship because his good side was the one keeping low profile on the Sanctuary, his evil side was the one who wanted to kill Athena and conquer the world.
he was gay
Latin american dub outright called his evil personality Ares if I recall correctly.
I thought it was Arles
Episode Zero confim Saga was gay for Aioros. It can't be helped, Kurumada likes gay shipping
>large part of the fandom speculate Saga was posessed by Ares or something else
Only retarded fucks that never read the manga and wank over how Saga CAN'T BE A BAD GUY BECAUSE MUH GORUDO SEINTO NEED TO BE PERFECT.
He was evil or maybe he'll be revealed to have the same problem as Cain/Abel in ND though I doubt it because Saga has been dead for a million years now
Oh and by the way, Kanon is cooler
I never understood why fans insist that the Gold Saints were perfect, The series literally showed that they screwed up a lot.
Spics and hues love to wank over them for some reason, it's why they jerk over Lost Canvas so much because every GS is an unrealistic mary sue there.
Reminder Ophiuchus said Gemini are the strongest goldies
Because fans are morons. See LC and Saintia Sho. Both are gold saint fanwanking made by fangirls and both have a fanbase, especially LC because Saintia Sho is too shit even for the fandom's low standards
I notice that besides the fujos, Piscis and Cancer and Taurus guys are the most ardent LC fans
Yeah, the moment Shiryu beat the shit out of Deathmask is when I started to see the Gold Saints, (and by proxy Silver Saints) as something more like a title.
The Bronze saints attained that kind of level during that arc, and most of them still remain Bronze Saints.
LC fanbase is small but they're annoyingly vocal about how it's the best Saint Seiya and that Kurumada should retire and let Teshirogi take over SS. It's pretty annoying because the delusional fucks don't realize LC was an uninspired shit that flopped because it wasn't saint seiya at all, it was some weird Naruto/Bleach story with a SS skin.
>muh mature DRAMATIC story
>muh generic 2000s art that's modern and cool
I can't possibly defend something that has Regulus in it, also that weird storyline with Tenma's father felt straight out of Kuroshitsuji or some shojo trash manga god that character was so out of place
I always thought they were a huge fanbase on Latin America but who knows, maybe it's because they're so damn autistic
>The Bronze saints attained that kind of level during that arc
No not at all in fact saint seiya is pretty unique about the fact that it's not about fighting new stronger oponents every arc, other than Sorrento the Marinas are weaker than Golds and Golds are stronger than every Specter except the 3 faggots.
Seiya and his pals can get stronger than Golds but they need to burn their cosmos
Bandai plastic wizards did a great job with the cloth
As much as I liked the manga ending of the 12 houses arc, I have a soft spot for the anime ending for Athena's reply to Saga's megalomaniac rant about how he was necessary evil, pretty much the excuse of every dictator of history.
Yeah, it's naive but shounen is about a juvenile sense of justice and that's what Saint Seiya is about.
Man, that's the best voice for Saga in the dub, I really hate how they use the goofy Pope voice in the rest of the series.
I liked LC. The Gold Saints were actually likeable. It was a shame that the MC got shafted though.
Santia Sho is wasted potential. I expected female saints fighting the servants of an evil goddess. Instead the Gold Saints hijacked the plot and not in a good way.
Well if people call you god incarnate, can destroy galaxies and move at light speed, you will think "who needs a 13 years old goddess girl"