If only virgins can become Vampires why is Seras the only Vampire in their 20s?
If only virgins can become Vampires why is Seras the only Vampire in their 20s?
Because she was designed to be a hot piece of ass and nothing more until the OVAs decided to make her the insert character.
Well the only proper vampires. In the original anime that had less of the manga to run off of most of the ones in the series (I think all of them except for Seras, Alucard, and Incognito) were artificial vampires made with the "freak chip". That might get around the virginity rules. I do recall that vampire sad about his gay lover, so either homosex doesn't count or the freak chip works on non virgins.
Even if we take the OVA into account the only vampire I recall that actually seemed _old_ was the priest from the beginning. Not to mention vampires seem to have a degree of shapeshifting powers so you could just argue they've aged themselves up slightly.
She was a hot piece of ass in the OVAs as well tbqhwyf
Traumatic childhood probably had something to do with it.
I don't think they even mentioned the virginity rule back in the TV show.
Almost a shame. I have morbid curiosity about slag Seras.
yeah when someone's first exposure to sex is watching their mother's corpse being raped psycho thugs, good chance they may have intimacy issues going forward.
It's weird we never hear of Vampires concerned about the plummeting chastity rates of Human females.
Something tells me that they haven't fallen that much. I think we're just hyper-aware of everyone's private lives now.
>If only virgins can become Vampires
where this this meme crawl from? vampires in hellsing are people who rejected god and accepted deal with the devil. and all the lesser vampires are just those that true vampires infected.
The first 20 minutes of the OVA
Why was she a virgin?
How do you know, did you check?
They wouldn’t be, as immortals there’re more concerned about too many other vampires, needing to make more is not an issue.
Would it still work if Seras only took it up the butt or performed non-penetrative sex acts?
Well she became a vampire, the question is how was she a virgin with a body like that in a line of duty like that? Cop girls are surrounded by the embodiment of civil authority, it's probably a field with a high level of inter-employee relationships. No such thing as a virgin cop.
Well the show either needed "muh pure qt waifu" or the idea of her being raped by her co-workers would ruin the mood and fun
>Raped by her co-workers
I didn't say raped, I said hyped up police girl surrounded by authority men equates to at least fucking one of them.
All the men on her squad must have been homosexuals.
Might have been Alucard just fucking with her.
Integra specifically states in the very first chapter of the manga, that the blood drawn from the unchaste makes them into subservient ghouls.
There, read more.
i am a vampire
did you forget that her introduction to sex was watching 2 burglars kill her parents and then rape her mothers corpse?
she probably didn't want anything to do with it
What makes Seras' design so goddamn attractive? Her breasts are perfection: fucking huge, but without being meme flaps or boob sockets. They don't distract from the action scenes and her dynamic poses while still being amazing, something I'd slam my dick in no questions asked.
Also, something about her face and hair makes her extremely cute, despite not being moeblob in the slightest and covered in blood and anger at times.
Why are anime dorky brit girls the best?
your opinion on best girl? rape comments are not tolerated
I would totally rape her
I imagine the bond of the baskervilles would have had fun with her for the short amount of time they were both inside alucard
Man, Hirano really used all good designs he had on Hellsing, didn't he? Seras, the Nazis, Bernadotte, Anderson, Alahambra.
Drifters is so bad in comparison
>she never scored
Maybe all the guys are old vampires because it the virginity can only be lost by being penetrated.
At least now it can be said that she is pure.
>Literally has a dick inside her 24/7
Is Alucard thrusting tho?
Dunno, The Frog certainly is
proofs? citations?
>11/10 body and 11/10 personality
>works in a police station
That breaks my immersion harder than anything else in the show, there is no fucking way thats possible.
Violent or traumatic childhood isnt an excuse, it has no positive effect on ones ability to remain a virgin.
Why don't people ever draw on model hentai of her, what the fuck is up with that?
Last chapter of the manga
It’s honestly shocking how little porn there is of her. I guess only moeshit gets the best doujins.
*hand wave
Weeeell, the last episode of the OVA confirms it too.
I was just kidding. I'll look for those later. thx.
How do I make a vampire bitch as cute as Seras?
Hellsing has fuckall support. Only about 4 Seras figures, not much porn, and little merch in general, considering how good it is. I would love a Seras Nendoroid
The cutest.
The film Blood for Dracula touches upon this.
Was Alucard a virgin when he became a vampaia?
isn't the real question how alucard became a vampire then
What's the name of this ova?
Anal virginity doesn't count
He penetrated a lot of people
are you retarded?
hellsing ultimate
This, at least in the OVA he gets raped in the ass, does that just not count?
They just need to go for lolis. More loli vampires is always welcome.
What is the ep related to the seras scene at the beginning of this topic?
He renounced God from the bottom of his heart so hard, he became a pure vampire.
>the only vampire I recall that actually seemed _old_ was the priest from the beginning.
I'm 78% sure the dude was a millenium canon folder pawn who was turned into a vampire by artificial means.
I'm sure Luke Valentine and his brother,as well as Walter were not virgins, but it didn't stop doc from transforming them into low-tier draculas.
>stare at you with disdain
I'll take retarded incel BS for 15, dipshit
>until the OVAs
Are you actually this retarded?
no, he had a dead wife and dead children at this point.
On the verge of dying, denying his humanity and his Lord and Saviour while drinking the blood of executed men in front of him.
The major nearly beacme a vampire as well, as he was in the exact same situation as Dracula but he refused it because "muh watashi wa watashi da"
>Literally created to have shitty hentai proportions by the shitty hentai mangaka
>Doujin circles that can't draw without hyperbolic results don't see an opportunity
A special kind of pain
Such a shame we barely got to see a fully realized post-timeskip Seras. She seemed to have a badass in her own right.
Pretty much. He was supposedly cursed by god.
Well, d'uh - she's in her 50's or so, with decades of vampirism under her belt. It would be weird if she remained a goober after all that time.
Alucard would've probably liked Major on the grounds of him being a real human being at some point like Integra was before, well, Major decide to cyber it up.
tight pants would look better on her
>posts on Sup Forums
>doesn't believe there are virgins aged 20+
C;mon man
She's not a basement dweller, so I'm not sure what your point is. Anyway, it's even commented on.
Do you guys think Alucard turned Integra in the end?
She would have never let him. She said it herself, that after her death the Hellsing bloodline would be over.
I think it's both tragic and beautiful
He was a priest
vow of chastity
Maybe Virgins make Vampires of Superior Quality say True Vampires, and Alucard is a Tastefag
Paki Rape Gangs
t samefag, you anons do realize that most women of her age arent virgins?
She might had a horrible life
But she resorted to lonerism and violence to deal with it.
That gif stinks of 2006.
>12 years ago
>there is no fucking way that her being a virgin is possible.
>most women her age aren't virgins
Not the same claim at all you genius.
May I add that my very hot cousin -whose juggers are comparable to Seras'- was a virgin at 20 yo.
w-where did the time go?
I always found kind of sad how all those random church guys with barely ten minutes of total screen time had such great designs that know were basically wasted.