Who the fuck wears a short-sleeved hoodie? He looks like an idiot.
He's a manlet
Ararararagi-san is an idiot
but at least he gets laid. gently
>best MC of the century
>channeling best head coach of the century
looks like pottery
Does that mean the Pats are Darth Hoodie's harem?
He constantly gets joked on by various people for his terrible fashion sense.
Is Belichick Araragi's dad?
We're hitting stutter levels that shouldnt even be possible
Now that's an image of a quarterback I'll never get back!
Arararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararagi-san is an idiot
The kind of person who has a horde of 10s fighting for his dick.
Alalalalalagi-san is an idiot
Yes whats going to happen if he started wearing long sleeved shirts? Is he going to get more female attraction than what he is getting right now?
When are they going to fuck? This sexual tension is killing me.
Every time araragi masturbates Bat gets one off too.
ragi is based
what did aragi mean by this?
Lalalagi-san lives a pretty stressful life that can bring a person down, so he needs something to lift his spirits. And is there anything better for soothing the soul than cuddling with an adorable little girl?
>least beta mc of our generation
>hated for being a lolicon
It bet little girls don't lift just his spirits.
I would buy the shit out of that hoodie and wear it as a single layer just like him.
Who are you quoting faggot?
Ararararararararararararararurerorararararagi-san is the best part about monogatari.
>channeling best head coach of the century
Running out the clock does not make you the best.
No crop image with dialogue between them. Disappointed
>tfw u wear short-sleeved hoodies nearly all the time
what's wrong with them
>tfw when you didn't knew that such type of clothing existed in the first place
looks comfy
i wanna kiss a loli too
and a bat too
*blocks your path*
I do very well realise she's an abberation of getting lost, but ending up in buttfuck nowhere Ex-Ussr is a bit excessive
Imagine if Monogatari occurred somewhere in Putinistan. Like some Vasyan encountering Kiss-Shot on his way to his commieblocks or something
she got so lost she arrived to 3d land
There'd be a lot more sex that's for sure.
Welcome to shitty Japanese fashion. It's right up there with girls in japan wearing short shorts with leggings, puffy socks, etc.