>converts magic power into life force
>gets a boost because of idol theory
>taught magic to crowley
>the angel of the physical laws
I think Horus will just mean no magic for humans rather then no magic at all.
>converts magic power into life force
>gets a boost because of idol theory
>taught magic to crowley
>the angel of the physical laws
I think Horus will just mean no magic for humans rather then no magic at all.
Kuroko is a disgusting ape.
The Aeon of Horus should be the same as everyone being free of the conceptions made for the father (the believe in science) and the mother (the believe in magic), making way to a world where people can be the eternal beings it always mean for, but only if the knowledge gets to the new born humans. I truly find The Book of Law facinating to uncover.
Virtual-On OST when?
user if you ask again I'll personally track you down via sex magick and fuck you up.
How do I summon a Kazakiri and how do I control it?
More Valkyries when?
>that outfit
never Brun ruined their reputation and Kanzaki had Itsuwa kill that one.
Damn cows
Whats the point of this thread, there's nothing new to discuss til spring fest.
What did jeans ever do to deserve such mistreatment?
Last thread I wondered if Stiyl could become the archbishop, then realized Kamachi gonna Kamachi so I thought maybe there's a running gag in the Church heads. Anglican Church will always be run by a female, Roman Catholic Church will always be run by an old guy preferably based on someone from the movies (like Gandalf or Anthony Hopkins), and the Russian Orthodox will be run by a shota.
VO OST when?
Still waiting for a translation for the audio drama.
Why is Brunhilde so rapeable?
She has such heavy periods
Is she having a stroke?
One protects you while the other one tries to kill you
Brunhild killed thousands of people in horrifically painful ways, and while some of them may have had it coming I doubt each person did.
Rape is the only way to answer for her crimes.
The audio drama CD was great. Misaki's dialogue lines were specially funny/cute, but everyone was good in it.
But does Crowley want to destroy the concept of science in addition to destroying magic. I know he's assblasted about magic and wants it gone but doe the Aeon of Horus also mean he's going to fuck up science too? Then what's left? I mean there's only two ways you can go in. Either you lean towards science or you go full superstition and go towards magic.
Can we say that chapter 30 of Accel Idol was basely about the Index's Sup Forums threads
>Silvia beats down Brunhilde
>I rape unconscious Brunhilde
Of course
What went so wrong in Oriana's life to turn her into such a slut?
Well it wasn't so much that something went wrong, since she's a Gypsy her life was fucked from the moment she was born.
Might as well dump the chapter since no one else bothered.
She witnessed a terrorist attack which made her realize good intentions can have horrible outcomes.
She really just wants everyone to get along.
She's not actually a gypsy I think she just dresses like that cause it matches her courier lifestyle.
End. The plot thickens.
How is it that Awaki is supposedly a womanlet, and yet here she's about as tall as Tsuchimikado? Have we, the fans, been lied to?
>it's not Kakine
Okay, I'm surprised.
Kakine is a joke. Don't expect too much from him.
Best girl (male)
I can imagine a blindfolded Thor walking along train tracks waiting for trains for quick exp.
What a slut
Such misfortune
Kamikoto is good for the heart!
If you want a heart attack.
and the soul
Kamijou better back off. Mikoto is KUROKO territory!
Mikoto better back off. Kamijou is KUROKO territory!
Touma isn't even the most threatening part of the equation for Kuroko.
>Last order is a top secret cloning experiment that AC is willing to commit genocide in order to keep secret.
>Has a fucking facebook account
*teleports behind Misaki*
*sticks rods in her brain*
Too easy Level 5.
The only KUROKO territory is a pile of garbage!
She probably uses Yomikawa's account.
He already said Kamijou though.
Just because he's poor and a lv 0 doesn't mean Touma is a pile of garbage!
What does Kuroko have to do with Kurozuma?
This image of Kuroko is probably the best girl he’s ever drawn.
I kind of feel like Misaka's verbal tic would translate into text.
She's gonna need more than one teleport jump to go around and behind Misaki's back since she has a range limit.
She's as tall as Mikoto, which means she's taller than the usual for girls in her age
Mikoto is at least 10cm taller than Awaki. Even Kuroko is taller than Awaki, although only barely. Awaki is definitely pretty short for her age, though that hasn't really been displayed very well at all, since for some reason every fan artist thinks she's tall girl.
You're right about the fanart, but pretty sure she's at least a bit taller than Kuroko. Think I'll have to investigate, I don't remember if Kamachi describes what's her height.
I can't wait till Touma beats up the worst Kamachi protagonist ever (i.e. Junko)
>A pair of eyes watched in amusement.
>Shirai Kuroko looked at the entrance to the alley again.
>There was a girl there.
>She was a little taller than her, and her hair was tied up into two long strands in the back.
Well, I guess you were right, but I still prefer a much more taller Awaki. It does things to my dick.
Yeah I want him to beat Accel up too.
Kuroko is a pathetic womanlet. She should kill herself for that.
Hey, it's that Hot Topic emo kid that hates the world!
I unironically think Junko could beat Touma
>thieving whore stole Kill Bear
100 beatings!
>100 beatings!
Give some to Himegami too. She didn't do anything but I just feel like it.
Junko would just hurt herself trying to hurt him.
Himegami is such a punchable girl.
Kuroko belongs in
Billy's wrestling room
Misaki falls in love with Touma. Unable to confess, she is gifted by deus ex machina with the boy's whistle. Never minding the strange object, she immediately blows it and is overjoyed when he comes to her rescue. But the next day, when she recounts the previous day's events to the boy, he only looks at her with a forgetful expression.
Finds a way.
Is this a newfag thing?
Kill Mikoto
Why would you even think about killing a cute boy?
Rikou is a cuckquean
How salty is she while watching Shiage get raped by Mugino and Saiai
Imagine how fun it would be to beat Bayloupe.
>fatefag keeps shitposting about how “nobody likes Raildex” and how “it’s going to flop”
>fate/extra last encore airs
>nobody cares about it and it flops
Is this how Crowley feels like all the time? Just smugly watching people play themselves?
t. Lessar
Supposedly he doesn't give two fucks, neither should we Raildexfags about Fateshits
>not liking both
Fate and Raildex are the only reason I still post on Sup Forums.
>liking either
Both are shit.
This is the best female character Kamachi has ever created.
>Liking HO
It's objectively Kamachi's most boring series.
To be fair everyone expected LE would flop because of pissed off waifufags, especially after Extella. Only the most deluded of Fatefags would tell you otherwise.
No, that's Shit Sign or Astral Buddy.
>thinks there's people in these threads that dislike fate
It's the cancerous posters that are shit
I do, though. I only like Carnival Phantasm because it doesn't take itself that seriously.