>EVA killer they said
>Trigger saving anime they said.
this anime no better than Kiznaiver
>EVA killer they said
>Trigger saving anime they said.
this anime no better than Kiznaiver
Other urls found in this thread:
Franxx is still being watched by most of the audience past ep 8, at this same point Kiznaiver was already dropped by everyone except the minority trigger shills
>He watched kiznaiver
>Trigger saving anime
>With an A-1 Pictures show
***,317位/***,291位 (**1,726 pt) [*,**0予約] 2018/04/04 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 1 (第1巻のみ特典:L版ブロマイド + 全巻購入特典:「LPサイズディスク収納ケース」引換シリアルコード付) [ VIOLET EVERGARDEN ] [Blu-ray]
***,368位/***,331位 (**1,222 pt) [*,**1予約] 2018/04/04 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン1 [Blu-ray]
***,507位/***,466位 (**1,143 pt) [*,*13予約] 2018/04/25 【Amazon.co.jp限定】ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス 1(メーカー特典:「線画A3ポスター」「田中将賀描きおろし複製色紙」付)(1~4巻連動購入特典:「描き下ろしB1布ポスター」&全巻連動購入特典:「描き下ろし全巻収納ボックス」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
***,977位/***,905位 (***,719 pt) [*,*16予約] 2018/04/25 ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
How do i read this?
"I like corm."
I've never seen an actual answer as to how to read these things.
but i liked kiznaiver
Yeah, put all that blame on A-1 so triggerfags can pretend the massive load of shit spilled on the streets wasn't partially Trigger's fault. Anything to not put down another in their list of failures. Why do people like this studio again?
Buy low sell high
why does best girl get no love?
>FranXX's love story involves a pure maiden and a honest guy
>Violet's love story involves a dead man and an autistic robot
Best girl.
the pointless drama somehow feels worse
***,317位/***,291位 is the current/lasthour amazon rank
(**1,726 pt) are the predicted preorders so far
[*,**0予約] are the niconico preorders
2018/04/04 is when the volume gets released
>pure maiden
>girl who fucks pilots to death
good to know
You heard me.
That's how she rocked on that old man's dick.
She's a slut!
That was quick.
Don't worry. She will get some loving from Mitsuru when he rapes her.
That was really quick, I'm impressed. great job user!
This show is so much better without loser two and ziro
is DariFra backed by aniplex or not?i'm surprised they don't bundle the BD with lewd bonus or something....
>Why do people like this studio again?
Kill la kill,that's about it.
>Literally the most insipid soyman in the show
>Raping anything
This is Mitsuru
I didn't do it, someone did it literally like an hour after the airing.
I guess it's true then...nobody lies on the internet.
I have never told a lie.
The first 8 episodes of this is WAY better than the first 8 episodes of Evangelion, take of the nostalgia goggles
I liked Kiznaiver. It's an easy 8, maybe 8.5
He will try but fail. Just like he failed to cuck Hiro. He's now looking for an easier target.
that's not saying much since EVA is shit anyway..
I'm no Mitsurufag but surviving 02 especially without dinoAIDS is pretty rare so props
I actually really liked Ninja Slayer, little witch academia, and Uchuu Patrol Luluco.
Good for you. Instead of being a cynical sheep, you know how to enjoy stuff.
Message box won't stop being a faggot. so I can not.
Why does 02 think she is not human?
It's an eastern philosophy thing. Any superhuman abilities one might gain puts their life and experience one step further away from normal humanity. Thus superhumans can lose their humanity.
>has reputation of "Partner Killer"
>universally hated/feared (see squad 26)
>thinks Hiro finds her horns repulsive by default
Gee user, I have no fucking clue what would lead to her seeing herself as a monster
If this doesn't pick up next episode in a big way this show is officially shit
Nah, then it's officially kino.
I find the Milkman nickname hilarious, since there's an RL meme that wives cheat on their husbands with the milkman.
Kiznaiver didn't have cool mecha fights.
Unfortunately, neither has Darlifra so far. They really need to step it up.
The worst thing about Darling is that it's boring as fuck.
Guaranteed (You)s
We are 8 episodes in and have no plot.
No Goals.
Is this supposed to be a SoL Mecha?
ep6 was underwhelming
ep7 slam the breaks
ep8 turned the engine off
with this momentum ep9 will start to go backwards.
maybe that is the joke, we will only see their lives outside the battles with occasional glimpses of something different from time to time.
Why is everybody acting like episode 8 didn't establish a very important lesson for the characters going forward? Is it being argued that this isn't important?
How many old men has 02 pleased for free?
The goal is obviously to kill Klauxosaurs and protect Papa. What more do you need?
Her presence pleases many people in general. So lots, innit'?
Who is the Luvia of FranXX?
I really think the show had a good opportunity to reach masterpiece after episode 6. Umi-da really sealed its fate unfortunately. Episode 8 was handled very well. Episode eight has shown us that they respect comedy and gave its due to a mecha series with a bunch of children piloting mecha. Then they gave us the darker side of necessity of the world with the previous squad's room sealed off. I wonder who dies first.
He's probably the one that showed the most incentive and aggressiveness for the moment.
Sorry user, episode didn't have 20 minute infodump on the plot and focused on the relationships between characters instead, therefore it's shit. Those are the rules.
Sup Forums can't have FUN anymore, but I will remind them
fatso, the amount of stupid shit his character said and one lately seems on purpose
Thats the setting of the show.
There needs to be something more unless you have good fight scenes wich this show doesnt have.
Just like Eva around episode 8 was all "kill the angels and protect the geofront".
The same could be said of Ichigo and the MC.
WTF are you talking.
In EVA there was actualy danger and they went into full panic mode everytime an angel appeared.
>ep8 turned the engine off
Did you see them entering the Franxx?
That end scene is basically a lighthouse for buttfuck huge combat where someone dies. Or the entire anime is just a shitshow for the next 16 episodes.
>full panic mode
This anime is also seriously lacking in musical score.
At least you're happy, I guess.
This anime just feels like soft core porn. I can't relate to the brain dead main character or the insane demon girl with literal goblin blood running through her vagina. I don't get why the main character wants to prove himself useful so hard. I don't get why the controllers are literally BDSM machines where the chick spreads her ass to the guy.
I don't get it. Then I remember that this is just soft core porn and it all makes sense. There is no depth in this anime. It's trashy and it's meant to be trashy. All the few moments it tries hard to put in emotion is laughable.
I get the feeling that some people don't like any of the characters in this show but are watching it anyway, and start to complain when the show focuses on character interactions.
He's drinking real milk, user.
This will be your goal for tonight. And the night after. And the night after that. And the night after that...
Brainlets just don't get it I think. I think this show is significantly over some people's heads.
>I don't get why the main character wants to prove himself useful so hard
Try not speedwatching, maybe then you will understand Hiro's motivation for that.
this. No soy on this boy.
His motivations are shallow at best. He's basically a cuck. This show is meant for literal retards.
Where did. But how. Is this just bad animation? Zero Zero Two doesn't actually have a foot vagina does she?
somewhere around ep6 when there were debates about if Hiro wil die or not, some tried to convince me that after it is established that he doesn't die the show ill find another source of tension. Two episodes after that every conflict is from within, is artificial and resolved within the episode it was risen in. As far as I am concerned we don't have anywhere to go from here. No real sense of direction, I thought that after they took a break for a beach episode they will do something, but no, they didn't
Oh the previous squad was decimated and it is sad. It was hinted before, 02 was well aware of that as probably P26 squad. Now Squad 13 knows they are expandable like every other squad. good for them.
The animators probably expected that this picture would be made and just drew a foot there.
>what are smear frames
>what is "convenient censorship"
This better be a bait...
>mfw he eventualy catches her
Not everything is bait. Sometimes it is just a joke. Remember the bandaid shot of kiss shot acerola orion heart under blade?
>oh look another waifu anime
>the chicks are literally cock pilots who bend over to the dude
>le mysterious powerful gurl is edgy and mysterious
>robuts look like moe shit
>enemies are shapeshifting Evangelion clones
>beach episode only 7 episodes in
wow what a deep animu anons~
can't wait for that death episode soon~
Daily reminder that IRC and Discord fags go out of their way to shit DarliFra threads. Stay alert.
Ha ha. What a shit-tasted faggot.
It's really just the protag. He's even worse than Shinji, who at least had excuses and wasn't a totally bland ass, cookie cutter design. Seriously, MC looks like he came straight out of an isekai LN adaption. Not only does he look boring, but he IS boring. Shinji and Renton were fine "average boy chosen to become a pilot & meet up with a mysterious girl" types, not sure how you fuck this up. Hell, even Aquarion EVOL's protag is more interesting than this fag. And his motivation for finally getting his head out of his ass is also pretty poor, almost cliche at this point. And unfortunately enough, he still is a total beta bitch boy (not as bad as he was in ep1, but still).
EVERYONE else in the cast is fine, though.
I guess it makes sense that when they went to pitch the damn thing to studios. A-1 would take the contract since they make normie trash (Fairy Tale I'm looking at you).
fellow Sup Forumsnons do that all the time so that's nothing new
>watched Kiznaiver to the end
No idea why, it wasn't worth it.
>dropped this turd on episode 3
No regrets.
Out of a hundred naybe.