>2 episodes remaining
what a waste of time that was.
2 episodes remaining
Remember when we got 8 months of fillers as preparation for this shitty arc?
how do people defend this. genuinely, i want to know. this episode has to be the most soulless thing i have ever seen in my life. i'm not even all that big into dragonball, but that whole episode made me feel dead inside and sad for the franchise
Because Toriyama knows since Dragon Ball Z its biggest appeal has been to Mexicans. What were they appealed to in DBZ? Power-levels and transformations. Dragon Ball Super happens to be asspull full of them.
Wonder how they'll tie it in with the wish of the Super Dragonballs and next season.
>All of it was in preparation for this....
>Wonder how they'll tie it in with the wish of the Super Dragonballs and next season.
Goku will win and wish for the complete and permanent cancellation of the series.
Jiren and Goku both end up drained of energy and fall off the arena together. Frieza is still on the arena so the wish goes to him and he wishes the destruction of all universes.
Jiren is such a shitty character. He looks like some random enemy of the week from the DCAU justice league
Whis and Beerus are about the only two commentators who don't irritate the fuck out of you when they talk. Omnikings and krillin/tien are annoing as shit.
>he wishes the destruction of all universes.
I really hope this happens, then there will never be another dragon ball series in the infinite future
I don't mind the concept of ultra instinct. The problem is Jiren is such a boring character. I hope the manga does a better job of making him interesting. That is one of the biggest problems of this arc.
He combines everything from DBZ in the most generic way possible. Generic alien, generic physique, generic spandex, generic powers and moves, generic invincibility until arbitrary asspull power-up.
...Or that would be the send-off and erase Super from canon rather than abruptly ending it like they did with GT.
I'd even argue UI is the coolest upgrade since the original SSJ.
Jiren, and the tournament of power, are just both incredibly dull and lame.
At least we got some cool Vegeta moments. Also, the UI theme
is fantastic.
Did they seriously just make Super Sayian Blanco canon? Fucking christ, the beaner memes will never stop
>Did they seriously just make Super Sayian Blanco canon
Yes, but in canon fashion, they gave it to Goku. Because Gohan isn't allowed to have anything.
>waste 2 whole arcs on a movie plot
>the other 2 arcs are about a tournament (wow so original)
>the only decent arc (zamasu) is still shit
>90% of super is just rehash of older concepts (le new hair color, potara, time travel, female broly, etc.)
why did I even bother watching past episode 5
>Because no one other than Goku and Vegeta is allowed to have anything.
Straightened that out for you.
Gohan was allowed to become a soyboy.
I believe the next episode, the time will run out, and I believe U7 will be the winner.
Even if there's no official winner between Goku vs Jiren, U7 will still have more members in the field. (Remember, Freezer is not in the grades, so he's still in play; and there are rumors about A-17 still being in the field somehow).
I think I finally realized why people don't just spam these threads with ayy lmao. There isn't one big enough for Jiren.
You're dumb as fuck
That would just erase the remaining universes in this timeline though.
The way he got his shit kicked was pretty retarded also. How he is not even close to UI level when everyone was sucking him the whole time
They did it the '"so fast we dont have to animate'" , glorious. The Goku energy created a galaxy, damn they we'r on crack. It took Goku breathing to increase his hamon to understand it was a giant shonen shitpost all along.
>The Goku energy created a galaxy
I could have appreciated that if they didn't then have Zen-Oh and everyone else comment on it.
Hey guys emperorbigd here, the best and most accurate db youtuber on planet, wanted some suggestions for my channel.
I told you ever since RoF that was going to be fucking garbage. You didn't listen and let the nostalgia override your brain.
lol if you didn't write this trash off the second you laid eyes on jiren
And many were excellent (unlike the ToP arc itself).
Maybe the plan of toriyama would be to come up with an anime where you watch the filler and skip the plot?
I wish anime writers would stop treating their viewers as complete idiots that can't discern ANYTHING without a bunch of talking heads explaining everything. Unfortunately, by doing this, they also get the side benefit of not having to write/animate as much actual action, since they can spend half the episode explaining the other half of the episode.
Well I for one got hot inside, it have me goospumps and I really enjoyed the fighting scenes.
I have to question the motives for you watching this series, did you also watch Dragon Ball Z for the epic story? The amazing character development? The depth?
The animation of that episode was terrible. It looks more and more like powerpoint slides in an enterprise meeting.
They only give Vegeta things that have become irrelevant or are on the way to becoming that, so he doesn't really count.
Considering how much they're dragging this fight out, Frieza's plot will probably be thwarted within a second by Goku's Ultra Instinct sneeze.