Anime Redflags

Anime Redflags
What are your anime redflags that makes you drop the show the second you see it?

for me,
>obligatory beach episode
>the mc learns shit through the show and keeps doing the same mistakes

share you redflags! and rip Billy

>high school setting
>beta MC
>popular on Sup Forums

MC uses a Katana in a European setting

MC is a NEET

>show is not classified as a comedy, but can't go 5 minutes without interrupting a serious scene with forced unfunny "humor"

Whenever the PVs keep on showing the staff members in BIG BOLD LETTERS while showing close to nothing of the actual anime footage. That's a sign that the series was all hype, no substance.

>has a recurring general on Sup Forums when it's not even airing

All of what 7deadly sins did..specially the fanservice

Have to agree with you on that, especially how fights go. It's worse than Bleach in that aspect.

>video game setting
>MC is seemingly uncaring and agitated at everyone
>threads of the show on Sup Forums only consist of bratty anons inbetween sexual discussion

MC uses a conventional European styled sword

MC is secretly a dino

>When only one sex exists, male or female and the other doesn't.
Shit like that is why I refuse to watch Kemono Friends or Girls last tour.

>classic male figure turned into a girl

>obligatory trap character
I hardly made it through the rest of Blend-S when one showed up. Disgusting.

>Girls last tour

the first person they meet is a guy that hands them a camera

Expanding on that, obligatory episodes that heavily clash with the setting, like beach episodes on a story set in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

>anything high school
>anything SHAFT
>anything moe
>anything isekai
>anything shonen
>anything yuri
>anything over 2-cour
Also, as a sort of hard and fast rule, if Sup Forums likes it, it has to be shit. This is flexible.
Really, I prefer anything between 1970 and roughly 2000-ish. OVAs and movies are good.

Also, I look at the target demographic/ fanbase. If they're shit, it has to be shit.

>despite organizations, agencies, and government-funded departments of trained professionals, Japan is utterly powerless to combat this threat, and the fate of the whole world is placed in the hands of untrained, apathetic and/ or snarky child soldiers.
>this cadre of histrionic, bipolar and catastrophically emotionally underdeveloped child soldiers struggle to find meaning in a world filled with meaningless battles that are measured by charge-up times, power levels, and chuunibyou declarations of superiority.

>pan to the sky with EEEEEEEHHHHH
>tries to look serious but overdoes it with the fan service at the same time
>source material is a LN
>constant flashbacks of things that were shown not even 5 minutes ago (so most battle shonen)
>descriptions that start with "X was just a normal Y until"

>It's a harem
>The MC is beta fuccboi
>A dyke is in the harem

Delete from hard drive and memory

Battle-royale scenarios. They don't make sense, circumstances are contrived, and they always have the same elements.

>based on a light novel

>produced my netflix

>all girls are lesbian
>nothing happens for several episodes
>illogical premise (Koi to Uso is an example. Happens apparently in the real world but an all powerful all knowing government can't exist there.)

I can't tell if FranXX did it really well, or really bad. Can't decide

Highschool aged teenagers are the only one's who can save the world.
No real reason given.
No competent adults around.
No organizations that will help defeat them

The heroes that will save everyone is a group that is so deepy dysfunctional that there is absolutely no fucking way on earth they wouldn't have quickly imploded due to sheer mutual hatred in under a month.

>What are your anime redflags that makes you drop the show the second you see it?
When it features these guys

What the fuck do you even watch?

Honestly I think the only thing that truly turns me away from anime is all male casts and all female casts.

Typically this ends up making the threads insufferable too. I'll never forget the first ~3-5 weeks of when Osomatsu first aired and the threads were fun. After that every thread was full of fujoshits and it was impossible to discuss the show because threads were just all gay shipping garbage.

>MC is beta
>extensive right-in-your-face exposition
>too many female chars
>fan service
>mc and opposite-sex mc tease eachother
>there's some stereotypical "bad boy"
>different levels to one's powers
>"""clearly defined""" power levels
>everyone is < 15 and yet there's no parents in the entire world
>overly long battle speeches where everyone freezes to listen
>just when you think it's over, bam, secret extra power level nobody knew about
>opens up a whole new hierarchy of power levels that somehow nobody knew about
>different clubs/gangz with different specializations that they refuse to expand from

>>different clubs/gangz with different specializations that they refuse to expand from
kyoani? the whole industry?
god, help us all

You must not like BnHA