Is seasonal traps going to be the new thing now? Where did we go wrong...

Is seasonal traps going to be the new thing now? Where did we go wrong? There used to be a time where I could talk to anime fans and not worry if he was some faggot who liked guys or not.

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>Is seasonal traps going to be the new thing now?
I really really hope so.


Also who is the artist?

Just the past couple seasons, there was Hideri, Astolfe or whatever the fuck.
And they were wildly popular in their series.

I mean, anime is literally becoming gay. There was a time where flat chested small girls were just that. Now you have wonder if they're a fucking guy, Jesus.

I'm surprised you missed it. The name is literally next to his penis, which is what you're staring at anyway.

It's not gay to like traps

>anime is literally becoming gay
Need I remind you that in the first couple of episodes of Naruto:
>he turned himself into a girl
>kissed another guy
>had a grown-up man shove his finger up his ass
It's nothing new. Nobody batted an eye back then, and nobody does now.

Why is that even an issue? Just be comfortable with your feelings or don't.

Too busy concentrating on the cock, thought it was a brand on the underwear.

I fucking can't stop thinking about Astolfo. I've even started looking at rather lewd images of him and I don't like it.

Always been into traps but Astolfo is next level and probably converted the most ostensibly straight people.

>Is seasonal traps going to be the new thing now?
It's "Are seasonal traps going to be the new thing now?", American-kun.
And yes. I certainly hope so.

Look up "new-half" if you don't know what it means.

hideri chan is the cutest and best trap
astoflo is pretty good though
i think traps will continue to get more and more popular for several social and psychological reasons

But it is. They're men.

I am, I just don't personally enjoy every other flat chested character nowadays having a 50-50 chance to be a man, and I'm not gay so it pisses me off.
I only have these pictures saved for the relevance of the topic. I'll delete them later.

But in short, I miss when characters like pic related were actually girls and not traps.

>Ignore Chaldea faggot banner
>really like Dantes so I toss 5 tickets at him
>this bullshit happens

I fucking hate you closeted faggots

>I am, I just don't personally enjoy every other flat chested character nowadays having a 50-50 chance to be a man, and I'm not gay so it pisses me off.
That is exactly what I'm getting at. It pisses you off only because you're uncomfortable. If you're aroused, be okay with being aroused even if it turns out they're a guy. If you're not aroused, no problem. Why get pissed.

>new thing
Can anyone spot me a smug Jun? I don't have one.

That looks more like a man than any trap posted on this entire thread.
Good job faggot.

What the fuck, did you read my mind? I was going to post that same pic of Fjorm and express a similar sentiment.
However, I like traps, and I have no problem with them. It just bothers me a wee bit when a lot of the flat chested characters are traps. Where is the love for flat-chested women?

>worry if he was some faggot who liked guys or not
Really sounds like you're the faggot here.

The thought of it being a guy is what turns me off.
Maybe I can't explain it correctly, but even if the design is cute, knowing it's a man just turns me off. As a result, really good designs are wasted for me because the artist decided that it needs to be a trap.

I dont know, you seem to be making a big deal out of it though.

Maybe you are just gay in denial

My brutha.

I'm really not. Not even bi- curious, which I assume is the case for most that like traps.
I'm making it seem like a bigger deal than it is, but I really do miss not having to worry if this cute flat chested girl is actually a girl.

First of all, you're bi if you like boys and girls. Secondly, that is what I'm telling you to be accepting of.

There are really 3 measures on which you talk about this spectrum.

The first is with looks, the second with genitals and the last with genetics. Genetics is a pretty stupid metric because no one does DNA tests before they decide they're attracted to someone. On that metric, sure, you're gay, or bi rather.

On the genitals metric, sure you're bi, but most people also don't decide whether they're attracted to someone after seeing their genitals, so I think this method is also pretty useless. But unlike genetics you probably could make some argument about really hating penises or something.

On the last metric though, you're straight. You're interested in the feminine and the penis is inconsequential.

But these are just different definitions, you can be all or none. If it really really bothers you, just think about it in terms of the looks-metric and feel safe knowing you're straight.

For me, I don't care, to the average person I would say I was straight since literally 0.00001% of the population is cute and feminine enough for me to be attracted to them, so irl it doesn't matter. Even if that situation did happen the person would have to be so feminine that people wouldn't realize he was a guy anyway so it would never come up.

>The thought of it being a guy is what turns me on

They're not men; they're anime characters. I'm not attracted to men.

>draw a girl
>call it a guy
>anons who don't like this get called gay
You bunch are lying and fucking with anons (who got taste) for no reason. Just like when a brony wants to make you watch his show. By allah, you degenerates deserve nothing but the sword.

It's pretty easy to explain user. You know you wouldn't be attracted to a naked male body. When you find out a cute "girl" is a guy, your mind taints that into your perception of him. In other words while you could kiss him and get a blowjob from him and visually it would be indistinguishable from a hot chick, it's as if your mind superimposes his naked body into that image and you get repulsed. So yeah, you're straight. Don't let these fags trick you.

>Want to get fuck by a trap
>Want to fuck a trap
Not gay

Simple as that

What if you couldn't mind sucking his cock and balls cause they're so cute... or pegging him while he fucks someone else (male or female)?

Does that rule hold up after the first round of boy breeding? On day two you're more than aware of his gender, and by the third time you probably know how he likes it, which surely is a bit gay.

But "Is" is correct since "seasonal traps" is only a single trope.

Gas the gays, desu.

Haven't fapped to traps in over 3 years, but I felt like I had to honor aniki, so I went and did it.

It's not gay as long as you try to get the trap pregnant.

anime has been gay since a long time ago. the japs practically invented homos in east asia.

It's fine as long as you're not trying to get every penis you can inside of you like most homos.

I'm fine with seasonal traps but holy shit those flesh fangs do trigger the shit out of me

>literally 10 years ago
>meet a random guy who noticed I had an anime image on my phone
>talk about animes
>he was all about Gravitation and tried to sell it to me
Yeah, sure.

>he don't like Gravitation
What an insecure faggot.

>he likes Gravitation
I like dick and still found it boring. Love Stage is where it's at.

>used to watch this with my friends
Yep, It's a thing according to this website and there were trap threads on Sup Forums as far as 2008 as deep as foolz fireden can dig, Trap is never newfag thing to Sup Forums.


Not the dude you're replying to but I just don't like male homosexulas. I just think it's sick and wrong and their lifestyle even when private is disgusting. Even worse since faggots never shut up in anime.

This one right?

Since when did it become cool to hate traps on Sup Forums?

Just shut up, I want it to become popular enough that studios will fucking start to produce more than one trap hentai every 5 years.

Since Otokonoko maid cafe is a thing in japan, I just want harem comedy series which MC is a straight trap who work as maid in the otoko maid cafe which most members are gay trap.

You can't peg some one unless you're female. Pegging strictly means a woman fucking a man with a strapon. No men fucking men, no women fucking women, just women on men with strapon. No dildos either.

You're a few years late, user.
Soon we'll be going for the josou seme.
If only. IF ONLY.

when was that time?

I'd watch it only if the other traps want to nail MC, instead of wanting to be nailed by him.



You are big homo.

The text is edited.
There are no traps.

I want to impregnate you, innocent user.

Meh. Anime traps are just girls. They dress like girls, they are drawn like girls, they are voiced by girls, they behave like girls. You're just being told that they have a ochinchin for comedic effect.

Might as well just go full futa and have penis and vagina at the same time.

>I just don't personally enjoy every other flat chested character nowadays having a 50-50 chance to be a man, and I'm not gay so it pisses me off.
>seeing a boy pisses me off because I'm not gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want you to sit down and think about the what fuck you just said.

No u!

>Meh. Anime traps are just girls.
For me

Josou seme on male is horrible and truly gay, I have read that shit at least 3 times and always feel like I got punched really hard at stomach every time by an invisible fist when I read the chapters.

Where did the priest touch you, user-kun~?

>No u!
That works too.

Yeah in the old days you could be certain he was some faggot who like guys.

I think maybe its a global trend,
like how r9k became considerably gayer.

Maybe this will actually spawn decent trap hentai movies.

>like how r9k became considerably gayer.
What? tell me more about it.

its weird that even monster girl encyclopedia has gay shit,
I mean its one token monster , buts still weird that it is there,

have you not been there in recent years?

I visited it once during 2016 and it gave me really unpleasant feeling I would rather browse Sup Forums rather than it.


more than felix?

gays, traps, fembots threads, state your age virgins threads, putting chad on a pedestal threads, and LARP ruined the board I thought that maybe it was going to be a board for lonely male virgins trying to help eachother

Trash like felix don't belong in the same multiverse as Astoflo.

Why do you think it's sick and wrong?

Based meme faglord

Always wondered about that. So many traps in standard anime yet the hentai scene is a barren wasteland.

is there some sort of rivarly going on or something?

>guy falls for trap
>tries to deny his feelings
>almost rapes the trap
>they become friends
>trap suddenly becomes a thirsty cockslut

Post more Fjorm.

>no enjoying irony
disgusting newfag

Because he's a Sup Forums or /his/ crossboarder and they like to larp as conservative christians.

I think when you add in an animation budget, studios don't feel like they can take a risk trying to turn a profit from a niche interest.
even the MGQ hentai toned things down relative to what was in the game.

user, You are just triggering Militant Felixfags.

I'm not sure why anyone in their right mind is trying to argue otherwise. I don't care if anyone likes traps but you can absolutely be attracted to a design, find out it's a guy, and lose that spark of attraction. That's absolutely reasonable.

Impregnating traps is my fetish.

Just think of how cute your trap-daughters would be, you could be one happy family together with your trap-waifu.


Who is this season's trap?

you are

Ramen trap

Oversaturation is the best way to kill things, I want wait until the trap fad goes away


Just follow your dick. At all times.
You can lie all you want, but your dick is as honest as a Christian

>I want wait until the trap fad goes away
this was what I thought was going to happen to isekai years ago.


Boku no Pico was the ONLY good trap shota hentai. Natsuyasumi was shit.