Story Time - Tonari no Seki-kun

Here we are at the end (it's not the end).

Tonari-no Seki-kun went on hiatus after volume 10 came out last March, but it returned to serialization I think in November of the same year (2017), so it's all good...probably.

It's been fun! Let's finish this up!

Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 I'll see about getting an at least temp download readied.


























Woke up early just for this.
















Yes, Yokoi. You are.


They're so direct with each other now. How does she not realize it?




>game designed entirely with Yokoi in mind
Seki just confess already






That was a good one.







For all his evil, Seki continues to surprise me with his Eco-friendliness.

Y-Yokoi... Again at his seat?

At this point, Gotou can't be the only one who "knows".








I have no face.



Too lewd.



Tonari no Seki-kun has been running for almost 10 years, yet takes place NOW.








Seki LITERALLY confirmed for M/enjoying being scolded. 100% Yokoi

It's only a matter of time.








I think this is the first double page spread in Seki-kun




Holy fucking shit, Rumi.


