>Anime/Manga starts as a masterpiece but steadily goes downhill until it's complete garbage
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Anime/Manga starts as a masterpiece but steadily goes downhill until it's complete garbage
Shin Seiki Evangelion.
hayate no gotoku
Berserk, although I don't think it's complete garbage. Still has its moments but it's mostly mediocre.
The last 10 chapters or so of Pluto were a little underwhelming as well.
And although I don't think it was ever a masterpiece, Naruto went from being a pretty great Shounen to complete shit.
one piece, bleach, hxh
For anime it would be Zankyou no Terror. Total eye candy first couple episodes with some great tension, interesting detective lead, and cool antagonists. Then the show's plot kicks in and it just nosedives, and keeps diving, and before long you're wondering where the hell you even are, how things got this bad, and if the show was even any good to start with.
20th Century Boys
I still like One Piece. The world building is still excellent and it hasn't lost sight of the goal of the story.
>What's her name, Sup Forums?
Berserk is probably the one that hurts the most, but I think it's pretty much the poster child.
But I'd also say the Dragon Ball series is right up there as well: Dragon Ball was absolutely fucking Kino, Dragon Ball Z was 'alright', but it was pretty much the beginning of the end for the series with how fucking stupid it was- they should have just fucking ended it at the Cell Saga and gone in a completely different direction, but we got what we got.
I'd feel sorry for the people watching Super if they weren't doing it to themselves.
>one piece
I don't think I could disagree more.
There's lots of reasons why I love One Piece and think it's still quality, but the main one I'd like to share (and ties in well with how bad I think DBZ) is how good Oda is at keeping all of his characters relevant, namely Usopp. Oda's stated a number of times that Usopp (and Nami) will always be the weakest characters, but that specifically Usopp is meant to represent the limits (or lack thereof) of a perfectly normal person in the One Piece world and that's fucking brilliant.
Usopp is anchoring the power creep in One Piece by remaining relevant and useful to all the wacky situations the crew get themselves into, were as in DBZ none of the other characters really matter beyond Goku and that hasn't changed even now.
Bleach, right after vastolordes were introduced, fuck that shit i wanted to see more vizards
Oh God this. Starts out great and becomes really, really bad.
Yu Gi Oh!
Brynhildr in the Darkness.
Fucking amazing right until the first part ending. Then swiftly turned into absolute garbage that retroactively ruined the first half and made it impossible to enjoy again.
Death Note is very similar.
>Five ongoing fights that shift every other pages making you get two pages of each fight for several chapters instead of dealing with it each for itself like it previous did.
>Most characters are one-note running joke now 99% of each arc unless they are the focus
>Villains being 100% evil because evil lul (Don Flamingo)
>Copy paste MC faces, that gladiotor chick looking like Nami
>Revive suppose to be dead characters making all impact of their death feels cheap, Sabo
Nah is shit you retard.
Yatterman Night
Bakuretsu Hunters
Astro Boy (60s)
>But not muh fav shounen
Being a blind fanboy can be dangerous thing. I think what I feel the most sorry for, is that you do not realize it yourself.
I meant 80s oops
Dude i loved bleach so much, since it had a dub i didnt had to read any subs
and i loved it so much i made shitty drawings of zanpakutos and hollow masks
but it went to shit coincidentally after the original dub ended, which i suppose was the right call
and wtf happened to jinta's voice at the end? previous va was fucking perfect
Ubel Blatt... yup, It makes me cry at night.
>five ongoing fights that shift every other pages
I think the only time this happened was Dressrosa, which admittedly has problems with its structure and pacing. I guess you could also say Marineford but those were mostly just short clashes.
>most characters are one-not running joke now
Only one I can think of is Chopper. Again, not a fan of him just being cutesy but other than him I can't think of any other examples.
>villains being 100% evil lul
Like Alvida, Buggy, Don Krieg, Axe Hand Morgan, etc? Hell, Doflamingo at least had some reasons for the way he was. He was a spoilt shit but that was because he grew up with everything. Being crucified as a child would probably be enough to turn anyone bitter towards everything.
>copy paste MC faces
Only one I can think of is Rebecca. The bigger problem is female characters bodily proportions and how they all grew a few cup sizes over the time skip and became sex icons.
>revive supposed to be dead characters
Like Pell all the way back in Alabasta? Hell, at least Sabo's actual got some relevance to the larger plot given his position in the Revolutionaries. I'm not a fan of bringing back dead characters either, but like I said, Sabo actually has some importance in the story.
Well maybe not masterpiece but first couple of episodes of Aldnoah Zero were good. It gradually turned to the worst show I've finished.
Just wait for next two hiatuses when Hunter will be great again
berserk is going downhill but its far from garbage.
the new art shift definitely isnt helping though
Started off pretty well and then then it went to shit. The power creep was so fucking ridiculous. If the author had come up with creative ways to solve problems instead of just giving power boosts it could have been amazing.
I don't even want to talk about this.
>Promised neverland
This was the biggest disappointment i have ever felt . Everything in the first arc was absolutely amazing. The characters, the setting, the tension, the mind games. When I was reading the first arc I thought "Wow this manga is definitely going to be in my top 5". And then the first arc was over and it devolved into shonen shit.
I can feel it starting already
I don't like WCI either. I don't think One Piece is perfect or that every arc is great.
Fairy Tail.
It was just goofy, fun to read stupid adventure with a cool world and characters at first. Then it nosedives pretty hard and ends.
FT has one of the best anime's that i've ever seen. When it went on hiatus and I was forced to read the manga I realized that. It has amazing openings , amazing sound tracks and ofc fan service is better too.