How is she so perfect?

How is she so perfect?

She's cute, far from perfect though, needs a good dicking from a black guy.

She's a tsundere that isn't abusive.


>flat chest
>no ass
She is perfectly terrible

Her chest could be a little bigger

>tfw she saw Goro's Goro

Perfect for bullying

She even has a perfect girlfriend

please do not talk bad about the girlfriend of my
dear friend goro


She wishes


Is she starting to notice Goro?

>flat chest

Make that too.


What's it like to be a confused teenage lesbian Sup Forums?

Calling it now Kokoro will try and hit on Milkman but he will reject her advances because despite the fact he doesn't like Ikuno that much he's still her partner

She's not, she's a dumb slut.

what did she mean by this?

It will be epic when Ichigo decide to be with Goro. Ikuno goes to her partner for comfort and finds out secret meeting in the garden.

Cute as heck, would be better if she had longer hair but i aint complaining.