Is Ryuko the best main character of the past few years?

Is Ryuko the best main character of the past few years?



>past few years

Shit on my opinion all you want but Akira is one of the best mcs of the past few years.


Say what you want about KLK but I’m pretty sure most can agree on this

>ywn fuck the delinquent out of her
Why live


It just wasn't meant to be user

more like
>ryuko will never fuck the defiance out of you and turn you into an obedient husbando

>ywn get to see Ryuuko go full dere

Shit character from a shit anime.
Fapbait for 12 year olds.

>not wanting ryuko to fuck your inner 12yo

I don't know if best but she's definitely the most memorable lead if the decade. I don't remember much of MCs from shows that aired last month but I remember everything about Ryuuko.

Do people just think she's edgy because of the colours in her design? She really isn't that edgy of a character


>of the past few years

Best female MC, sure.

I saw Ryuko go full dere a bunch of times though

Akko is a more memorable main character than Ryuuko, there, I said it.

Hell, Luluco is, too.

>tfw will never be with best girl

I don't remember much if any of those two except for the basics

>Obsesses over Chariot and is a doofus
>Obsesses over husbando and tries hard to be a normalfag
And that's pretty much what I remember of them.