>literally kiznaiver with mechs
Is this disappointment of the season?
>literally kiznaiver with mechs
Is this disappointment of the season?
Other urls found in this thread:
Its Total Eclipse with somehow even less mechs
>Having positive expectations for a Trigger anime
KLK was ultimately disappointing but it was always fun to watch
My enjoyment of this show started out as a 10/10 and now it's sitting at a 5/10
god I could not give less fucks about these autists and their puberty
We can pinpoint the exact episode things went to shit: episode 6.
It's not 100% Kiznaiver until they all collapse to the floor going "itai".
Although I'm amazed it manages to have the usual Okada self-insert even though it's not written by Okada.
Go back to school.
>being this butthurt
literally literally means figuratively now you literal retard
>literally kiznaiver with action
that's all that kiznaiver needed
Better they advance the plot as soon as possible, the story feels stale.
>Look, mom, I posted it again
Chill, user. There's still 16 more episodes to get things back on the rails.
>Is this disappointment of the season?
No, that would be KyoAnu's Evergardenshit
>Kiznaiver needed action
Kiznaiver needed a good writer, not a melodrama queen
>literally asuka but braindead retarded
Is she the disappointment of the season?
Miku is not-asuka.
>implying asuka isn't braindead retarded
>dude ass piloting lmao
If you expected anything out of this show past episode 2, it's all your fault.
All Kiznaiver needed was Chidori and MC to be erased from the show
You would have to be a faggot to think like this.
Or not be underage
Is Miku best girl?
it needed trigger to not go "dude what if we cut out all the battle scenes lmao"
no it needed actual things to happen
Sounds like a faggots excuse.
The entire premise of the show is pretty much "Dude I pilot mecha by grabbing her ass, look at all these sexual innuendos LMAO" without any substance. If you expected this show to be something more than that it's only your fault.
second best behind oni
Asuka is a genius with a college diploma you dingus
>without any substance
somebody doesn't know about the language of flowers
>second best behind oni
Third best behind Oni and Ichigo
That's objectively VEG though.
It's amazing how shit it is after how hard people shilled it here.
There are mechs in VEG? I've dropped it after the third episode.
>implying Kiznaiver was bad
B-but it's A-1 and Trigger is just doing the designs!
I'll never understand why Sup Forums hates kiznaiver so much.
disappointment mostly
VEG was garbage and so is this.
it had a nice op at least
Reminder that the Sup Forums IRC/Discord group are deliberately shitting up Franxx threads. Like this OP faggot has made two-three threads already with the same opening content.
Ignore the shitposters.
Great first episode and OP followed by horrible pacing and retarded ending.
>deliberately shitting up Franxx threads
Like they need to.
Kiznaiver's redeeming qualities:
>OP & ED
>Character Designs
FranXX's redeeming qualities:
>I don't know what "literally" means
Discord users should be fish hooked.
Kiznaiver had a lot of potential that it never really lived up to. I think even its typical Okada melodrama is better than Franxx's plot, though.
Prove that you're not faggots and discuss the show, let's go
Parasites do experience puberty, but it's usually isolated cases, not whole squads at once. APE seems to think that it's a liability, the standard procedure is to solve the issues immediately, whatever that means.
Dr. Franxx confirms that P13 is a field experiment, commenting on how the standard procedure would render the whole thing pointless; instead, he wants to know how the squad behaves. He's also shown examining Hiro's blood, so his tumor is still a relevant plot point.
P13's team is handled by "invisible caretakers", further supporting the fact that they're an experiment. Does this mean that they want to see how they would behave with minimal contact with the adults? There's also the matter of them not handling cleaning, unlike cooking and laundry. For what purpose?
The personal belongings of P13's former squad have not been removed, the rooms merely taped shut. Given how careful they are in not showing adults, it's unlikely it isn't intentional. The parasites are not even barred from exploring the boarding house, yet they never found these rooms, meaning they're either uninterested, or they haven't been there for long. I believe it's the former, since at least Mitsuru seems to like exploring, and I doubt he would have kept those a secret.
Nana also states that the children couldn't be more unlike all the others, further corroborating the idea that they are an experiment.
About the adults, we know from 02 that they lack a certain spirit, since being "half-assed" and not honest with one's feelings make you similar to the adults. Is she saying that they are all emotionally repressed/stunted?
It ties in with the fact that the shitstorm she caused was a "human battle", which seems to imply that displaying emotions/being true to them = being human, to 02.
She seems to despise the adults, we know that being rebellious and naughty is, in her mind, polar opposite to what adults embody.
this kills the thread.
When the most substantial scenes from the show come from the couple that everyone is reducing to "muh NTR". Even the good parts of Darlifra are ruined by Darlifags.
every couple bar the tsunderes has been reduced to muh ntr at some point
a week or two into the season, Franxx legitimately had more hype than VGE. After VGE aired and people realized it wasn't what they expected, hype died down (except for a few shitposters). On the other hand, Franxx hit the ground running and exploded in popularity. Dozens of thread every time an episode aired, even now - it was the closest we had back to Geass days.
And now it's nothing. I'm significantly more disappointed in Franxx than VGE
>it was the closest we had back to Geass days
franxx was never even near klk levels much less geass
my memory's a bit hazy but I don't remember KLK being as big as Franxx
Thanks user, it's kinda sad to see every thread turning to shit in comparison to the comfy earlier ones despite all those waifuwars.
some of daiz's stickies were hitting thousands of posts, I think franxx barely hit a thousand at best? also a lot of the franxx threads died pretty quick, like under 20 posts. I agree it was pretty hyped at first, just nowhere near the level you're thinking
Franxx reached 1300 during episode 6 I think.
I think part of the reason the hype has died down has been because these last 2 episodes have been almost like a slice of life, will be interesting to see how the threads do when we get back to action
This, episode 8 was one of the best so far, but it didn't give us much to discuss.
Exactly, I really liked the interactions between 002 & Hiro this episode especially but hype is the primary source of shitposting
I'm just looking forward to the level of shitposting when someone actually dies.
that klk one topped 5k
even prior it was slowing down, I think it's because aside from character development we've had very few things actually happen. they've used the first 1/3 of the series as a prologue of sorts, hopefully it'll pick up from here
Goro was also good, I think this is the episode where we saw his fun side. This is one of the best episode structures they can do, focus on 02 and Hiro while also developing some other characters.
>focus on 02 and Hiro while also developing some other characters
This is all I ask for. I'm enjoying this.
Oni is the opposite of Nori tho
kiznaiver was dogshit though while darlifra is the aoty
Too bad some fags demand breakneck speed plot and don't give a shit about any kind of setup.
A.K.A. the people who can't have FUN
>Too bad some fags demand breakneck speed plot
I may be guilty of this, but I really do think everything they've shown could have been condensed significantly and the show would've been improved for it
This is one of the primary reasons I think FranXX is better than Kiznaiver.
Kiznaivers really suffered from only having one cour because the only characters that were really shown in depth were MC-kun, Sonozaki and Honoka, hopefully FranXX can avoid this since they have more time
002 is looking pretty cute these days
It's like eva but 10x better because Hiro isn't a bitch about piloting
If Sup Forums had to give a name to 002 what name would she be given?
Come on, it's not even up for debate.
it was so uninteresting that I dropped it 5 episodes in
DiTF is mediocre but fun and still enjoyable
I never thought of that but it's perfect
imagine having such a shit opinion
Yeah I think Honey was pretty much unanimously decided as the best option.
I gotta admit I love Ichigo the most of the characters right now and I know she is inevitably going to lose but I still like the anime and think it's going to speed up in the coming episodes. The big bad behind the klaxosaurs/APE will show itself soon
Rei II
>but I don't remember KLK being as big as Franxx
KlK had always over 10 active threads in the catalog. Franxx is nothing compared to it.
>Year 200X:
>anime is approaching ending, but still no plot whatsoever
>"Absolute masterpiece!"
>Year 201X:
>anime just started: still no plot whatsoever
>"Wtf is this shit? Gimme back 200X's anime!"
Someone explain this to me.
Where do you get your stock insults user? They're pretty stale.
>it was so uninteresting that I dropped it 5 episodes in
It actually becomes good halfway in.
I haven't watched any mech anime, I'm really liking Darling though. Any other recommendations for me to watch?
You can thank NTRfags for that, not the show, they'll find their repressed fetish in anything.
People don't have the attention span in current year. Furthermore, people are more genre savvy now, and when a series contains a lot of recognizable tropes, then it's dismissed as generic.
I started watching Kiznaiver because of anons spamming it, and goddamn, I have to say that it's cast is far more irritating than Franxx.
But even as irritating as they are, especially Nico who's a fusion of Teddy and the bitch from Dangarompa, they're at least more fleshed out than Franxx's cast so far in two episodes versus the 8 it's taken for this much.
I know but user I was replying to wrote like it was something unique to those two
My biggest gripe with this name is that it would make everyone call her honey. And if only Hiro uses the name he might aswell call her honey without that being her name.
Alright, let's do it like this then. Hiro baptizes her Oni, a play on her being half-dino.
>"I like it, but you can call me Honey then, daarin."
And she finally explains why she calls him darling and that honey is basically it's counterpart.
>implying Kiznaiver was bad
Which bitch from Danganronpa? Aoi or Junko
Junko. It's particularly bad because I started watching 3 recently.
What would anal sex with Aoi be like?
Why not Horny?
The popularity of this garbage anime perfectly summarizes what is wrong with the medium.
The average person who watches anime sadly is a retarded manchild loser so of course the producers pander to their demographic and instead of making some good high quality anime like back in the day nowadays everything is just this stale shit with fanservice where you legit need an IQ below 80 to enjoy them.
Such a fucking shame. In recent seasons there was nothing worth watching. I don't watch much anime anymore because of the decline in quality but when I do I just rewatch some good oldies. Last century anime did not pander to miserable otaku losers as much and in average is better but the 00s was when anime truly peaked because there were a ton of great anime in that decade. So much for trigger saving anime.
>everything was better in my day
I love you fags. Every time I see one of you I laugh my ass off. When Henry Ford invented the car retards like you were crying about the superiority of horses
Horses are superior, though, liberal.
Canoes are even better.
>when henry ford invented the car
I didn't watch anime in the 00s except for what little aired on TV and especially not last century.
I am not a nostalgiafag by any means and shit on them at every opportunity. But with recent persistent disappointment and no outstanding anime being made in quite some time I began to understand that those nostalgiafags have a point.
Graphics matter to me so I would love to watch new anime that looks much better but story and especially characters are much more important or I would be watching some tripple A CGI capeshit instead.
I hope that with western influence on anime increasing with netflix, amazon and so on they will stop pandering to the worst kind of otakus.
Congratulations, it sounds like the medium isn't for you anymore. So move on and let those of us that still like it alone.
Kiznaiver was garbage. Franxx is the AOTS. Big difference.