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Shinmai Maou no Testament
Zest deserves more love, so I'll pick her
I'll take Maria. Has two forms and comes with an extra girl. Is also kinky and will probably try anything.
Number four from the left. Can't remember her name, but she still make my dick diamonds.
Mio best girl!
Main wife in harem!
god I love zest
Definitely Mio
Should I get raws?
Or wait for subs?
Knowing the exact context might make it better, but I found the ecchi stuff enjoyable regardless
anyone have stitches yet for the girls in their outfits or swimwear yet?
Maria. Easy.
Here's one for Chisato
Just one?
Shit taste as fuck and ironically no one disagree with chisato
That character design wasted in a such submissive waifu fapbait with no personality
Holy fuck is this poorly designed.
Do this user, stand up straight and try to put your hand right up underneath your grundle. Can you do it? Maybe, maybe not. You might be a huge fucking lanklet.
Can a woman do this? absolutely not.
She's not standing up straight
I'm 6'1 170 and can do that I think you just have stubby arms
Mio's not the main wife. All of the girls are equal under the master-servant vow.
>Can you do it?
This OVA made me want more Zest.
Loli > Blue > Dark > Purple > Red
I choose all.
YES!!! this OVA made me love all the girls even more.
i hope we get Shinmai doujins soon after this OVA
This looks fucking retarded
So who's gonna sub this?
i hope this wasn't all of it, i really hope we get an extended cut on March 28th.
i want more swimsuit Chisato such a waste i needed to see more of her in that outfit. i hope we get an extended version, if not the studio was stupid for showing uncensored.
I wouldn't hold out hope if I were you, logically you would think that they would put some more stuff in the BD to help sell it, but the run time of the blu ray is apparently the same as this so it doesn't look to promising.
i hope we get an extended version on the 28th cause they skipped the contract scene and if they are doing a season 3, how is Chisato gonna show up and save Basara's ass from Shiba? They were able to add a wedding at the indoor pool which was suppose to be a Basara and Chisato moment not a Mio one.
chocolate demon > blue > cyan > loli succubus > the girl who's going to win the MCbowl despite being the worst
Wow they are really stupid for doing that, they should have released the BD on the same day as the LN on April 1st. They also skipped the story of Basara's moms and Chisato's contract scene. How is season 3 gonna work?
So, OVA subs when?
All the girls win the MC bowl
Yeah, the amount of stuff they've cut/changed is really disappointing, and even though the ending seems to be hinting a season 3, I really doubt it will happen
Why would you choose when harem is obviously an avaliable option?
>mio front and center
>the only girl holding hands with him
The only choice is the order.
they also had the vampire with glasses girl in the ova as well during the indoor swimming pool.
just shutup and unzip your dick
>everything including the title goes out of it's way to show Mio is the main girl
>haha tricked you!
It's a harem series, but all the girls basically lose to sensei at the end of the volume 11 prologue.
She needed a longer scene. I loved how Zest was in this OVA in her casual outfits. I want to see a Chisato and Zest doujin or see them in a threesome with Basara.
Yo did they really skipped this scene? Does Basara's harem even go to school?
Mio and Yuki go to school with him and are the school's idols, the others don't, apart from Sensei (obviously).
Is that the reverse reverse trap vampire? Shame if they did.
People are saying the BD will have extended scenes idk if its true but after watching the OVA you can tell some scenes were cut off way too soon. Also anybody know the massage that was in the final scene of the OVA, what did it say?
Glad to see I'm not the only who loved Zest in her causal clothes
This series makes me want to see more Zest in casual clothes. i literally paused every time i saw Zest in her outfits. i just wish Mio didn't steal the spotlight so damn often.
i hope a doujin artist who is huge fan of this series draws the scenes that the anime skipped and goes original, and by original i mean Basara just having sex with the girls not just boob sucking.
i really wish someone would post a collection of Zest in her casual outfits through out the series. She is the only one with good fashion sense.
Even if the run time is the same for the BD, i hope we get bonus scenes that cover some parts to the story that the OVA skipped like Chisato's collar, Jin's backstory,vampire girl in threesome with Chisato, and Basara's moms.
i can see them adding scenes as bonus features.
Has ookuma tweeted anything about the OVA?
Purple, because I want to lick her armpits and put my dick in her tight anus.
Zest is best.
If they were following the novels where the OVA ends would be spring break.
i wanted to see Vampire girl with Chisato and Basara, damn.
i hope the BD animates the contract scene, the OVA cuts way too soon during Chisato's scene. Also how the hell was Basara knocked out? i hope that is a clue for an extended cut.
All of them. Isn't that the point of a harem?
Tbh I only have one dick.
That's why Basara has clones. The ova used that ability for a stupid ass fight. The Basara clones were only meant to pleasure Chisato and form a contract with her.
The clones are incapable of fighting in the novels.
true they are only useful when it comes to lewd acts which isn't a bad thing.
I want to do lewd things to zests butt
i hope they extend that scene with Chisato having the collar.
Chisato doujins when?
He actually knocks out after all the hymen prodding and shit. Chisato should have been sucking his dick the entire time he's sleeping. He's supposed to wake up to getting his dick sucked and then some paizuri.
you mean 2nd from the right
Zest rhymes with best
He retweeted some of the tweets from the official twitter a few days ago.
I wish Ookuma or tomohiro kai would just draw a Shinmai doujin already, featuring all the girls! They know the source material they can draw the scenes that the anime missed.
This scene already has a good setting for a doujin. Kids push Chisato towards Basara he motorboats her titties, she gets horny takes Basara somewhere private in the pool and fuck. Boom story part is done now i need a good doujin artist.
Second one thank you very much.
Legally, I don't think Ookuma can.
yeah but Kai can, they drew Chisato. Which i think the fans would love to see Kai draw a Chisato doujin.
Wow to me it felt like this OVA gave Chisato's nipples a little more detail than the rest of the girls had. Then again she had milk coming out of them, so it's all good.
What the hell is that on top of Maria's head?
They seemed longer too.
>t. fag
Her nipples were great in this OVA. Hopefully they add more milk in the BD.
Hopefully the BD adds more scenes, people out here scaring everyone saying "there is no extended cut".
Those are the same people that said Shinmai was a flop and look how that turned out.
To be fair, we don't really know for a fact if there is more. I'd love there to be more, but the BD is also still 60 minutes long iirc.
Chisato's tits looked delicious, can't blame basara for drinking that milk.
probably gonna put a Bonus feature/deleted scenes list on the BD, hopefully.
So I guess we'll have to wait until the BD comes out for there to be English subs for the OVA?
Probably, unless some group releases sub files and release it fully once the BDs come out and are encoded
The question is what will be reason for buying the BD? We better get some awesome goodies and bonus features.
The new side story and the drama CD are worth buying the BD for.