Made in abyss

Made in abyss

So what exactly is in the bottom?

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Probably the other side of the world or some dumb shit like that


A monument saying "the journey was the treasure" and a couple skeletons.

Where were you when you realized Reg is the main character and this is actually a harem manga?

A little blond girl and a male bunny is not really a harem.

>So what exactly is in the bottom?
A kingdom of shotabots and flufflolis.
Its not that delvers cant leave the bottom layer, its that they dont want to.


A broken piece of ruler.

>a little blond girl, a bunny, the bunny's BFF, a sex starved moth and a gooey neet
Fuck, it's even closer to "monster musume"

God and a lake of piss

The Star Compass.

You know, if that were true and they follow the original story, all they have to do is go between his legs and they'll escape the Abyss.
>Guess we're staying here forever.

>Demon's Souls
Excellent taste


Silly user. There are no video games over there.


A portal to 1930s Germany

A machine in the process of breaking down, sealing behind a time-slowing lock to contain it while help can arrive.

The frenzied scientist manning the controls looks over and is thrilled to see Reg, who he sent to the surface to get help. Because of the time dilation, it took thousands of years for him to reach the surface. Only minutes for the scientist.

But now Reg has returned with someone to help him fix the machine and contain the catastrophy! Finally! Its a good thing Reg followed all of the instructions and brought the necessary materials, right? Reg was made to memorize the entire list before he went up, after all.

Excuse my salesfagging but what impact did the anime have on manga sales?

>So what exactly is in the bottom?
The One Piece.

I did not think of this

I first read that as "little blind girl", not even trying to meme

the origin of humankind.
looks like we were made in abyss all along

>tfw no MiA vidya made in breath of the wild engine

why even live


>Bethesda buys the rights instead
>stuck with the Skyrim engine
>get out of the Abyss by jumping up the sides

>inb4 its WWI yurope


the weird town wasnt the bottom?

the town is the bottom of the MAP, not the Abyss itself. Only because no people or balloons make it up from any further down.

They might only be halfway.

>Clip through wall using a fucking plate
>just fall to the bottom of Abyss
bravo Todd

The town is not even at the bottom. Would post the abyss map but is heavier that 4MB

They know that a 7th layer exists and they call it "the final maelstrom" it's also visible on the map, and apparently there is some sort of "mysterious ring" there.


Even more despair

what the fuck is that big ass circular thing above idofront, i never understood that

is it like another "layer" of water?

This is only the 6th level out of 8 know.

A dry sandy floor.

The One Piece


I thought it was just the vertical shaft of the abyss

ch46 fucking when?

I pretty sure no one actually knows since it was never described, to me it looks like some weird energy pillar that comes out of the altar.
Nah Idofront is much smaller than that, Tsukushi drew a sketch of the entire layer on one of his streams to describe it. You can see idofront near the side of the water.

Maa-san's Maa famuri.

>Get back out by filling it with cheese wheels.

The surface

The Queen of Gasoline beside her lake of crude oil.


Now many layers are in the Abyss again?

we wont find out
>inb4 their journey ends without discovering the bottom

This is actually what I'm betting on, but in a more intangiable form


Confirmed 7

A half eaten loaf of moldy bread and her mom's corpse.

Like, five or six, my dude.

We are only on the fifth layer so far.

depends on the success of the story

Hey Sup Forums, I found this thing stuck to my lamp. What do I do with it?

Get the Flammenwerfer.

open the window and let it fly out


The 10th.

6 days. The SIGN was already posted days ago.

of August

My window is the big enough, also my lamp is broken.

Nanachi will just turn the clone Mitty into value. No shotabot required.

That's next chapter

>Special property allows him to negate key mechanic in the series
>Big impact power that uses all his energy
>Goes berserk at one point when his friends are hurt
Oh god Reg is the MC of a battle harem.

It will be the Bain of all lolis.
Chris chan

Eternal dance off, if you stop not only do you insta die, but orth gets swallowed up.

Nah, Mom's corpse has got to come before the bottom.

So, what’s with Reg and what makes him so charming? Is his personality?

His penetrable belly and anus.

nice bait user

then put it in a large trashbag and take it outside

Bondrewd would be proud

what a time to be alive

I didn't know I wanted this

post Mittys

It's just an endless stairwell going down and down and down without any end.

The Earth's core. Megatron was always looking to harness the energy in the Earth's core, so he built Reg from an orphan he adopted to survey a way down.

Time to SUCC

Absolutely nothing. It's just stone cold floor and everyone who got there realized that it was all for nothing


Then they will realize meeting each other brought them irreplaceable joy and with a smile accept the cold embrace of death

But this is made in abyss, not girls last tour



Splendid story, boneman.

the bottom of the abyss is actually a small dimensional portal leading to Reg's bum
The entirety of the world exists past Reg's Sphincter

Who was in the wrong here?


if you could provide a translation of sorts then I could give you some insight

Obviously Maruruk otherwise Ozen wouldn’t be punish him

>Master, I made a song for you. Please, listen!

>Ozens, Ozens, Ozens everywheeeeere-
>what the fuck is that katakana

>A naked hanging for you.
>It hurts, it hurts!

thank you very much

he was asking for it


you are like little baby