Sup Forums made me think this was going to be some sad shit but you only meet the girl for one chapter and it's just...

Sup Forums made me think this was going to be some sad shit but you only meet the girl for one chapter and it's just minor plot in early volume.

that's why you watch 2003

The point is how fucked up it is, not how long you've known her. It's one of the early moments where Ed realizes that this shit is not going to be pretty.
>watching 03

forced feelings

03 is the superior anime until it deviates from the manga.

We already know it's "not going to be pretty" since Ed destroyed his brothers body and blew his own limbs off.

All this time I just thought there was some taking the knot reference.

Usagi knotted


she gets raped by that dog, doesnt she?

Fucking this, it's amazing how hardheaded people can be and end up missing the best parts, stuff like Nina and Hughes is very shallow in Brotherhood given the need to rush through previous content.

I'm reading manga, pic was just first result.

It's a turning point for Ed, and gets brought up later.

Yeah people freak out over this and hughes deaths but its puzzling to me, not to be edgy or anything but it was like 1 or 2 episodes that we got to know the dog and girl
It was fucked up what he did to them but not enough to leave a lasting impression
and Hughes was clearly putting death flags up constantly and didn't even have that many scenes, his whole character was based around baiting you into caring about his death. it was too obvious

Black Clover unironically made me feel more.


Its just funny to post about it because a little girl got turned into a dog monster. Nobody actually thinks its some tragic story that brings them to tears.

I want to make an anime where the MC with a fedora on his head dies, makes it to heaven through sheer anger and willpower after defeating all the hell minions, and then talks to God, calls him an unfair sadistic piece of shit, teleports behind him and slices God into a million pieces with his God-slaying katana. He then looks away, tips his hat and says "Nothing personnel, kid" all smugly as God's pieces explode in the background. The end, roll credits.

Dog girl is overblown but hits just enough cords with the casual crowd to get attention. Hughes death is a lot stronger though, there's an established sense of loss with both his family and friends that hits home, at least giving some depth to his death

How did he die if he was strong enough to kill god?

Not at all. 03, even latter half, has more character/emotion/atmosphere/thematic resonance. To the deviation, it's just a case of do you need your grandiose epics

Don't ask questions, just enjoy the anime, kid.

He was killed off too early.

Probably why it hurt more.

Try Naruto.

