How do we stop them from taking over anime?

How do we stop them from taking over anime?

easy, just pirate their good anime and ignore the bad anime

What about normies?

Unironically they are better than pic related

Fuck off cancerous newfag.

In the future please include the word "Netflix" in the title/post body so my filter picks it up. Thanks!

>muh safe space

Don't pay for their shitty service and torrent all their shows

anime was taken by western overlords long time ago already

You need to go back, newfag.

You make it sound like there are people who don't torrent their anime and instead pay for it on Sup Forums.

You cant, because after all its about making money,


I'm sure that there are quite a few anons that use their parents account or something like that

I unironically pay for CR, Funi, and Netflix.

Kill yourself.

wew lad
you need to go back normalfags

Kill yourself.


Seriously, get out.

How would you ironically pay for something

Slit your throat.

I ironically bought a fidget spinner once.


Why do you care?

It's just a way to make sure that people don't think you're baiting.

Did you spin it?

Yeah, /once ironically, once unironically.

>cry more
>using age old memes

Oh boy, the autism thread, wake up.

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