Why does Trigger mock Anno's greatest work like this? Do they want him to kill himself? Leave the poor man alone. Why would you take EVA, remove all depth and positive qualities, then replace with NTR and pathetic writing/animation? At least we can feel better for Rei after seeing her new rendition lose miserably 10x harder.
A poor EVA spin-off
Can you elaborate? What makes the DiTF so much inferior?
Franxx is kind of a brainless anime. It's like the polar opposite of Evangelion in terms of how it is narrated.
In Evangelion, information is deliberately concealed so that the viewers can have fun piecing together the puzzle. In Franxx, the main character will either explain what's happening out loud, have an inner monologue that explains it, or etc.
And in every single scene that's supposed to be emotional, sappy music is played for the entire time so you know how to feel.
It's just really amateur and "anime logic"-y.
The characters are also super shallow so far.
shit plot
shit mecha design
shit characters
shit animation
shit NTR
>remove all depth and positive qualities, then replace with NTR and pathetic writing/animation
if you replace that then in what way is DitF even comparable.
>remove all depth and positive qualities, then replace with NTR and pathetic writing/animation
The animation is fine.
no its not.
This is not really an explanation. You just added the word shit to everything.
It's not NTR. Why do people keep saying this?
Yeah, kind of like Eva where every character is one dimensional and has absolutely no change throughout the entirety of the show.
Anno's greatest work is a stroke of luck you fucking imbecile. Eva is a complete mess of conflict ideas thrown together in such a haphazard fashion out of depression and desperation that it creates something mesmerizingly fucked. The only aspect of interest in Eva is as a window to Anno's mind at the time. It has little value outside of that and doesn't really hold up on it's own without the context surrounding it.
There was a clear NTR episode, episode 3. The protagonist's woman got 'fucked' by another man. That's what NTR is.
Now it looks like there will be more NTR with Kokoro and the psychopath.
Haha, what a furiously angry child you are. Bawl some more for us.
I don't even read posts like this, I just drink in the aura of mental anguish put off by the author.
The Eva intellectual at it's finest. Doesn't even read or respond to criticism, just dismisses it out of hand for not agreeing with his Eva/Anno dick sucking circlejerk
Because 20 years ago the big fear was death by nuclear war or environmental collapse but now it's cultural death by lack of reproduction and an influx of immigrants looking to steal your power.
that"s what it is, and if you can't see that then you need to watch more anime to understand.
Bait? couldn't possibly be this dumb
The big fear is still nuclear war.
How much is KyoAni paying you guys to shit on DitF so people will watch their shitty show?
>every character is one dimensional and has absolutely no change throughout the entirety of the show
I don't see how someone could think this.
DitF is superior to VEG by a lot. In fact, it's probably the best show of the season.
But please never compare it to Evangelion, because otherwise you'll get this result. Almost everything is shit when you try to compare it to Eva.
>I don't see how someone could think this.
>why is this show unrelated to EVA mocking it
>it even changed most basic premises and character constellations
I get that/ why you dislike DitF and it's popularity but you should take some time thinking before posting
I don't see how someone could. Please show me any depth in Shinji or Asuka and I will agree with you. They are completely one dimensional characters. Every single one of their actions is part of Anno illustrating one single thing about them. They have no depth aside from that. Asuka has a desperate need for attention, aka daddy issues. Shinji desperately needs people to acknowledge that he is useful. Both of these characters, the two most important with the most focus, have no depth beyond one emotional problem thats hammered into your brain so much it hurts. But I'm sorry I insulted your Holy Anime, I will pray to Our God Anno for His forgiveness and mercy.
Eva is overrated and DitF is probably better than it, though I'll hold judgement until it finishes
>there are people dumb enough to believe Darling is about giant robots fighting monsters and not teenage pregnancy
How retarded can you be?
>literally in the OP
I stand corrected. Read & think before posting.
What's wrong with the animation?
Holy shit, this thread is full of cancerous braindead shitposters.
Pic related is your only salvation.
Nothing, but honey you need to lurk moar before posting, because you clearly dont know what bait is.
I like to think that it's a commentary on the rise of "grass-eating" beta males in Japan, but considering the show is directly pandering to them I'm not so sure anymore. At this point, you can tell what the Japanese look for in an intimate relationship is watching it play out from the sidelines and having nothing to do with it.
Why do you think idolfags, and more importantly, yurifags exist?
Because they WANT to get cucked, on an existential level, they CRAVE cuckoldry.
It's fucking disgusting and it's the main reason why I only watch anime grounded in wholesome and conservative values like Koi wa Amaegari and Violet Evergarden.
Shitposters are sperging out hard today
oh fuck that was a dense as fuck red pill
Anno embarrasses and mocks himself.
She didn't get fucked. There was no penetration.
Here's your (You)
this is absolutely great bait. 10/10
How much is kyoani paying you?
wow, so why is everyone saying NTR. baka I got my hopes up for nothing.
So you would be fine sitting in the corner watching as long as there's no penetration. Interesting. It's almost as if is not shitposting.
Some people at Kyoani are really mad
NGE was unenjoyable shit
Franxx is enjoyable shit
Asuka is an unfun fucking bitch
02 is a fun fucking bitch
Rei is literally nothing and suffering
Ichigo is a cute load of nothing and suffering
I'd say it's a massive improvement.
100% this
I love both.
I thought they both have to be in love for NTR to be a thing. Unrequited love is not NTR.
Sup Forums is now full of retards thinking that franxxshit is a good show.
>shit plot
>shit mecha design
>shit characters
>shit animation
>shit NTR
Oh I didn't realise you were talking about Eva. You make good points.
>comparing her to 02
>not the actual Asuka clone
but there is reasoning behind the characters goals and their decision making. Yes they have faults in their characters, which is described by their history. Everyone has faults in them though, which only goes to make each character more human and relatable.
That's what Darling in the Franxx is.
>This is not really an explanation. You just added the word shit to everything.
But thats what A-1 told Trigger
We're 8 episodes into Franxx. How do you know we won't see more of their faults later? No one so far is perfect in DiTF either. They all look like they have their own problems.
>Some people at Kyoani are really mad
Well considering Evergardenshit is a pile of poo they have nothing else to do except troll other shows. Especially successful ones.
didnt you know? actually watching the show is a meme.
True true, but I never said we weren't going to learn more about the characters, which hopefully we do.
I don't deify Anno. I think it's just natural that people who are struggling in life usually produce the best art or better art than what they someone who's just trying to make money.
You call Auska and Shinji 1 dimensional, but one dimensional would imply that they're in and out of the story and could be replaced by any other character with different traits and it wouldn't make any difference.
>Shinji desperately needs people to acknowledge that he is useful
Yes, but there's more to his character than that. Shinji's age, his relationship with his father, the fact that he isn't smart, brave, nor confident all play into how he acts and behaves in the show. He is at an age where he should be becoming confident with social interactions(the latent stage), yet because he fears reject which was caused by his father dumping him on his teacher. He can't connect with others, therefore, he tries to fill this social void by drawing in others by being useful as a pilot. This means, when his piloting leads to the injury of Toji, one of the only characters that is friends with, he decides to leave. Having a primary motivation doesn't make a character one dimensional. How that motivation plays into what they do and how they act does. You couldn't change any part of shinji's character and have it be the same. That's why the rebuild and manga versions of Eva aren't the same, because the characters are different, therefore, the story of eva is different.
In terms of no character development, It's more of a downward spiral. Shinji gets small pieces of recognition for his usefulness from the people at NERV and then eventual is forced to choose between them ( and himself) and Kaworu. The shinji at the start of the show would not have killed Kaworu as the shinji at the end of the show did.
I could go into detail about auska but i dont feel like it
>You call Auska and Shinji 1 dimensional
It's literally modern Sup Forums argument tactics: just say something completely insane, literally as opposite from the truth as you can possibly imagine, so you get lots of replies
Eva has the most complex characters in anime by a landslide, so the guaranteed-replies tactic is to call them one dimensional.
I'm unsure if I like or hate Miku.
She's pretty cute, I like her.
>Eva has the most complex characters in anime by a landslide, so the guaranteed-replies tactic is to call them one dimensional.
If you don't want much anime.
Anno mocks his own work.
why is the hair of all the franxx characters drawn like shit?
>Eva has the most complex characters in anime by a landslide, so the guaranteed-replies tactic is to call them one dimensional.
If you don't watch much anime, like a pleb.
Yes, that's true, if you call Eva characters one dimensional you instantly out yourself as not having watched much anime.
Kill yourself, newfaggot.
>mocks Anno's greatest work like this
>uses a picture of the Rebuilds
But they aren't mocking Gunbuster
I wasn't even the guy you responded too.
Believe it or not, pleb is a word in the English language, which you are.
I've never watched this show, but people who like NTR ought to be turned into tang and poured down the drain
Isn't Ditf EVA 4.0? I thought it was. strange. what happened to that movie.
This isn't a mecha anime, it's an anime about puberty, disguised as mecha anime, with some social commentary about japan's youth tossed in for fun.
The NTR scene was handled quite well. 02 cucked her darling not because she wanted to, but out of necessity, She made a point that actually got through to him. Instead of being a beta faggot and crying in the corner over it, he rushed to get her back. Meanwhile, one of Darlings bullies walked away with a shattered pride and broken dick.
>02 cucked her darling not because she wanted to, but out of necessity
another show to add to my 'don't bother' list
Where have you been, user? That shit was posted incessantly for a week.
aren't you forgetting something?
I want Anno to kill himself.
Eva had some NTR, so what's the difference?
Zero Two is better than Asuka.
Mommy issues girl don't have any qualities, she's just an annoying piece of shit who deserved to die in the end.
It had none unless you count the angels 'raping' rei and asuka
All mecha anime is about something else disguised as a mecha anime you pleb
Asuka #1 preference was Kaji, Rei had a crush on Gendo and Misato was fuck buddies with Kaji. Its not like the girls are waifu material.
You have an IQ lower than 90. Probably, this is why you like Franxx.
I've only watched up to episode 3 before its plot bored me, so try again.
>Every scene with zero two
>breaks some social norm
>smiles and backflips away saying something dark/ambiguous
You forgot that she's going DARLING DARLING DARLING DARLING DARLING as she's backflipping
I like franxx but after going back and watching 10 or so minutes of partsAsuka Strikes from the bluray, it's no comparison.
The comparison for characters doesn't work either.
Bahahaah oh wow.
when will fagxx learn? can they learn? how much brain can they fit in 4 foot?
Even your discord threads that try and shit on it turn into actual discussion. There's 3 or 4 active threads up right now. More if you count your circlejerk ones.
>shit characters
It's been tweeted by Kim Kardashian to her million followers.
So you're tsuntsun for her
Now her millions of fans from club skanks to soccer moms know about Darling in the Frankxx
What does this mean for the future of anime
She has 100 million followers.
It's possible she doesn't care about anime at all
and is just copying other celebs like William Shatner,Micheal B Jordon etc
to be part of this trendy wave
>NGE was unenjoyable shit
maybe because the self insert MC wasnt op as shit?
>Franxx is enjoyable shit
not really, i mean just a shit ton of fan service with spoon fed plot points.
>Asuka is an unfun fucking bitch
theres a reason why she's this way
>002 is a fun fucking bitch
agreed, 002 was the only good thing to come out of this show
>rei is literally nothing and suffering
thats... her entire character.
>ichigo is a cute load of nothing and suffering
she was put in to play to the sibling incest fags
>id say its a massive improvement
did you just criticize eva on Sup Forums? REEEEEEEE