Why is the big muscular guy always a Jobber?


How is Jiren a jobber?

Fact: big muscular guys always have a small dick.

By having a total of 5 punches hurt him.

Most DB fighters are big muscular guys so it follows that most jobbers will be big muscular guys

which required the MC to asspull another powerup. Jiren has rofflestomped this entire tournament. Only Goku being a special snowflake manages to hurt him.

Meh. He's not in his 100% yet, I hate that shit though because you can see it coming a mile away, it'd be fun he if wouldn't be prepared or his b card becomes completely useless given the new situation presented so he resorts to a new strategy, as when Vegeta went Ōzaru and crushed Goku's body after realizing he wasn't good enough in his current form.

Hell, I don't even care if he just played dirty instead, like breaking Goku's arm so at least he'd cope with the difference in power, but this is a dick measuring contest and it will be who's keeping his boner harder the longest.

>His Universe is about to get Erased
>Still uses his 1%

Babbies first subversion of expectations. He looks big and strong but he's actually weaker than the guy half his size. What an amazing twist that's never been done before.

>literally infinity times stronger than 99% of the fighters in at least 8 universes

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Jiren was stomping everyone for the entire arc and Goku's only this strong by activating some bullshit god energy mode where he just looks at people to beat the shit out of them


Jiren was not even UI and beating incomplete UI, next episode he will beat Goku but still lose because of Freeza's diversion

Sup Forums has completely forgotten what the word jobber actually means.

Technically almost every character in a fictional battle story is a jobber by design.

Jesus fucking christ user, losing does not equal jobbing you tard
Can't wait for Super to die just so a good chunk of these low IQ third worlders can fuck off

Holy shit that's bad

We've never seen Goku having an easy run to the finish line when things are at stake, and seeing no transformation from Jiren is a hint, he's definitely not at 1% but not 100% either, I'd say he can get to his 70% on his current form, but something is gonna push him to the edge and perhaps Jiren will barely outmatch Goku in his maxium potential, here's where writing actually can make a turnaround and save Goku's ass and why not put Frieza as an important factor of Universe 7 not being wiped out.

A small chunk you mean. Soros pays legions of them to shill and be pretend KKK on Sup Forums and then they willfully filter to the rest of the site for entertainment.

Every character designed to eventually lose at some point is a jobber to some degree in the most literal sense.

>Unsheathes ATATATATA
>Teleports behind you